This Might be the Best Craigslist Used Car Ad of All Time | | | Close your eyes and imagine the sexiest car you can think of. You're picturing a 1995 Pontiac Grand AM, right? Okay, so maybe you're not. But after listening to this slightly ambitious Craigslist ad for the used car you just might change your...
Domo Helps Forgetful Homeowners Turn Off Appliances | | | For the forgetful among us, it can be hard to remember whether we turned off the lights, the iron or the stove before we left home. The makers of Domo have solved this problem. If you think you've forgotten to turn something off, Domo will save...
Domo Helps Forgetful Homeowners Turn Off Appliances | | | For the forgetful among us, it can be hard to remember whether we turned off the lights, the iron or the stove before we left home. The makers of Domo have solved this problem. If you think you've forgotten to turn something off, Domo will save...
Olympic Sponsors Go For Gold Online [INFOGRAPHIC] | | | The Olympics are over, and whether you were watching or not, you probably couldn't avoid their sponsors' ads. Unmetric, a service that tracks brands' online presence, collected data leading up to the Games to see how sponsors stacked up against...
YouTube Remix Turns Julia Child Into T-Pain | | | You may never see iconic American chef Julia Child the same way after watching this YouTube remix. PBS Digital Studios celebrated Child's 100th birthday with a video montage that turns her cooking lessons into a stylized song a la T-Pain. Remixed...
Meet the Guys Who Started Stanford's Facebook in 1999 | Wednesday, August 15, 2012 11:16 PM | |
| | In 1999, Lawrence Gentilello and Tuyen Truong started something based on Stanford University's facebook called, "The Facebook" online. They scanned in more than 7,000 student pictures to a database online which they cross-referenced with each...
Silversun Pickups to Romney Campaign: Stop Using Our Song | Wednesday, August 15, 2012 9:45 PM | |
| | The Mitt Romney campaign might be fans of the band Silversun Pickups, but the feeling isn't mutual. The alternative rock band has issued a cease and desist against the Romney campaign Wednesday for improper use of its 2009 hit song, "Panic...
LMFAO at NASA Mars Rover Parody [VIDEO] | Wednesday, August 15, 2012 7:30 PM | |
| | This NASA parody has successfully landed on the Internet, no parachute needed. "We're NASA and We Know It" reworks LMFAO's infectious hit "Sexy and I Know It" with new lyrics adjusted for full-throttle space geekiness. SEE ALSO: Obama to NASA:...
Germany Investigating Facebook's Face-Recognition Features Again | Wednesday, August 15, 2012 6:45 PM | |
| | Data privacy officials in Germany have reopened a probe to look deeper at Facebook's face recognition technology and determine if the social networking giant was collecting member photos without their knowledge. In June, an investigation into...
Why Is There Anime Porn on Subway's Facebook Page? [NSFW] | Wednesday, August 15, 2012 3:13 PM | |
| | Visitors to Subway's Facebook Page got treated to some off-brand messaging on Wednesday thanks to what appears to be a lack of vigilance regarding the Page's "Posts by Others" link. As of this writing, visitors who clicked that link got shown...
Prankster Turns Coworker's Filthy Keyboard Into Planter | Wednesday, August 15, 2012 1:53 PM | |
| | Remember kids, a clean keyboard is a happy keyboard. And if the letters on your computer keys are barely visible under a layer of Cheetos dust, Red Bull splatter and unidentifiable grime, you're just asking for trouble. A Redditor/office farmer...
Which Professions Drink the Most Coffee? | Wednesday, August 15, 2012 1:25 PM | |
| | Japanese coffee-lover Ryoko Iwata created a handy infographic based on a 2011 Dunkin' Donuts survey of 4,700 workers' coffee drinking habits. The company found that scientists/lab technicians need coffee the most at work, followed by...
Apple Stores: The Most Profitable Retail In America [INFOGRAPHIC] | Wednesday, August 15, 2012 12:40 PM | |
| | While online shopping is quickly dominating retail, there's no substitute for a visit to the Apple Store. From the distinct style to the bright-eyed employees with an encyclopedic knowledge of the brand's products, shopping at an Apple Store is...
3D Printed Meats May Soon Be on the Menu | Wednesday, August 15, 2012 11:29 AM | |
| | Ready for the latest oddity to come out of the 3D printing craze? A startup wants to create 3D printed meat to fill the human craving for animal protein without continuing to take an environmental toll on the planet. According to Cnet,...
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