20 TV Shows With the Most Social Media Buzz This Week [CHART] | 12:04:31 AM | Stephanie Buck |
|  | We know that social media users had a strong reaction to Snooki's rumored pregnancy, and it looks like Jersey Shore fans did too. The bun-in-the-oven buzz on top of Thursday's episode earned Jersey Shore the top social TV spot in this week's...
Your Facebook 'Like' Can Fund Seeing Eye Dogs | Monday, March 05, 2012 8:21 PM | Zoe Fox |
|  |'s social media community Dog Bless You is running a Facebook campaign that converts "Likes" into donated seeing eye dogs. For every 5,000 new Likes Dog Bless You receives during the month of March, it will donate the funding required...
SXSW Through Your Eyes: Show Us Your Photos and Videos | Monday, March 05, 2012 6:30 PM | Todd Olmstead |
|  | Starting March 9, Austin, TX once again becomes the center of the media universe. South by Southwest invites tech, music, and film lovers to the capital of the Lone Star State for 10 days of panels, presentations, and parties. If you've never...
12 Essential Pinterest Boards for SXSW 2012 | Monday, March 05, 2012 6:12 PM | Stephanie Buck |
|  | Pinterest continues to present opportunities for inspiration, engagement and organization. But who would have thought it could act as an event calendar, too? When you're traipsing around SXSW this March 9-18, pull up a few Pinterest boards for...
Basketball Coach's Halftime Tweets a New Take on Mid-Game Interviews | Monday, March 05, 2012 4:42 PM | Sam Laird |
|  | Is the sideline TV sports reporter destined for extinction? Colorado State basketball coach Tim Miles recently took a big step toward eliminating the quick mid-game Q-and-A that's a staple of hoops broadcasts. During halftime of a game against...
Power Pinterest User Chosen to 'Live Pin' Event for Fashion Label | Monday, March 05, 2012 3:55 PM | Brian Anthony Hernandez |
|  | Fashion blogger Christine Martinez, the fourth most-followed Pinterest user in the world, has been busy packing for an island adventure and documenting on a Pinboard what she's stuffing into her travel bags. But Martinez isn't pinning to any of...
AOL's Pulling Rush Limbaugh Ad Support | Monday, March 05, 2012 3:39 PM | Samantha Murphy |
|  | AOL is the latest company to pull ads for the Rush Limbaugh Show following the shock-jock's recent controversial comments, which referred to a college student as a "slut" and "prostitute" for advocating contraception. Limbaugh came under fire...
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