الخميس، 29 سبتمبر 2011

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Solo-E "Behind The Scenes" Video on Coregistration
7 min
An overview of what coregistration is, how it works, and the benefits that the Solo-E Coregistration program offers you, the Solo ...

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Re: NBR The Color Run

Just grab your brightroom photos and add your own glitter and unicorns.  :)

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Re: Emotional working memory training

I also find the RPM scores a little troubling tbh.. The control's IQ
has supposedly not been affected, yet falls 2 points. This means that
if they had gotten the opposite results of pre- and post-assessments
they would have shown greater gains in IQ than the n-back group. RPM
is obviously too blunt of an instrument to call such differences
"significant," lending doubt to the conclusion of IQ gains.

I am by no means an expert on this, but I am also a bit sceptical
about the WM gains. There is alot of chunking going on in DnB, at
least if subvocalize like I do. Might this not just mean that they
improved their chunking skill and therefore their digit span results?

On 29 Sep, 19:27, Gwern Branwen <gwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 10:23 PM, Justin Shovelain
> <jshovelains...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Abstract:
> > So-called 'brain-training' programs are a huge commercial success.
> > However, empirical evidence regarding their effectiveness and
> > generalizability remains equivocal. This study investigated whether
> > brain-training (working memory [WM] training) improves cognitive
> > functions beyond the training task (transfer effects), especially
> > regarding the control of emotional material since it constitutes much
> > of the information we process daily. Forty-five participants received
> > WM training using either emotional or neutral material, or an
> > undemanding control task. WM training, regardless of training
> > material, led to transfer gains on another WM task and in fluid
> > intelligence. However, only brain-training with emotional material
> > yielded transferable gains to improved control over affective
> > information on an emotional Stroop task. The data support the reality
> > of transferable benefits of demanding WM training and suggest that
> > transferable gains across to affective contexts require training with
> > material congruent to those contexts. These findings constitute
> > preliminary evidence that intensive cognitively demanding brain-
> > training can improve not only our abstract problem-solving capacity,
> > but also ameliorate cognitive control processes (e.g. decision-making)
> > in our daily emotive environments.
> > Source:
> >http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.00...
> Very cool. The emotional thing is nifty, of course, but the real value
> for me is the IQ stuff.
> The emotional aspect seems to be just replacing the 'neutral' existing
> stimuli like colors or letters or piano keys with more loaded ones:
> > The figure depicts a block of the emotional version of the dual n-back task (training task) where n = 1. The top row shows the sequence across trials (A, B, C, D, etc.) of visually presented stimuli in a 4×4 grid (the visual stimuli were presented on a standard 1280×1024 pixel computer display). A picture of a face appeared in one of the 16 possible grid positions on each trial. Simultaneously, with the presentation of these visual stimuli on the computer display, participants heard words over headphones (second row in the figure). Participants were required to indicate, by button press, whether the trial was a 'target trial' or not. Targets could be visual or auditory. In the example here, Trial C is a visual target. That is, the face in Trial C is presented in the same location as the face in Trial B (i.e., n = 1 positions back). Note, the faces are of different actors. For visual stimuli participants were asked to ignore the content of the image and solely attend to the location in which the images were presented. In the current example, Trial D was an auditory target trial because 'Evil' is the same word as the word presented in Trial C - n positions back (where n = 1). Each block consisted of 20+n trials.
> (If you look at Figure 1, example stimuli words are dead, hate, evil,
> rape, slum, and a picture of a very angry male face.)
> The difference doesn't seem to change progress on n-back in either
> group, which is good since if there were differences, that would be
> troubling eg. if the affective n-back group didn't increase as many
> levels, that would make any following results more dubious:
> > Performance of the two n-back groups pre- to post- training did not differ significantly on either the neutral F(1, 27) = 1.02, P>0.05 or affective F (1, 27)<1 n-back tasks. Similarly, the control group showed a significantly greater pre- to post-training improvement on the feature match task they trained on, compared with the n-back groups F(1, 42) = 41.09, P<0.001, ηp2 = 0.67.
> And as expected, both DNB groups increased WM:
> > As predicted, participants in the training group showed a significant improvement on digit span F(1, 28) = 33.96, P<0.001, ηp2 = 0.55. However, this was not true of controls F(1, 15) = 1.89, P = 0.19, ηp2 = 0.11, and the gain was significantly greater in the training group participants compared to controls F(1,43) = 5.92, P = 0.02, ηp2 = 0.12.
> The RPM scores are... a little troubling. The DNB groups gain ~1 point
> (question), and the control group falls ~2 points after starting off
> ~2 points higher. In other words, if the control group had not fallen
> so much, the DNB groups would at no point have scored higher! They
> don't seem to think it's a problem, but even if the result stands,
> it's certainly not impressive:
> > Replicating their results, we found a significant gain in Gf scores in the training group over and above gains on the digit span task F(1, 26) = 3.00, P = 0.05, ηp2 = 0.10. In contrast, the control group showed a non-significant decrease in Gf, F<1, and the critical group by time interaction was significant, F(1, 40) = 7.47, P = 0.01, ηp2 = 0.16. As can be seen in Figure 3, there was a trend toward a significant group difference in Gf (RPM scores) at pre-training, p≤0.10. This raises the possibility that the relative gains in Gf in the training versus control groups may be to some extent an artefact of baseline differences. However, the interactive effect of transfer as a function of group remained significant even after more closely matching the training and control groups for pre-training RPM scores (by removing the highest scoring controls) F(1, 30) = 3.66, P = 0.032, ηp2 = 0.10. The adjusted means (standard deviations) for the control and training groups were now 27.20 (1.93), 26.63 (2.60) at pre-training (t(43) = 1.29, P>0.05) and 26.50 (4.50), 27.07 (2.16) at post-training, respectively. Moreover, there was a trend for the gain in Gf to be positively correlated with improvements in n-back performance across training r(29) = 0.36 at P = 0.057, suggesting that such gains were indeed a function of training....Although the Gf transferable gains we found appear to be somewhat related to training gains and the effects remain when we trim the groups to provide a better match for pre-training Gf, it is important to note that some degree of regression to the mean may be influencing the results.
> FWIW, they don't mention administering the RPM in any speeded fashion:
> > We assessed Gf with the Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPM; [35]) – a standard measure in the literature. Each RPM item presented participants with a matrix of visual patterns with one pattern missing. The participant chose how the matrix should be completed by selecting a pattern from a series of alternatives. We used parallel versions of the RPM (even and uneven numbered pages), which we counterbalanced across participants and pre- and post-training. The RPM is scored on a scale from 0–30, with each correct matrix earning participants one point.
> --
> gwernhttp://www.gwern.net

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Google Alert - c

Video1 new result for c
Comic-Con: The Flaming C Preview
1 min
Watch the trailer to The Flaming C, an all-new, sure-to-be-blockbuster animated "motion picture" starring Conan O'Brien's superhero ...

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New Article from Aaron Hockley

New Article from Aaron Hockley

Salvaging Shitty Light at the Crooked River Bridge

Posted: 29 Sep 2011 08:00 AM PDT

A few weeks ago I was invited to speak about photography at a real estate conference in Central Oregon. My return trip from Bend brought me to the Crooked River bridges including the railroad bridge which sits about 320 feet above the water below. Given the opportunity to photograph an interesting structure, I pulled into the rest area adjacent to the highway and river.

The Problem: Midday Light

Photographers know that midday light is bad. There’s a reason that photographers get up early and stay up late… that’s when the best light occurs naturally. The high sun angle in the middle of the day results in blown highlights and harsh shadows. Given that I arrived at the bridge around 12:30pm with bright sun and an air temperature around 95 degrees, things couldn’t have been much worse. I present to you a program-mode image:


Making Something Out of Nothing

I knew in the field that a “regular” photo wouldn’t cut it if I wanted anything presentable from this little stop. While there, I decided I’d see what I could do in the digital darkroom to create something that wouldn’t be purely a photograph but rather a bit of digital art based on a photograph. I made several images in the field; a few days ago I spent about 45 minutes creating the following image. Is it a photograph? Is it digital art? Does it matter what we call it?

A digital art interpretation of the Crooked River Gorge based on a photograph captured in harsh midday sun.

How’d I do? (Yeah, I know the image is missing a train…)


Can someone please tell me if a form image comes up at a right angle
or mirror image of itself, is that a match, or must it be in the same

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Google Alert - a

Video4 new results for a
The Vampire Diaries - The End of the Affair Clip
2 min
Damon and Elena continue their search for Stefan in Chicago. Catch The Vampire Diaries Thursday at 8/7c on The CW! ... VAM304 ...
New Michael Jackson recording
2 min
A recording of Michael Jackson has been played by the prosecution at the Conrad Murray trial. Like us on Facebook at www ...
Maher Zain - For The Rest Of My Life | Official Music Video
5 min
love was wrong But everything was changed when you came along, oh And there's a couple of words I want to say Chorus: For ...
Dark Souls: Bosses Destroy Trailer
1 min
action game, Dark Souls, the successor to Demon's Souls. IGN's YouTube is just a taste of our content! Check out our other ...

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Google Alert - b

Video1 new result for b
DOMO 8bit D'n'B PARTY!
3 min

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Google Alert - e

Video1 new result for e
Catholic Charities of E. Va
5 min
Catholic Charities of E. Va | thehamptonroadsshow.com | Sept. 29, 2011

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Re: A night in the lighthouse (Isochronic delta pulses from 8 to 1.05)

Nice, I am working on a new release ;)

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 7:13 PM, danio <danieof@gmail.com> wrote:
Well, I've tried it... twice. First during the day. It was pretty good
feeling and afterwards for a while I had a  different perception of my
body and surroundings. Like more details caught my attention.
Second time when I went to sleep. I've felt really relaxed and by the
end I was loosing my conciousness. Generally speaking, it works really
good and gets you relaxed. (I don't have a sleep tracker, though.)

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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/brain-training?hl=en.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dual N-Back, Brain Training & Intelligence" group.
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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/brain-training?hl=en.

[bikeanchorage] Midtown commuters - Bike Snack Station this Friday

For those midtown commuters - BCA is excited to see that Green Star and Anchorage's Health and Human Services' Bike to Work team will be at it again. While BCA's Bike Fridays Coffee and Treats concluded in August, Green Star couldn't keep themselves from getting out there and encouraging us all to go by bike. Tomorrow morning they will be out at Tudor and C street keeping bike commuters going. Thanks Green Star and Anchorage Bike to Work! 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Green Star <jeanne@greenstarinc.org>
Date: Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 7:22 AM
Subject: Green Star Reminder: Bike Snack Station this Friday
To: blitmans@gmail.com

GS name 
Green Star Reminder                                                    September 29, 2011  

 Bike Snack Station
Friday, September 30, 6:30 - 9am

Green Star and Anne Schlapia (Bike To Work Day) will host a Snack Station for bike commuters THIS Friday, September 30, at the corner of C Street and Tudor (NE corner of Tudor and C Street in front of the big red fish) from 6:30 - 9:00am. We will have juices, snacks and bike maps to share, and lots of safety equipment on display -- especially reflective items and safety lights.




Green Star

Good for Business -- Good for the Community -- Good for the EnvironmentGS buildings 

About Green Star

Green Star® is a non-profit organization, based in Anchorage, Alaska, that encourages businesses to practice waste reduction, energy conservation and pollution prevention through education, technical assistance, and an award-winning voluntary "green business" certification program.
Green Star Staff
Kim Kovol, Executive Director
Josh Sherwood, Technical Assistance Coordinator
Christina Grande, Community Outreach & Communications Coordinator
Jeanne Carlson, Web Master
This email was sent to blitmans@gmail.com by jeanne@greenstarinc.org |  
Green Star | 333 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 310 | Anchorage | AK | 99501

Check out local company and BCA sponsor Bike Bags For Living for all your bike bag needs. See http://www.BikeBagsforLiving.com for details.
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Re: NBR The Color Run

But where's the unicorns? :(

On 9/29/11, Brian Cicero <bcicero2@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Runners,
> http://thecolorrun.com/locations/
> I don't know about the rest of you, but whenever I'm on a run I always
> think to myself "wouldn't this be better if someone was throwing
> glitter and rainbow powder all over me right now." Well, if you're
> like me, your dreams have just come true. Our savior: The Color Run.
> Its a 5K run done in different cities where you get blown with colored
> powder at every kilometer. I don't think I need to explain much more
> than that for you all to realize how awesome this race it. But if you
> need more convincing visit the website for pictures.
> As of right now the cities for 2012 are a bit far away, but it looks
> like registration is going to open for Washington DC and Boston for
> September 2012. So you have plenty of time to plan and save up. I
> definitely plan on doing this and wanted to put the feelers out to see
> if any other NBR members are down. We have plenty of time but if you
> are interested email me with what city you are thinking about and we
> can get the ball rolling.
> Later!
> Brian
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "North Brooklyn Runners" group.
> To post to this group, send email to northbrooklynrunners@googlegroups.com
> Replies go to the ENTIRE group. Sometimes its best to reply to the author
> only.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> northbrooklynrunners+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/northbrooklynrunners?hl=en
> Do NOT use the Google Group to attempt to sell or buy race bibs or you will
> lose all Google Group privileges.

Sent from my mobile device

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "North Brooklyn Runners" group.

To post to this group, send email to northbrooklynrunners@googlegroups.com
Replies go to the ENTIRE group. Sometimes its best to reply to the author only.

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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/northbrooklynrunners?hl=en

Do NOT use the Google Group to attempt to sell or buy race bibs or you will lose all Google Group privileges.

Re: NBR Re: The Color Run

this sounds really fun, and of course, i love glitter and colour. but i don't think i could rationalize traveling that far...why don't we create our own???


August 31st - Burning Man 50k - Run an ultra in the craziest, most fun place on the planet (tutu optional, but the winners did wear them while racing last year...)

From: Shalena Broadnax <sbroadnax@gmail.com>
To: North Brooklyn Runners <northbrooklynrunners@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: NBR Re: The Color Run

I am new to the listserv, and I have yet to attend any runs due to work/school
schedule conflicts. But, this race sounds amazing and I am down for Boston.

Hope to meet all of you soon in the very near future.


On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Todd Zino <tozino@gmail.com> wrote:
Are you kidding? This race was invented with me in mind. Mark it
"yes", dude.

On Sep 29, 12:21 pm, Brian Cicero <bcice...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Runners,
> http://thecolorrun.com/locations/
> I don't know about the rest of you, but whenever I'm on a run I always
> think to myself "wouldn't this be better if someone was throwing
> glitter and rainbow powder all over me right now."  Well, if you're
> like me, your dreams have just come true. Our savior: The Color Run.
> Its a 5K run done in different cities where you get blown with colored
> powder at every kilometer.  I don't think I need to explain much more
> than that for you all to realize how awesome this race it.  But if you
> need more convincing visit the website for pictures.
> As of right now the cities for 2012 are a bit far away, but it looks
> like registration is going to open for Washington DC and Boston for
> September 2012.  So you have plenty of time to plan and save up.  I
> definitely plan on doing this and wanted to put the feelers out to see
> if any other NBR members are down.  We have plenty of time but if you
> are interested email me with what city you are thinking about and we
> can get the ball rolling.
> Later!
> Brian

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "North Brooklyn Runners" group.

To post to this group, send email to northbrooklynrunners@googlegroups.com
Replies go to the ENTIRE group.  Sometimes its best to reply to the author only.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to northbrooklynrunners+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/northbrooklynrunners?hl=en

Do NOT use the Google Group to attempt to sell or buy race bibs or you will lose all Google Group privileges.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "North Brooklyn Runners" group.
To post to this group, send email to northbrooklynrunners@googlegroups.com
Replies go to the ENTIRE group. Sometimes its best to reply to the author only.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to northbrooklynrunners+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/northbrooklynrunners?hl=en
Do NOT use the Google Group to attempt to sell or buy race bibs or you will lose all Google Group privileges.

Re: Emotional working memory training

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 10:23 PM, Justin Shovelain
<jshovelainsiai@gmail.com> wrote:
> Abstract:
> So-called 'brain-training' programs are a huge commercial success.
> However, empirical evidence regarding their effectiveness and
> generalizability remains equivocal. This study investigated whether
> brain-training (working memory [WM] training) improves cognitive
> functions beyond the training task (transfer effects), especially
> regarding the control of emotional material since it constitutes much
> of the information we process daily. Forty-five participants received
> WM training using either emotional or neutral material, or an
> undemanding control task. WM training, regardless of training
> material, led to transfer gains on another WM task and in fluid
> intelligence. However, only brain-training with emotional material
> yielded transferable gains to improved control over affective
> information on an emotional Stroop task. The data support the reality
> of transferable benefits of demanding WM training and suggest that
> transferable gains across to affective contexts require training with
> material congruent to those contexts. These findings constitute
> preliminary evidence that intensive cognitively demanding brain-
> training can improve not only our abstract problem-solving capacity,
> but also ameliorate cognitive control processes (e.g. decision-making)
> in our daily emotive environments.
> Source:
> http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0024372

Very cool. The emotional thing is nifty, of course, but the real value
for me is the IQ stuff.

The emotional aspect seems to be just replacing the 'neutral' existing
stimuli like colors or letters or piano keys with more loaded ones:

> The figure depicts a block of the emotional version of the dual n-back task (training task) where n = 1. The top row shows the sequence across trials (A, B, C, D, etc.) of visually presented stimuli in a 4×4 grid (the visual stimuli were presented on a standard 1280×1024 pixel computer display). A picture of a face appeared in one of the 16 possible grid positions on each trial. Simultaneously, with the presentation of these visual stimuli on the computer display, participants heard words over headphones (second row in the figure). Participants were required to indicate, by button press, whether the trial was a 'target trial' or not. Targets could be visual or auditory. In the example here, Trial C is a visual target. That is, the face in Trial C is presented in the same location as the face in Trial B (i.e., n = 1 positions back). Note, the faces are of different actors. For visual stimuli participants were asked to ignore the content of the image and solely attend to the location in which the images were presented. In the current example, Trial D was an auditory target trial because 'Evil' is the same word as the word presented in Trial C - n positions back (where n = 1). Each block consisted of 20+n trials.

(If you look at Figure 1, example stimuli words are dead, hate, evil,
rape, slum, and a picture of a very angry male face.)

The difference doesn't seem to change progress on n-back in either
group, which is good since if there were differences, that would be
troubling eg. if the affective n-back group didn't increase as many
levels, that would make any following results more dubious:

> Performance of the two n-back groups pre- to post- training did not differ significantly on either the neutral F(1, 27) = 1.02, P>0.05 or affective F (1, 27)<1 n-back tasks. Similarly, the control group showed a significantly greater pre- to post-training improvement on the feature match task they trained on, compared with the n-back groups F(1, 42) = 41.09, P<0.001, ηp2 = 0.67.

And as expected, both DNB groups increased WM:

> As predicted, participants in the training group showed a significant improvement on digit span F(1, 28) = 33.96, P<0.001, ηp2 = 0.55. However, this was not true of controls F(1, 15) = 1.89, P = 0.19, ηp2 = 0.11, and the gain was significantly greater in the training group participants compared to controls F(1,43) = 5.92, P = 0.02, ηp2 = 0.12.

The RPM scores are... a little troubling. The DNB groups gain ~1 point
(question), and the control group falls ~2 points after starting off
~2 points higher. In other words, if the control group had not fallen
so much, the DNB groups would at no point have scored higher! They
don't seem to think it's a problem, but even if the result stands,
it's certainly not impressive:

> Replicating their results, we found a significant gain in Gf scores in the training group over and above gains on the digit span task F(1, 26) = 3.00, P = 0.05, ηp2 = 0.10. In contrast, the control group showed a non-significant decrease in Gf, F<1, and the critical group by time interaction was significant, F(1, 40) = 7.47, P = 0.01, ηp2 = 0.16. As can be seen in Figure 3, there was a trend toward a significant group difference in Gf (RPM scores) at pre-training, p≤0.10. This raises the possibility that the relative gains in Gf in the training versus control groups may be to some extent an artefact of baseline differences. However, the interactive effect of transfer as a function of group remained significant even after more closely matching the training and control groups for pre-training RPM scores (by removing the highest scoring controls) F(1, 30) = 3.66, P = 0.032, ηp2 = 0.10. The adjusted means (standard deviations) for the control and training groups were now 27.20 (1.93), 26.63 (2.60) at pre-training (t(43) = 1.29, P>0.05) and 26.50 (4.50), 27.07 (2.16) at post-training, respectively. Moreover, there was a trend for the gain in Gf to be positively correlated with improvements in n-back performance across training r(29) = 0.36 at P = 0.057, suggesting that such gains were indeed a function of training....Although the Gf transferable gains we found appear to be somewhat related to training gains and the effects remain when we trim the groups to provide a better match for pre-training Gf, it is important to note that some degree of regression to the mean may be influencing the results.

FWIW, they don't mention administering the RPM in any speeded fashion:

> We assessed Gf with the Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPM; [35]) – a standard measure in the literature. Each RPM item presented participants with a matrix of visual patterns with one pattern missing. The participant chose how the matrix should be completed by selecting a pattern from a series of alternatives. We used parallel versions of the RPM (even and uneven numbered pages), which we counterbalanced across participants and pre- and post-training. The RPM is scored on a scale from 0–30, with each correct matrix earning participants one point.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dual N-Back, Brain Training & Intelligence" group.
To post to this group, send email to brain-training@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to brain-training+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/brain-training?hl=en.

Re: NBR Re: The Color Run

I am new to the listserv, and I have yet to attend any runs due to work/school
schedule conflicts. But, this race sounds amazing and I am down for Boston.

Hope to meet all of you soon in the very near future.


On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Todd Zino <tozino@gmail.com> wrote:
Are you kidding? This race was invented with me in mind. Mark it
"yes", dude.

On Sep 29, 12:21 pm, Brian Cicero <bcice...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Runners,
> http://thecolorrun.com/locations/
> I don't know about the rest of you, but whenever I'm on a run I always
> think to myself "wouldn't this be better if someone was throwing
> glitter and rainbow powder all over me right now."  Well, if you're
> like me, your dreams have just come true. Our savior: The Color Run.
> Its a 5K run done in different cities where you get blown with colored
> powder at every kilometer.  I don't think I need to explain much more
> than that for you all to realize how awesome this race it.  But if you
> need more convincing visit the website for pictures.
> As of right now the cities for 2012 are a bit far away, but it looks
> like registration is going to open for Washington DC and Boston for
> September 2012.  So you have plenty of time to plan and save up.  I
> definitely plan on doing this and wanted to put the feelers out to see
> if any other NBR members are down.  We have plenty of time but if you
> are interested email me with what city you are thinking about and we
> can get the ball rolling.
> Later!
> Brian

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Re: A night in the lighthouse (Isochronic delta pulses from 8 to 1.05)

Well, I've tried it... twice. First during the day. It was pretty good
feeling and afterwards for a while I had a different perception of my
body and surroundings. Like more details caught my attention.
Second time when I went to sleep. I've felt really relaxed and by the
end I was loosing my conciousness. Generally speaking, it works really
good and gets you relaxed. (I don't have a sleep tracker, though.)

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IMPORTANT: Racing with NBR

Hi All,
First off, let me say, YOU DO NOT NEED BE FAST TO RACE WITH NBR. Sorry for the all caps, but I want to make sure everyone understands. I've sent versions of the message before and I am pretty sure it's up on the website, but people (me included) tend to read what is in their inbox rather than checking out the FAQs and Racing Information on our website www.northbrooklynrunners.org
There are still spots available at Grete's Gallop half marathon this weekend, but if you are not feeling up to that, I'd like to encourage everyone to sign up for the Join the Voices 5 mile race on December 4th. It's the last team points of the year and I would like to focus on it to get a big crowd out to both run and cheer. There is a reason we won the team spirit award last year. Generally speaking I like to focus on the NYRR team points races because I like to show the rest of NYRR what we are all about, you don't have to agree, but I think it would be great if next year we can again acheive record race attendance and improve on our times.


How To Sign Up for races:

It's very easy, just go to the New York Road Runners website (www.nyrr.org), find the race you want to run, and once you are the race's page click Online Application. Follow the steps to fill out the form, pay a little money and you are in. Make sure to set NBR as your team affiliation when filling out the form. You can never hurt the team's overall place, only help.

After signing up, put your name on the race spread sheet http://tinyurl.com/35ayykk
I can't stress how important this is! As race coordinators Alex and I like to know how many people are runnning the NYRR races so we can plan bib pickup and race meet ups. For out of town races, it's great for everyone to know what other NBR members will be there.

Planning for the Race:

Just because it's called a race doesn't mean you have to push yourself to the limit. People run for all different reasons and whether you love to compete or just want to finish, running a race is great motivation and lots of fun.

You may want to have a goal pace for the race. It makes staying motivated a little easier during the race and can help prevent you from starting too fast (something that I often do). You can use this equivalent pace calculator to figure out what sort of pace you might be able to run based on other results: http://runningtimes.com/Article.aspx?ArticleID=6765

Before the race you'll need to pick up your race number and D-tag (timing device) at 9 East 89th Street. Often someone from the team is generous enough to pick up other peoples race numbers. Watch for these emails. I'll post a meet up time and location a few days prior to the race to help ensure that people arrive with enough time to check their bag and warm up before getting into the corrals.

The Day Of:

Try to eat and drink beforehand, but most importantly, listen to your body. After a few races you'll develop a routine that works for you.

Then just get to the the meet up location, travel to the race, pin on your number, attach your D-tag, drop off your bag, warm up, stretch out, find your corral and have fun.

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To post to this group, send email to northbrooklynrunners@googlegroups.com
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Do NOT use the Google Group to attempt to sell or buy race bibs or you will lose all Google Group privileges.

NBR Re: The Color Run

Are you kidding? This race was invented with me in mind. Mark it
"yes", dude.

On Sep 29, 12:21 pm, Brian Cicero <bcice...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Runners,
> http://thecolorrun.com/locations/
> I don't know about the rest of you, but whenever I'm on a run I always
> think to myself "wouldn't this be better if someone was throwing
> glitter and rainbow powder all over me right now."  Well, if you're
> like me, your dreams have just come true. Our savior: The Color Run.
> Its a 5K run done in different cities where you get blown with colored
> powder at every kilometer.  I don't think I need to explain much more
> than that for you all to realize how awesome this race it.  But if you
> need more convincing visit the website for pictures.
> As of right now the cities for 2012 are a bit far away, but it looks
> like registration is going to open for Washington DC and Boston for
> September 2012.  So you have plenty of time to plan and save up.  I
> definitely plan on doing this and wanted to put the feelers out to see
> if any other NBR members are down.  We have plenty of time but if you
> are interested email me with what city you are thinking about and we
> can get the ball rolling.
> Later!
> Brian

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To post to this group, send email to northbrooklynrunners@googlegroups.com
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Do NOT use the Google Group to attempt to sell or buy race bibs or you will lose all Google Group privileges.

Re: NBR Re: Fwd: Register for the 10K Walk and Run now! (Bed Stuy)

It's at 10:00 am, kid's run at 9:00.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 12:17 PM, Shane <s.n.clarke@gmail.com> wrote:
Anyone know what time this starts? Can't seem to find it on their
website. Looks cool, but hoping it's not some brutally early start.

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Do NOT use the Google Group to attempt to sell or buy race bibs or you will lose all Google Group privileges.

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Do NOT use the Google Group to attempt to sell or buy race bibs or you will lose all Google Group privileges.

NBR The Color Run

Hey Runners,


I don't know about the rest of you, but whenever I'm on a run I always
think to myself "wouldn't this be better if someone was throwing
glitter and rainbow powder all over me right now." Well, if you're
like me, your dreams have just come true. Our savior: The Color Run.

Its a 5K run done in different cities where you get blown with colored
powder at every kilometer. I don't think I need to explain much more
than that for you all to realize how awesome this race it. But if you
need more convincing visit the website for pictures.

As of right now the cities for 2012 are a bit far away, but it looks
like registration is going to open for Washington DC and Boston for
September 2012. So you have plenty of time to plan and save up. I
definitely plan on doing this and wanted to put the feelers out to see
if any other NBR members are down. We have plenty of time but if you
are interested email me with what city you are thinking about and we
can get the ball rolling.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "North Brooklyn Runners" group.

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Do NOT use the Google Group to attempt to sell or buy race bibs or you will lose all Google Group privileges.

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NBR Re: Fwd: Register for the 10K Walk and Run now! (Bed Stuy)

Anyone know what time this starts? Can't seem to find it on their
website. Looks cool, but hoping it's not some brutally early start.

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