الأحد، 12 أغسطس 2012

Business Coverage on Mashable

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Sunday, August 12, 2012
Which U.S. Tech Giant Is Growing Fastest in 2012?
Job Seeker's Bold Counter-Offer to MLB Team Sets Internet Ablaze
40+ Social Media Events for Networking, Learning

40 Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed
Saturday, August 11, 2012 12:41 PMAllegra Tepper

If you're anything like McKayla Maroney, the Olympics and all subsequent memes are losing their luster. Looking for digital refuge from the Games? We've got you covered. Mashable has rounded up this week's top digital media resources to offer you respite from the Olympic flurry.

Editor's Picks

Only 9% of Wikipedia Editors Are Women/a>

While men and women use Wikipedia evenly, only 9% of its editors are female. Why the gender divide?

5 Hot Startups You Need to Watch

Flourishing startups concoct a winning recipe of hard work, highly marketable ideas lots of good luck. Here are five that really stand out.

YouTube: The Secret Ingredient for Job Recruitment/a>

Video is your best opportunity to tell a compelling story to attract top candidates, according to this HireRabbit infographic.

10 Classic Video Games That Deserve an HD Remake

Updated graphics and control schemes could turn these vintage gems into modern hits.

12 Epic Pet Accessories on Etsy

Pet clothing isn't just for Halloween, for heaven's sake. From costume to couture, these cats and canines sure are chic.

44 Female Founders Every Entrepreneur Should Know

Women are changing the face of tech -- here are 44 names to know.

Social Media

Top 20 Fashion Accounts to Follow on Pinterest

We rounded up some of the best sources for fashion inspiration on Pinterest.

20 TV Shows With the Most Social Media Buzz This Week

Which TV shows generate the most buzz on social networks? Find out each week from our social TV chart.

16 Gorgeous Photos of Gold From Our Readers

Check out these gorgeous photos of gold, sent in by our readers for this week's Mashable Photo Challenge.

8 Celebs With Surprising Foursquare Mayorships

From tech luminaries to celebrity chefs, these nine people are making waves on Foursquare. Some of their mayorships might surprise you.

This Infographic Shows Why Google+ Is a Ghost Town

An infographic details that Google+ has low activity compared to other networks.

4 Ideas for Better Social Media Measurement

Here are four ideas to help you improve your social measurement.

10 Fashion Tastemakers to Follow on Twitter

Far from mere self-promotion, these avid tweeters offer a glimpse into the inspiring world of fashion.

15 Photo Blogging Tips From the Pros

From Man Repeller to 500px, we asked prominent photo bloggers to dish out their secret sauce.

How Big Brands Can Emulate Facebook's Promoted Posts

Facebook's promoted posts let small brands pay to insert a post in fans' news feeds. But what about bigger brands? Here's the solution.

11 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts for Daily Inspiration

People turn to Twitter for daily mantras of the inspirational variety. We've found 11 accounts that will support your every endeavor.

For more social media news and resources, you can follow Mashable's social media channel on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook.

Business & Marketing

4 Ways to Grow Your Customer Base

Startups use social media and blogging to generate early usage and set the stage for customer growth.

100+ Hot Jobs in Social Media, Tech and Digital Media

Check out these five recently posted jobs from the Mashable Job Board.

Should Your Small Business Be on Google+?

Google+ may have a reputation as a digital no-man's-land, but your small business needs to be there. Here's why.

What Teens Can Teach Us About Marketing

It's that kind of thinking that kills us as marketers and brands. When we take "personal" out of the equation we always lose.


Can Employees Be Trusted to Work From Home? [INFOGRAPHIC]
Saturday, August 11, 2012 11:13 AMSam Laird

Working from home is awesome. But it can also be highly distracting. One recent study found that more than 40% of employees who work from home pull double-duty watching TV or a movie. More than a quarter nap or cook dinner while on the clock, and 20% play video games on the company dime, according to a Citrix survey.

So it's no wonder many bosses still oppose the work-from-home concept. But times are changing. From 1980 to 2010, the percentage of workers who work from home nearly doubled, according to some estimates, as digital tools have made doing so exponentially easier.

The Internet education portal OnlineDegress.com pulled research from sources including Stanford University, Microsoft and CareerBuilder.com to create the infographic below. It provides a comprehensive overview of how common working from home has become and how businesses and employees are adapting.

Check out the following infographic for the full picture, then share your opinion in the comments -- how often should employees be allowed to work from home?

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