الأربعاء، 1 أغسطس 2012

Marketing to Women? Keep These 3 Facts in Mind

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Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Facebook Testing 'Save for Later' Feature
Twitter Apologizes for Suspending Critical Journalist's Account
Facebook Timeline Coming to Most Members by the Fall

Marketing to Women? Keep These 3 Facts in Mind
4:58:23 AMStephanie Buck
Throughout history, women have strongly impacted buying habits -- they control 85% of purchasing in the U.S. And so, brands have tapped their influence by creating strategic marketing campaigns that relate personally to the female audience....

Tweets That Will Get You Kicked Off Twitter
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 10:40 PMTechNewsDaily
Independent journalist Guy Adams tweeted his outrage about NBC coverage of the Olympics and found his Twitter account suspended. (Update: Twitter later reactivated his account and apologized.) But it wasn't his criticism that caused trouble, it...

How Churches Use Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 6:43 PMAJP
Religion isn't a word often associated with technology -- but it should be. Communication between religious organizations and their followers has blossomed on social media. Many churches have turned to social networks to increase their outreach...

James Holmes Tumblr 'Holmies' Shock Internet
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 5:34 PMJoann Pan
In the wake of the shooting at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., a support group has rallied around the alleged gunman, James Holmes. More than two dozen Holmes-related Tumblr pages have sprouted up since the shooting. Referring to themselves as...

#NBCFail Guy: Hashtag Came 'Off the Top of My Head'
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 4:39 PMSam Laird
Steven Marx, the occasional Twitter user whose #NBCFail tweet last week preceded a deluge of criticism of NBC's Olympics coverage on the social network, says the prescient hashtag came to him without much thought for what it would become. "It was...

Twitter Apologizes for Suspending Critical Journalist's Account
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 12:44 PMSam Laird
Twitter executives apologized Tuesday for suspending the account of a journalist who was critical of NBC's Olympics coverage. Twitter also published a lengthy blog post by its general counsel addressing the microblogging network's trust and...

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