الجمعة، 17 فبراير 2012

Apple Sibling Rivalry: iPad's Toughest Competition in Q4 Was the iPhone [VIDEO]

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Friday, February 17, 2012
Hate Sticky Screen Protectors? Roll-On Shield Is Foolproof [REVIEW]
Chinese Workers Make $8 on Each iPad Sale [REPORT]
Apple Sibling Rivalry: iPad's Toughest Competition in Q4 Was the iPhone [VIDEO]

Apple Sibling Rivalry: iPad's Toughest Competition in Q4 Was the iPhone [VIDEO]
8:39:36 AMMashable Video
Amazon's Kindle Fire has certainly proved a strong contender in the tablet market, but the iPad is still winning in that arena. For Apple's fourth quarter, though, the iPad's stiffest competition was actually its sibling, the iPhone. In the last...

Skype, Swype Both Update For Android; Don't Get Confused
5:23:45 AMPocketnow
If you've been following smartphones for any period of time, there's a chance you've briefly misread Skype as Swype, or vice versa, at least once. So as not to confuse you with one over the other, this afternoon we're seeing each of these apps...

Fair Labor Auditor Says Apple Factories In China Better Than Most
Thursday, February 16, 2012 10:25 PMKate Freeman
Hey, at least it's not a garment factory. The head of the nonprofit Fair Labor Association -- which Apple hired to do audits of the company's factories in China -- said the tech factories are better than garment and other manufacturing facilities...

5 Paradoxes Shaping the Future of Mobile Commerce
Thursday, February 16, 2012 9:19 PMIgor Faletski
Remember when it took 23 clicks to find movie showtimes on your mobile phone? While that may seem like an eon ago, in reality it's just been a few short years. The mobile evolution has been advancing at a break-neck pace. "Mobile is ramping...

FTC: Apps for Children Raise Privacy Concerns
Thursday, February 16, 2012 3:43 PMAlex Fitzpatrick
Mobile application marketplaces, developers and service providers need to do a better job of protecting children's privacy, according to an Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report released Thursday. The report was based on an FTC survey that found...

Hate Sticky Screen Protectors? Roll-On Shield Is Foolproof [REVIEW]
Thursday, February 16, 2012 3:02 PMSamantha Murphy
So long, air bubbles. When we heard about a fool-proof screen protector kit for the iPhone -- with promises that even those with the clumsiest of hands could magically glide the sticky coating onto devices with ease -- we had to give it a try....

The Pros and Cons of Cross-Platform App Design
Thursday, February 16, 2012 2:00 PMChristina Warren
The Mobile App Trends Series is supported by Sourcebits, a leading product developer for mobile platforms. Sourcebits offers design and development services for iOS, Android, Mobile and Web platforms. Follow Sourcebits on Twitter for recent news...

My iPad, My Babysitter: U.S. Kids Are Already Heavy Tablet Users [STUDY]
Thursday, February 16, 2012 1:54 PMZoe Fox
If you've already gotten into the habit of hiding your iPad from your kids, this should not come as a shock: New research from Nielsen shows seven out of 12 children ages 12 and under who live in tablet-owning households use the devices for a...

Spray-On Antenna Can Turn Anything Into a Cellphone Signal Booster
Thursday, February 16, 2012 12:23 PMPSFK
At Google's 'Solve for X' conference, Utah startup Chamtech introduced a spray-on antenna that could be an interesting development in improving cellphone reception. The signal booster in a can apparently covers a surface in nanocapacitors...

Chinese Workers Make $8 on Each iPad Sale [REPORT]
Thursday, February 16, 2012 10:37 AMZoe Fox
The Chinese workers producing iPad 2s receive $8 per device sold, roughly 1.6% of the $499 price point of the cheapest model, according to a report. The report ballparks the figure at $8 based on average salaries, compared to the $150 Apple makes...

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