الخميس، 26 مايو 2016

Velocity Alert: China unveils elevated bus to tackle traffic jams

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China unveils elevated bus to tackle traffic jams

As the world's most populous country, China's traffic jams are legendary.

How does Mashable know what's going viral?
Mashable built a system called Velocity, which scours the social web, collecting lots and lots of data around how people are engaging with published articles. It then pulls all of that data back to Mashable, dumps it into our own predictive engine, and predicts which articles are about to go viral.

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Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?

Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?

Loyal Dog Protects Owner From a Vicious Cat Attack

Posted: 26 May 2016 12:00 PM PDT

Submitted by: (via Botek)

Tagged: dogs , gifs , attack , Cats , funny

Watch a Capuchin Monkey Wash the Dishes

Posted: 26 May 2016 10:00 AM PDT

Submitted by: (via Rumble Viral)

Tagged: monkey , dishes , Video , washing

Someone Threw Away a Perfectly Good Cat

Posted: 26 May 2016 08:00 AM PDT

someone threw away a perfectly good cat

Submitted by: (via I_Love_McRibs)

Tagged: trash , Cats , funny

A Very Happy Wolf Dog Enjoys Some Belly Rubs

Posted: 26 May 2016 07:00 AM PDT

Submitted by: (via Sarah and the Wolves)

Tagged: dogs , belly rubs , Video , wolf

Cuddle Kittens

Posted: 26 May 2016 06:00 AM PDT

cuddle kittens

Submitted by: (via Sephyrklaas)

Tagged: cuddling , Cats , sleeping

Not a Lot of Shoplifters Have the Confidence of This Seagull

Posted: 26 May 2016 05:00 AM PDT

Jail? No thanks.

Submitted by: (via Kyoot Animals)

Tagged: stealing , classic , seagull , Video , thief

Life Can Be a Real Bitch Sometimes

Posted: 26 May 2016 04:00 AM PDT

life can be a real bitch sometimes

Submitted by: (via edmeisterr)

Tagged: Sad , dogs , Memes , chihuahua

This Silly Kitten is Obsessed With iPad Games Just Like a Real Kid

Posted: 26 May 2016 02:00 AM PDT

Submitted by: (via Rumble Viral)

Tagged: game , ipad , kitten , Video

This Gerbil's Reaction to Being Betrayed is Why You Shouldn't Tease Your Pets

Posted: 24 May 2016 12:00 PM PDT

Submitted by: (via Funny Zone)

Tagged: treats , gerbil , Video , betrayal , hamster

Father took teenage daughter out of state to marry her rapist and 10 More

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Father took teenage daughter out of state to marry her rapist

Going by his logic that "if you get them pregnant then you marry them," a father in Idaho reportedly took his teenage daughter to Missouri last year to marry her recently convicted rapist.

Here's the truth about Justin Bieber throwing a fan's gift in her face

What does Robin Williams have to do with this?

Can Xiaomi dominate the drone market?

Xiaomi's Mi Drone is smart, sexy and unobtainium.

20,000 bees chase grandma in her car for two straight days

They really missed their queen, okay?

Google may 'shame' carriers and manufacturers into updating Android faster

Google may be taking a new tactic in persuading phone manufacturers and carriers to push out Android updates faster.

The Weeknd, Belly pull out of Kimmel performance over Trump

"I just didn't want to feel like I was a part of a celebration for somebody who has beliefs that majority of us don't agree with."

Meet Peter Thiel, the Gawker-hating, Trump-supporting billionaire Facebook board member

Peter Thiel is a man of contradictions and extreme views. At heart, however, he is someone who does not want to be told what he can and can't do.

If Sansa Stark is pregnant I swear to god I'm going to flip out you guys

A 'Game of Thrones' fan has some evidence that could imply Sansa is pregnant with Ramsay's child.

Someone put glasses on the floor of a museum and people thought it was art

A prank rife with philosophical questions.

Vietnamese rapper delivers powerful freestyle on money and stereotypes for Obama

Suboi just happens to be Vietnam's "Queen of hip-hop."

The cloud-based Nextbit Robin could be the next big smartphone in India

Nextbit Robin launches in India with an aggressive price.