السبت، 4 فبراير 2012

Olapic's Crowd-Sourced Photo Campaigns Becoming a Sports Trend

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Saturday, February 04, 2012
How Tech Can Prepare You for Extreme Weather
How Higher Education Uses Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]
Fake Facebook Users Likely to be Popular Bisexual College Women [INFOGRAPHIC]

Olapic's Crowd-Sourced Photo Campaigns Becoming a Sports Trend
Friday, February 03, 2012 8:45 PMSam Laird
Crowd-sourced social photo sharing appears to be the latest community engagement trend among professional sports teams, largely powered by the online startup Olapic. Olapic's service allows organizations to quickly and easily enable fans, readers...

10 Hot Web Startups Changing the Face of Retail
Friday, February 03, 2012 8:07 PMMacala Wright
In 2010, branded content was one the largest trends among retailers and brands. In 2011, branded content shifted to branded entertainment. Now, in 2012, we'll look toward content cultivation and aggregation. By creatively using Pinterest and...

10 Hot Web Startups Changing the Face of Retail
Friday, February 03, 2012 8:07 PMMacala Wright
In 2010, branded content was one the largest trends among retailers and brands. In 2011, branded content shifted to branded entertainment. Now, in 2012, we'll look toward content cultivation and aggregation. By creatively using Pinterest and...

Facebook IPO: Test Your Knowledge [QUIZ]
Friday, February 03, 2012 7:14 PMTodd Olmstead
News of Facebook's IPO swamped the Internet earlier this week, when the company's 213-page S-1 document went up on the SEC's website, promptly crashing it. In addition to confirming previous reports that the filing was imminent, the document...

How Social Media Backlash Made Susan G. Komen Cave [VIDEO]
Friday, February 03, 2012 4:45 PMKate Freeman
The online storm surrounding Susan G. Komen for the Cure's decision to pull funding from Planned Parenthood came to a close on Friday when Komen reversed its decision. Score another point for social media. On Tuesday, the Komen Foundation...

Fake Facebook Users Likely to be Popular Bisexual College Women [INFOGRAPHIC]
Friday, February 03, 2012 4:30 PMChris Taylor
So you just got a Facebook friend request from a woman you don't know. Maybe she's already connected to some of your friends, maybe she isn't, but she has about 700 friends total. She seldom updates her profile, but tags her photos like crazy....

How Tech Can Prepare You for Extreme Weather
Friday, February 03, 2012 3:53 PMSteve Rubel
Modern technology can't actually fix the weather -- at least not yet. However, social networking and mobile devices can certainly help us cope with mother nature when she shows her wrath. In addition, they may also play a role in how scientists...

Roseanne Barr Tweets She's Running for President [VIDEO]
Friday, February 03, 2012 2:17 PMJoann Pan
Roseanne Barr -- known for her decade-long stint on the eponymous '90s hit sitcom -- recently announced on Twitter that she is running for president. She will run on a Green Party ticket against the GOP front-runner and President Barack Obama for...

7 Tips for Planning a Wedding on Pinterest
Friday, February 03, 2012 12:59 PMSamantha Murphy
If you're planning a wedding and knee-deep in collecting ideas for the perfect dress, hairstyle and invitations, there's a good chance you're already familiar with Pinterest. The two-year-old social bookmarking site -- which allows users to...

Facebook 'Power Users' Do Most of the Liking, Tagging and Commenting [VIDEO]
Friday, February 03, 2012 12:13 PMJoann Pan
Facebook users receive more comments, messages and likes -- the hugs and high-fives of social networking -- than they give, according to a new study. The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project study, which looks at Facebook...

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