الثلاثاء، 25 أكتوبر 2011

New Article from Aaron Hockley

New Article from Aaron Hockley

Wanted: OS X Twitter Client with Power and Pretty

Posted: 25 Oct 2011 08:30 AM PDT

Oh internets, I turn to you in hopes you might point me towards software that would be so lovely. Sadly I suspect that said software may not exist.

I would like a Twitter client for OS X. I have a few desires:

  • Allow me to simultaneously view a timeline, a list of @mentions, and a list
  • Allow me to use a custom URL shortener (I have a YOURLS install)
  • Look good. I want software that looks and acts like it belongs on OS X.

I’m currently using TweetDeck and it fails miserably at the “looking good” requirement, plus it involves all of the overhead of Adobe Air. The official Twitter application gives me the views I want but I can’t use my custom URL shortener.

Does the software I want exist? I’ll pay for it!

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