الثلاثاء، 14 أغسطس 2012

QWERTY or Touchscreen? Survey Reveals Input Preferences

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Should You Get Your Child an iPad or Laptop for School?
What's in Martha Stewart's Tech Bag? [VIDEO]
Google Will Cut 20% of Motorola Workforce [REPORT]

QWERTY or Touchscreen? Survey Reveals Input Preferences
12:29:55 AMPocketnow
Every time we hear about a new phone with a hardware QWERTY keyboard, we get a little excited. That's not because we're necessarily fans of any one input method over another; but considering how few models have keyboards nowadays, and how even...

Usain Bolt Mobile Game Gets Big Boost From Olympics Dominance
Monday, August 13, 2012 6:28 PMSam Laird
Lots of big-name athletes saw their social media followings get big boosts during the recently concluded Summer Olympics. But Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt, probably the Games' biggest global star, one-upped everyone else in the digital realm,...

Now Apple Will Price Match iPhone Sales [VIDEO]
Monday, August 13, 2012 4:31 PMAJP
As anticipation for the iPhone 5 rises, many are on the lookout for deals on recent models. Perhaps to help get rid of current stock, Apple has begun to match discounted iPhone prices form other retailers. SEE ALSO: Want an iPhone 5? Sell Your...

Microsoft: Windows RT Tablets Will Last for Weeks in Standby Mode
Monday, August 13, 2012 3:31 PMPete Pachal
Microsoft revealed Monday more about what consumers can expect from Windows RT -- the new variant of Windows 8 that'll run on many portable devices like tablets. The company also said who its specific launch partners will be for the platform....

BBC: 12 Million People Watched Olympics on Mobile Devices
Monday, August 13, 2012 3:00 PMTabTimes
New statistics from the BBC show that 51.9 million people viewed the London Olympics on their TV, with another 12 million watching on their smartphone or tablet. In a blog post published today, BBC Sport's head of product Cait O'Riordan heralded...

Why Apple Won't Be Suing Microsoft Over the Surface
Monday, August 13, 2012 1:37 PMEmily Price
Apple has licensed its design patents -- some of the same patents that are involved in a heated court battle with Samsung -- to Microsoft. Boris Teksler, patent licensing director for Apple, mentioned the licensing deal Monday during his...

What's in Martha Stewart's Tech Bag? [VIDEO]
Monday, August 13, 2012 12:03 PMAndrea Smith
We already know Martha Stewart excels at all things domestic. Millions of people rely on her daily tips to learn how to live better, prepare yummier recipes, even organize and decorate their homes. And can she plant a garden! But did you know...

Should You Get Your Child an iPad or Laptop for School?
Monday, August 13, 2012 11:00 AMSamantha Murphy
With back-to-school shopping season in full swing, parents are deciding whether to get their child an iPad or laptop for the upcoming year. Although some kids may have their sights set on an ultra-trendy tablet device, tech experts are in...

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