الثلاثاء، 31 يناير 2012

Aaron Hockley

Aaron Hockley

Announcing Social Photo Notes: Beyond Social Media Basics for Photographers

Posted: 31 Jan 2012 08:30 AM PST

A visitor to the de Young Museum makes a photo on his cell phoneWe’re past the “what is social media?” stage in the photography industry. There are plenty of technical options for photo sharing, a few big social networks that are relatively easy to use, some smaller niche sites that have gained traction, and heaps and heaps of basic how-to information available.

Let’s move beyond the basics. Today I’m launching Social Photo Notes, a twice-monthly publication (via email) that will provide detail social media analysis, strategy, tools, and technique information for photographers. I’ll be writing original articles that don’t just explain how to use social media, but how to use it to see results in your photography business. Find out what makes sense right now, where you should be looking for the future, what’s deserving of your attention, and what can be ignored.

Learn more about Social Photo Notes or sign up now.

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