الثلاثاء، 19 يناير 2016

Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?

Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?

There's Snow Stopping This Excited Bulldog

Posted: 19 Jan 2016 12:00 PM PST

Submitted by: (via Neil Brown)

Tagged: dogs , snow , bulldog , winter , Video

It Wasn't In This Drawer Either

Posted: 19 Jan 2016 11:00 AM PST

These Pups Don't Care About an Adventourus BB-8 Droid

Posted: 19 Jan 2016 10:00 AM PST

Submitted by: (via DogVideos)

Tagged: dogs , star wars , parody , Video

Kitty DJ Spinning All The Hits

Posted: 19 Jan 2016 09:00 AM PST

Submitted by: anselmbe

If You're Happy and You Know It Clap Your Paws

Posted: 19 Jan 2016 08:00 AM PST

Submitted by: (via Liam Burke)

Tagged: paws , dogs , happy , Video , animals

It's Gonna Be a No-Go

Posted: 19 Jan 2016 07:00 AM PST

Belly Scratches

Posted: 19 Jan 2016 06:00 AM PST


Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: gifs , seals , critters

Clueless in Seattle

Posted: 19 Jan 2016 05:00 AM PST

Heart (and) Warming

Posted: 19 Jan 2016 04:00 AM PST

Velocity Alert: This gigantic Nutella fried ice cream ball will have you salivating for days

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How does Mashable know what's going viral?
Mashable built a system called Velocity, which scours the social web, collecting lots and lots of data around how people are engaging with published articles. It then pulls all of that data back to Mashable, dumps it into our own predictive engine, and predicts which articles are about to go viral.

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Aaron Hockley

Aaron Hockley

Key Urinal

Posted: 19 Jan 2016 08:22 AM PST

Key Urinal
Heathen Brewing Feral Public House

The post Key Urinal appeared first on Aaron B. Hockley.

Growing Your List: Send Something Worth Reading

Growing Your List: Send Something Worth Reading

You have an excited, interested new subscriber who has completed the full customized subscription process, and just a few hours or days later, they receive the first post from you and are filled with a great sense of underwhelm. They skim the article, scroll to the bottom and click unsubscribe.

Not the scenario we're all hoping for, right? This can easily happen to a publisher who doesn't pay much attention to how their content is being delivered. In today's post we are going to introduce the EZ Template Editor available to FeedBlitz publishers and point out a few, simple ways you can maximize its offerings to create aesthetically appealing, clean and reader-friendly emails for your subscribers.

Why should I care about my email template?

Looks aren't everything, but when you're talking about online marketing (emails included) and you only have an estimated 8 seconds to capture someone's attention, looks matter a lot more than you'd think. It's true your subscribers follow you because they're interested in the content, however the delivery of that content holds a near equal value.

Before we get started, pull up your current email template and ask yourself these questions:

  • Is it aesthetically appealing?
  • Does it look like it came from my website?
  • If you're sending multiple posts, are you sending the full posts or short summaries?
  • IS IT MOBILE RESPONSIVE? *Bolded and capitalized to hit the importance of that one detail, of course.
  • Can I easily pinpoint the focus of my email?
  • Does it give clear options for forwarding to friends, unsubscribing, reading past issues, and more?
  • Are my social links highlighted?
  • And possibly the most important question: Is there room for improvement here?

If your answer is NO to any of the above questions, keep reader. If your answers are all YES to the above, keep reading still as there's always something new you could learn.

How do I get started editing my template?

This is a very common question our support team gets on a regular basis, and so we created the below video from our FeedBlitz Support YouTube channel which walks you through the steps of setting up a new design with our EZ Template Editor.


Having trouble viewing this video? Click here.

Interested in checking out more great videos from our Support team? Head over to our YouTube channel  for tutorials and introductions to help maximize your FeedBlitz publishing experience!

While this video walks you through only the beginning stages of creating and editing your email template, you can see it leaves room for heightened customization to your liking. Sharing as much or as little information as you'd like, color matching to your website's branding, incorporating your social accounts for added visual bonus, and adjusting your content layout to your liking are all features you have control over in your template.

Feature Highlight: All email templates created with our EZ Template Editor are fully responsive! Considering 53% of email is opened and read on a mobile device [source link: https://litmus.com/blog/53-of-emails-opened-on-mobile-outlook-opens-decrease-33], this is one less thing for you to worry about.

You can always preview your template or access prior drafts when working in the template editor. Once you have a near finished  product, we suggest checking your template through the orange Troubleshoot button on your Mailing List dashboard. Here you can select either a Preview which will open in a new browser window, or send a Test Email which gives a stronger idea of what your subscribers will be receiving.

Pro Tip: Check your email template on multiple browsers (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) and multiple devices (computer, phone, tablet), as well as multiple email clients (Gmail, AOL, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.) if possible. This will let you see how a variety of clients and browsers register your email and will assist you in double checking margins, image widths, post truncation, gauge responsiveness and much more.

For those of you who are satisfied with their EZ Template design and are looking to take things a step further, we offer the Advanced Template Editor (ATE). Working in the ATE does require basic coding knowledge, but it offers the opportunity to incorporate custom fields, forms and multiple RSS channels in one email. To learn more about the ATE editor, please contact our Support Team for further assistance.

Coming up next week on the FeedBlitz blog, we'll be adding in a few bonus tips and tricks from our Support Team. You have the basics in place and now it's time to fine tune the process to position you for growth now and for the rest of the year.

Love the EZ Template Editor but find yourself questioning how you can improve your template? Contact our Support Team support@feedblitz.com for a basic template review and we'll send you a few ideas to enhance your template design!

If you have any questions on any of our FeedBlitz features, send us an email at support@feedblitz.com, check out our Help Forum, chat with us online or give us a call at 1.877.692.5498.  Our Support and Sales Desk is available Monday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm EST.


Easy enough for a blogger to set up in seconds, powerful enough for sophisticated corporate email campaigns, FeedBlitz is an RSS, Email and Social Automation Tool to take your email marketing to the next level. Visit us online to learn more or start your 30 Day Free Trial!

Email subscriptions powered by FeedBlitz, LLC, 365 Boston Post Rd, Suite 123, Sudbury, MA 01776, USA.