الأحد، 15 يوليو 2012

Tech Coverage on Mashable

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Sunday, July 15, 2012
Amazon Game Network Launch Hints at Kindle Smartphone
Windows 8 Gets Unboxed
Are You Afraid of Mobile Phone Separation? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Next iPhone Will Debut in Fall, Japanese Blog Reports [VIDEO]
Saturday, July 14, 2012 2:46 PMJoann Pan

If you're on the market for a new phone -- don't buy the iPhone 4S just yet. The sixth-generation iPhone is on its way, according to Japanese tech blog Macotakara, a popular resource for pre-production news.

The resource successfully predicted the iPhone 4S release in 2011. The August reports stated the iPhone 4S and iPad 3 would publicly launch in October that year. The iPhone 4S did, in fact, launch in mid-October. The new iPad, however, launched a few months later in March 2012.

Macotakara is citing sources in China. The blog reports the new iPhone could have a different look than the latest model. The back panel could be two-toned with glass and aluminum. For more details from the report, watch the video above.

SEE ALSO: Spider-Like iPhone 5 Design Is Creepy Yet Cool/a>

Last week, Mashable reported reputable Chinese ecommerce site Taobao is already taking pre-orders on the "iPhone 5."

Will you wait until September to see if the reports are true? Tell us in the comments if iPhone 5 rumors are pushing you to hold off on a new phone purchase.

50 Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed
Saturday, July 14, 2012 1:51 PMAllegra Tepper

Has your love of Mashable's newest channel Watercooler turned into a full-blown addiction? You're not alone, and you don't need help. It's perfectly healthy to be obsessed with Nyan Cat, stripper parody videos and Pee-wee Herman dubs -- at least, that's what we keep telling ourselves.

There is, however, one possible side effect: In the whirlwind of memes, you just might have missed out on some of Mashable's features coverage this week. If you're looking for the cure, you've come to the right place; here's the roundup of the week's top digital media resources.

Editor's Picks

12 Essential Social Media Cheat Sheets

Cheat sheets give you a rundown of various features for a given item. Here are some of the best social media cheat sheets.

20 Funniest YouTube Videos According to Reddit

Reddit users weigh in on the funniest YouTube videos ever seen.

How Facebook Recruiting Can Backfire

Study finds that companies that screen applicants on Facebook may reduce their attractiveness to both applicants and current employees.

5 Signs Your Small Business Should Be on LinkedIn

Even if you and your small business only fit one of these scenarios, you'll still be able to reap a lot of LinkedIn benefits.

How to Optimize Your Mobile Website for Search

More and more searches are done on mobile devices every day -- here's how to rise to the top.

A Super-Quick Guide to Building a Website

Whether you're starting a blog or designing a site for a product or business, learn how to pick a platform and copyright a domain name.

Social Media

The 20 Most Popular Tags on Instagram

The top 20 most popular tags on Instagram include #love, #photooftheday, #instagood, #tweegram, #cute, #girls, #sky and more.

Music Monday: Catchy Songs

In honor of Watercooler, our new section for viral content, we rounded up some of the catchiest music on the Internet.

MLB All-Stars: The Social Media Champs/a>

We already know Major League Baseball's 2012 All-Stars are superb on the field.

20 TV Shows With the Most Social Media Buzz This Week

Which TV shows generate the most buzz on social networks? Find out each week from our social TV chart.

Top 10 Twitter Pics of the Week

Images spread like wildfire across Twitter. These were the most popular Twitter hashtags and images from this past week.

5 Hilarious 'Fifty Shades of Grey' Parodies

A roundup of the funniest "50 Shades of Grey" parodies on Twitter and YouTube.

12 Celebratory Photos From Mashable Readers

Check out these 12 pictures to see how our readers celebrate in this week's Mashable Photo Challenge.

The 33 Most-Watched Cat Videos Ever/a>

These, then, are the definitive top 30 most-watched cat shorts on the world's most-watched video service, ranging from a paltry 11 million views (number 30) all the way up to 79 million views (number one).

How Mobile, Social Will Win the 2012 Olympics/a>

Mobile and social technology will play a huge role in the 2012 Olympics, and this infographic breaks down why.

Why Hotels Need to Care About Their Reputations/a>

Roughly half of all travelers post reviews -- and wouldn't book a hotel without any reviews.

The 2012 Olympics Social Media Guide

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) revamped its social media policies this year, and strict rules apply to Facebook and Twitter.

How to Use Twitter's New Search Features

An illustrated guide to Twitter's new search features, including autocompleted search terms and spelling corrections.

10 Funny Facebook Tees You'll Definitely Like

To spruce up our summer wardrobe, we searched the web for some great Facebook-themed tee designs.

11 Things You Didn't Know About Facebook Pages

Whether you want to make your brand's profile page more attractive or manage how people message you, we have a solution to suit.

Who is the Superhero of the Social Web?/a>

Who is the most-discussed Marvel character on the social web?

For more social media news and resources, you can follow Mashable's social media channel on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook.

Business & Marketing

I Hired a Zombie: The True Cost of a Bad Hire

Here's the true cost of hiring a zombie, a.k.a. an unproductive employee.

How Etsy Turns Artists Into Entrepreneurs/a>

Etsy not only hosts online storefronts for handmade, vintage and repurposed items; it also fosters a future for many an aspiring entrepreneur.

5 Hot Ecommerce Trends to Watch

The world of ecommerce isn't cut and dry. Here are five trends that are spicing up the medium -- and how you can take advantage of them.

7 Tips to Enhance Influencer Marketing

Here are some best practices to help enhance your influencer marketing campaigns.

How to Find Out When Your Facebook 'Likes' Go on Sale

You can now receive email alerts every time an item you've "Liked" goes on sale.

4 Ways to Make HR More Efficient

Here are five changes you can implement immediately to accelerate your HR process.

How to Get Your Employees to Stop Job Hunting

Engaged employees generate an average of between one quarter, to one third more profits for their companies. But are your employees happy?

How to Pick the Right Programming Language

Here's a quick look at a few major business sectors and the programming languages best suited for each one.

The Best Time to Send Emails, Tweets and Text Ads

Researchers say the best time for marketers to reach their target audience depends on the medium -- social media, email and mobile.

How Credit Card Companies Lure Customers on Social Media/a>

Purveyors of plastic are trying to make the credit card game easier for social media users, offering perks for Facebook and Twitter users.

Boost Your Career at These Hot Events and Conferences

Our Events Board helps event organizers and the Mashable community convene at events in social media, tech, marketing and other fields.

The Power of Text Message Marketing/a>

Narrowcasting is a competitive marketing alternative to broadcasting. This infographic explains why.

How to Choose the Right Social Marketing Platform

To determine what social tools your company should utilize is to look at what companies like Salesforce.com and Oracle are investing in.

For more business news and resources, you can follow Mashable's business channel on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook.

Tech & Mobile

5 High-Tech Coffee Tables for the Connected Home

Need something more than a place to put down your drink? These super-smart coffee tables play media, games and serve as a control center for your connected home.

Slow Computer? It May be Your Web Browser

Web browsers like Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox and Chrome may be affecting your computer's speed.

Where Are Your Mobile Manners?/a>

Gone are the days of please, thank you, pardon me - the mobile takeover has spawned bathroom phone calls, mid-sex texts and behind-the-wheel browsing.

5 Apps to Turn Your iPhone Into a Recording Studio

Singers, songwriters and audio engineers, check out these iPhone apps that will help ensure your audio production achieves its highest level.

How to Swim With Your Smartphone

Why not submerge yourself in tunes while you swim? We've collected 10 waterproof accessories that will protect your smartphone from sure death.

What Language Should You Build Your App With?

From JavaScript to Node.js to Objective-C, we break down the pros and cons of the languages out there.

8 Ways Your Phone Doubles as a Wilderness Survival Tool

These iPhone and Android apps turn your phone into a flashlight, map, compass or field guide, all without a network connection.

7 Clothing Concepts That Can Charge Your Gadgets

Can your tee charge your phone? Check out this and other items of charging apparel.

Top 9 Silliest Tech Lawsuits Ever

Funny technology lawsuits range from suing spammers and Google Maps, to scorned Internet lovers and Star Wars fans.

8 Essential Photoshop Tutorials on YouTube

Want to learn the tips of great photo editing? We've rounded up 8 great YouTube Photoshop tutorials to help your photos really pop.

The Phone That Wasn't There: 11 Facts About Phantom Vibrations

New research goes behind the science of why you feel like your phone is vibrating in your pocket when it's really not.

5 Reasons Amazon Should Stay Out of the Smartphone Market

Word is, Amazon is making smartphone. Here are five reasons it shouldn't bother.

8 Hot Gadgets for Your High-Tech Home

You'll feel like a Jetson with these nifty gadgets in your home.

Is This the Ultimate Map of the Internet?/a>

No, the Internet doesn't travel through the air. In fact, it's a lot closer than you think. Here's a map to prove it.

26% of People Order Fast Food Online/a>

This infographic takes a look at how online and mobile ordering has impacted restaurants.

5 Fashion Apps to Digitize Your Closet

Here are five fashion apps that can digitize your closet -- saving you time and money.

Are You Afraid of Mobile Phone Separation?/a>

There's a new phobia developing worldwide that has caused anxiety and stress to many: mobile phone separation.

For more tech news and resources, you can follow Mashable's tech channel on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook.

6 Apps You Don't Want To Miss
Saturday, July 14, 2012 12:46 PMEmily Price

It can be tough to keep up with all the new apps released each week. But you're in luck: We take care of a lot of that for you, creating a roundup each weekend of some of our own new and updated app highlights from the week.

This week we found an app that will help you keep up with the Olympics as well as another that will help you better keep up with your friends over different social networks.

If you're looking to relax, one app we found this week brings together a number of comics from a popular animated series, and another that brings a ton of popular magazines to your tablet.

The guys behind one of the most popular mobile games on the planet also put out a new title this week that is bound to challenge you for hours.

Scroll through the gallery above for a look at this week's app highlights.

Still looking for more? Check out last week's Apps to Check Out for some other interesting mobile apps worth a look, and let us know about your own app highlights from the week in the comments.

NASA Releases Awesome Images of Massive Solar Flare Heading Toward Earth [VIDEO]
Saturday, July 14, 2012 12:14 PMCharlie White

NASA is keeping a close eye on that solar flare that started on Thursday, July 12, and now it's released dramatic time-lapse video and photos of the flare that's found its way to Earth.

There's nothing to fear with this solar dustup -- although it's rated X1.4, barely within the "extreme" range, it's not expected to cause any damage to electronic equipment, either in orbit or here on terra firma.

However, as we mentioned in our previous post about this latest solar flare, there might be some unusually southern northern lights tonight, so it might be a good idea to go outside and take a look if you live north of New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Barcelona or Paris (approximately 40 degrees North latitude).

Meanwhile, take a gander at these dramatic photos from NASA, showing our mighty Sun having a mild hissy fit:

Pics and video courtesy NASA

The Real iPod: Elon Musk's Wild Idea for a 'Jetson Tunnel' from SF to LA
Saturday, July 14, 2012 10:49 AMThe Atlantic

Trains are slow. Planes are unwieldy. Cars are, er, pedestrian. What if there were another way -- a better way -- for people to travel over long distances?

Elon Musk, he of PayPal, Tesla, and SpaceX fame, thinks he has that way. And it is a notional vehicle that can carry people between Los Angeles and San Francisco ... in 30 minutes flat.

He calls it "the Hyperloop."

"We have planes, trains, automobiles and boats," Musk told Sarah Lacey at a PandoDaily event in L.A. So: "What if there was a fifth mode?"

So, wait. Would this be "something like a Jetsons tunnel, you just get in and it whisks you away?" Lacey asked.

And you know what? Yes! Yes, it would!

The Hyperloop would be three or four times faster than a bullet train, Musk said, and twice as fast as an airplane. It would be powered by solar panels. It would be "immune to weather." It would be unable to crash. 

Per Business Insider's transcript of the PandoDaily event:

This system I have in mind, how would you like something that can never crash, is immune to weather, it goes 3 or 4 times faster than the bullet train... it goes an average speed of twice what an aircraft would do. You would go from downtown LA to downtown San Francisco in under 30 minutes. It would cost you much less than an air ticket than any other mode of transport. I think we could actually make it self-powering if you put solar panels on it, you generate more power than you would consume in the system. There's a way to store the power so it would run 24/7 without using batteries. Yes, this is possible, absolutely.

Well, first of all: YES, PLEASE. Second of all, though: What? A cheap, faster-than-a-plane, weather-immune, crash-impervious people-mover? There's a pretty good reason we can't travel between LA and SF in 30 minutes, which is that we can't travel between LA and SF in 30 minutes. The challenges here are enormous. And what would the Hyperloop actually look like? Google's geektastic monorail capsules? A tunnel? A pod? A series of pods?

Those questions are for later, though. For now, it's the idea that counts. Musk might patent the Hyperloop concept, he said, and then open up its implementation to "anyone who can make a credible case that they can do it." So the Hyperloop really could be anything.Then again, Musk has a pretty great track record of turning the whimsical into the actual -- and of, in general, saying nay to the naysayers. SpaceX and Tesla and even PayPal are testaments to what can happen when you encounter limitations and -- quickly! cheaply! easily! -- whisk them away.

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