الأحد، 11 مارس 2012

Business Coverage on Mashable

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Sunday, March 11, 2012
Domain Names 101: How to Avoid Dot-Com Disasters [INFOGRAPHIC]
CardFlick Puts Your Instagram and Facebook Pictures On Virtual Business Cards
Would You Subscribe To Your Own Cereal Creation?

Happstr, the App That Finds Your Happy Place ... Literally
Saturday, March 10, 2012 5:22 PMSarah Kessler

Looking for happiness? Now there's a map for that.

Mobile web app Happstr lets users mark the locations at which they're happy on a map and browse for happy spots left by others nearby.

It was built last week during a mobile hackathon called The Startup Bus. The team of six entrepreneurs completed the project en route to South by Southwest.

Here's how it works: When users are feeling happy, they navigate to the Happstr mobile site, where they find a huge pink button labeled "feeling happy?" Since they are feeling happy, they push the button.

The app asks for explanation for the happiness, but those reasons stay private for now. Other users, which thanks to Twitter already include people from all over the world, just see a happy balloon at that spot on the map.

Why build a happiness map? The Startup Bus answer, co-creator Ricky Robinett says, is that people might one day pay to track their happiness like they do their fitness. There's also an opportunity for brands to sponsor some happiness.

But, at least when he's not competing in a contest for which business model is a criteria, Robinett says Happstr is really just a sincere effort at making the world a better place. He's worked on similarly amusing (and profitless) hacks before, creating, for instance, a game that pits the five boroughs of New York City against each other in a Foursquare-enabled game of Risk.

Other entrepreneurs on the bus suggested adding other emotions -- like anger -- to Happstr, but the team refused.

"The real idea is helping people be happier, and that would not help them do that," Robinett says.

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, skynesher

Beware: Top 10 Scams of the Year [INFOGRAPHIC]
Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:18 PMZoe Fox

Scams, much like viral cat videos, are a staple of the Internet. Even the savviest of Internet users can still get tangled in the web's latest harmful trick -- such as these 10 highlighted from the past year.

The Better Business Bureau has released this infographic, charting the biggest consumer scams of 2011. Their rankings are based on the volume and spikes in complaints, the economic climate and major events exploited by scammers, information collected by its Scam Source, and alerts issued through local BBBs during 2011.

SEE ALSO: Buyer Beware: BBB Highlights Top 10 Online Scams/a>

The number one scam of the year is attributed to someone pretending to be the Better Business Bureau itself -- an email sent mostly to small business owners, which downloaded information-stealing malware.

If these scams seem like tricks you've seen, don't fear (too much). To fall victim to a scam, you generally need to actively follow instructions to give away your personal data.

Did you see any of these scams this year? Let us know in the comments.

Thumbnail image courtesy of iStockphoto, Henrik5000

Here's What Happens When You Hate Your Job
Saturday, March 10, 2012 3:11 PMBrent Daily

Brent Daily is finally contributing to the GDP again as a founder of RoundPegg, a company culture intelligence platform that quantifies culture to help companies hire for culture fit and engage employees.

Youâ?Tre really good at what you do, but you were just passed over for a job that you would have killed. So what.

The typical hiring process is fantastically dysfunctional. There is little thatâ?Ts right, so it feels quite random and unfair if you donâ?Tt land the gig. And that stings because weâ?Tve deluded ourselves into thinking the job and the company were perfect (and we hate losing).

We never imagine what it would have been like to work there after the honeymoon period fizzled.

As the great philosopher George Costanza once said, â?oItâ?Ts not a lie if you believe it.â? But failing to do our own diligence has its costs.

I know because Iâ?Tve also been willing to overlook red flags in order to win a job. And after "winning" the job at a then-hot startup, I proceeded to be miserable and an awful contributor for the next 7 months and 17 days. The light bulb went off when driving to work a stoplight turned from green to yellow. My body physically went slack with relief as I realized this was 45-seconds less that Iâ?Td have to spend in the office that day*. But those 227 days cost me:

Confidence, which spilled over to our initial failed attempts to raise money (I wasnâ?Tt going to work for someone else again) and took almost two years to regain.

Motivation to engage in the other important areas of my life -- family, exercise and hobbies.

Opportunity to positively advance my knowledge, responsibilities and personal brand.

Neither my knowledge nor my skill set had changed, and yet I was a brilliant failure.

There is more to our professional success than having the chops, and it comes back to how well we fit the company culture, the teamâ?Ts work dynamics and our managerâ?Ts style. The best thing you can do when finding your next employer is to dig deep and conduct your own interview. Odds are the hiring manager isnâ?Tt going to be able to articulate the culture or how they operate so you have to get your hands dirty to get a better feel for whether it is the right place for you. Specifically:

Decision-Making. Who makes the decisions, how are they made, who gets credit?

Feedback and Rewards. How and when can you be expected to get feedback? What do the top performers do to be considered such?

Team Dynamics. What needs fixing? What are the expectations of new team members? Whatâ?Ts a meeting sound like (i.e. thoughtful, raised voices)? How does the team operate with other groups?

Management. Is your manager a top performer or is your star going to dim simply by being in his/her orbit? How does the manager resolve differences on the team? How does the manager divvy up assignments?

And then:

Drop Your Preconceived Notions. Every company operates differently, which is often at odds with the consumer-facing brand. Chances are, what you think you know is wrong.

Listen Critically. Everyone is trying to sell you on the job. Pretend like youâ?Tre buying a new car and read between the lines on everything.

Probe. Ask for specific examples and donâ?Tt settle for platitudes. Youâ?Tre making a decision that will consume 70% of your waking hours.

Landing a job is less important than landing a job at the right company for you. Take back some control over the process, interview everyone on the team and donâ?Tt hesitate to be the first one to say, "Itâ?Ts not you, itâ?Ts me."

* Realizing how stupid this was; I quit before lunch.

Social Media Job Listings

Every week we post a list of social media and web job opportunities. While we publish a huge range of job listings, we've selected some of the top social media job opportunities from the past two weeks to get you started. Happy hunting!

Sr. Marketing Manager, Audience Development- RealSimple.com at Time Inc. in New York City

Web Producer at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in Washington, D.C.

Social Media Manager

at Buildon in San Francisco

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, MarkGabrenya

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