How One Startup Is Digitizing the Business of Personal Finance | 9:43:08 AM | Alex Fitzpatrick |
| | The world of personal finance is slowly experiencing an Internet revolution, but many people still rely on the old brick-and-mortar shops for advice about investing, mortgages, retirement accounts and other complex financial processes. Personal...
Buying an App From a Developer is as Simple as Ebay | | | The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Apptopia Quick Pitch: Apptopia is a...
Netflix Starts a PAC. Will It Lobby For a New SOPA? | Monday, April 09, 2012 9:39 PM | Alex Fitzpatrick |
| | Netflix has a new feature: Instantly streaming thousands of dollars to lobbyists and candidates through a Political Action Committee. The company has formed a committee named FLIXPAC, according to Politico. Put simply, a PAC is an organization...
Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom: The $400 Million Man? | Monday, April 09, 2012 8:13 PM | Lauren Indvik |
| | Just how wealthy are Instagram's nine employees after Facebook acquired the two-year-old startup for $1 billion? Ridiculously wealthy, according to one report. A source "close to the company" -- likely an investor -- shared some of Instagram's...
How to Pay for College by Playing Games | Monday, April 09, 2012 7:47 PM | Zoe Fox |
| | College students can now turn hours spent playing social games into tuition grants and philanthropic giving with recently launched startup Grantoo. The online gaming platform hosts brand-sponsored tournaments, giving companies the chance to earn...
Facebook Instagram Acquisition: 20 Witty Reactions | Monday, April 09, 2012 5:45 PM | Brian Anthony Hernandez |
| | Facebook's arsenal of services will soon get a little flashier with the $1 billion acquisition of trendy photo-sharing Instagram -- and users on social networks quickly reacted Monday to the sudden business deal. Herds of Instagram users...
How to Think Big in Business | Monday, April 09, 2012 4:47 PM | Alex Goldfayn |
| | Experience is the enemy of thinking big. So is fear, caution, politics and perfection. The problem is these issues make up the very rungs of nearly every corporate ladder. That could make thinking big seem impossible. The good news is that it is...
MassChallenge Wants to Ignite a Startup Renaissance | Monday, April 09, 2012 11:59 AM | Lauren Drell |
| | The World at Work is powered by GE. This new series highlights the people, projects and startups that are driving innovation and making the world a better place.Name: Big Idea: MassChallenge is the largest startup accelerator in...
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