الأربعاء، 11 يناير 2012

Aaron Hockley

Aaron Hockley

A Paleo Language Pet Peeve

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 08:53 PM PST

Carne Asada with Chimichurri sauce at La Condesadi·et /ˈdī-it/

The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.

Please stop using the phrase “Paleo lifestyle.” If you were truly living a Paleo lifestyle, I wouldn’t hear you continually preaching about it on the internet1. Did you go out and kill that meat with a club? No? Hm.

It’s just fine to call it a diet. It seems to be a good choice of diets. But dietary choices, in and of themselves, are not a lifestyle.

  1. You see, cave men didn’t have internet access. 

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