السبت، 18 يونيو 2016

Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?

Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?

A Photographer From Beirut Captured a Day in the Life of a Stray Cat

Posted: 18 Jun 2016 12:00 PM PDT


What do stray cats do all day? They search for food, they look after their kittens, and they take naps whenever possible. This sad photo diary is a good reminder to always spay/neuter pets! You can see a few more pictures from this photographer over on Instagram.

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You've Probably Never Heard a Dog Sneeze Quite Like Maggie

Posted: 18 Jun 2016 10:00 AM PDT

From Logan's Youtube description: "Maggie, my 19-year-old rat terrier, woke me up early this morning with the most epic sneezing fit I've ever seen. Managed to catch the end of it on video (sorry for vertical). She's had some vestibular problems the past few years, so I'm holding her to keep her from slamming her old head into the floor with every sneeze."

Submitted by: (via Logan Lemmon)

Tagged: dogs , sneeze , weird , Video , sneezing , terrier

What Do You Get When You Take Cute Pictures of a Pug and Add Silly Doodles? Mr. Georges!

Posted: 18 Jun 2016 08:00 AM PDT


Mr. Georges isn't just the Frenchest pug on Instagram, he's also the doodliest! Okay, those aren't real words, but if they were, they would describe Mr. Georges perfectly.

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Tagged: dogs , pug , art , draw , instagram , doodle , pugs , silly

This Cat Learns the Hard Way That Sometimes Paper Bags Fight Back

Posted: 18 Jun 2016 06:00 AM PDT

Submitted by: (via Rumble Viral)

Tagged: FAIL , stuck , paper bag , Cats , Video

Ever Imagined What Would Happen If a Dog Called 911? This Guy Did...

Posted: 18 Jun 2016 04:00 AM PDT


Most of the time, it's impossible to remain chill when you're a dog. The sheer panic of that everyday dog life would undoubtedly lead to a number of emergencies.

We can all agree that dealing with the suspicious mailman and constantly being harassed by a vacuum cleaner is definitely deserving of 911 call.

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Tagged: 911 , dogs , twitter , emergency , list

Dad catches baseball while holding his daughter like it's NBD and 10 More

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Chilling Facebook Live video captures shooting death in Chicago

Another shooting was broadcast live on Facebook Live. It was the second time this week.