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FeedBurner Transition Case StudiesThe questions bloggers often have when considering a switch to FeedBlitz from FeedBurner because of ongoing uncertainty in FeedBurner’s future relates to their subscribers:
Unhelpfully, the answer is “it depends” – it depends on your current set up, whether you have access to your FeedBurner account, and other technical details. We can certainly help you on a case-by-case basis if you have questions here at FeedBlitz tech support (support@feedblitz.com). Some even wonder whether a third party RSS service is even necessary in this day and age. (Yes!) But such assurances from a vendor only go so far. What have other people’s experiences been? Fortunately, we’re now starting to see some posts from people who’ve made the transition; I’m going to highlight them here. Jay Baer – Convince and Convert@JayBaer brought his well-known blog, “Convince and Convert” over to FeedBlitz for both RSS and Email subscriptions. It was an interesting migration, because we also had to integrate FeedBlitz with another of Jay’s services, from InfusionSoft. Writing about the transition, one of Jay’s editors, Jess Ostroff, gets down to nitty gritty right away. She writes:
So let’s be crystal clear: You can simply use your blog’s raw RSS feed if you want to. What you lose is the ability to collect feed metrics because native blog feeds and their associated analytics packages can’t do it. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. If you can’t manage it, you can’t monetize it. If you want to boost your income or generate revenue, you need to have this insight, and a feed service – FeedBlitz – is the only way to get that vital information. Jess goes on to describe why moving from (free) FeedBurner to (paid) FeedBlitz was a win for Jay’s business and his community:
What Jess is saying is that it isn’t about the price, or the cost, or the money. They chose FeedBlitz because of FeedBlitz’s value, attitude and commitment. And when looking at that value, attitude and commitment in real life, Jess says more in the section entitled Paid Service = Awesome Support:
Thank you, Jess! Click here to read the the whole article on the Convince and Convert. Now, despite the challenges that were involved in linking to InfusionSoft, the actual migration of the RSS feed from FeedBurner to FeedBlitz was about as easy as it gets. Once set up here at FeedBlitz, all that had to happen was a simple change in redirect on the Convince and Convert site. Once we had imported the email subscribers, pulling the trigger on the RSS feed changeover consisted of disabling the FeedBurner RSS plugin and enabling the FeedBlitz RSS plugin in its stead. Easy! Danny Brown – Blogging Tips OnlineDanny’s a well-known blogger who runs a number of different sites, many of which he’s migrated to FeedBlitz. He wrote about his FeedBurner to FeedBlitz transition in this post. Again, Danny had it easy – a redirect was pretty much all that was needed:
Swell, right? Well that post was written on August 15th, about a month ago. What’s Danny’s experience been since? This is what he tweeted a little over a week later in reply to a question about the migration:
That’s right. FeedBlitz had found 8,000 more readers to Danny’s feed than FeedBurner in less than a week. If you monetize via ads or sponsorships that’s an awful lot of eyeballs you’re not promoting in your media kit. Accuracy matters, and speaks not only to the benefits of switching to a supported, managed, premium service; but also to why measuring RSS statistics is critical to successful blog monetization. Cecily Kellogg – Uppercase WomanCecily Kellogg is a successful and unforgettable on and offline presence. She has over 60,000 followers on Twitter and was finally spooked enough by the goings on at FeedBurner to switch her blog, Uppercase Woman, over to us. She blogged about her decision making and the process at the MomCrunch blog, where she also contributes. Now Cecily’s case was more challenging from a migration standpoint. Although she did have her FeedBurner login, her site had been inviting people to subscribe directly to her FeedBurner feed (at the FeedBurner URL) for years. YEARS. So we couldn’t use the simple redirect option to bring her RSS readers over. Instead, it was much more daunting. Once we imported her email subscribers, all her other RSS readers were going to have to resubscribe. From a risk of subscriber loss perspective, this is every blogger’s nightmare scenario. Because inwardly we’re all secretly afraid that not everyone will bother to resubscribe, and we will “lose” subscribers as a result of the change (notwithstanding the thousands we actually found for Danny!) Here’s what Cecily wrote on her post:
Couple of points here. Firstly, yes we here at FeedBlitz can and will hand-hold you, using technologies like Skype. Secondly, transferring feeds this way is harder – that’s why we have the FeedBurner Migration Guide to help – but it’s really good to know that we can help you in person and all you have to do is ask. So in her post, Cecily is obviously a little apprehensive about moving. How did it go in the end? Well, check this tweet out in reply to a broader conversation about switching:
When was the last time a service you use was so good you called it a “godsend“? Thank you, Cecily! How did we do it? Well, one of the options FeedBlitz has is the ability to change what we serve to FeedBurner. It’s described in the Migration Guide, but basically what we set up is a message to all FeedBurner subscribers inviting them to change their subscriptions. The RSS subscribers open up your message in their readers, and see that they need to make the change. Easy – our assertion is that anyone with a pulse who wants to hear from you will switch. That’s the story we tell. What actually happened in real life? Well, after a week the majority (90%) of Cecily’s subscribers (per FeedBurner’s last stats report) had resubscribed. Everyone with a pulse and who still cared had basically switched themselves, thanks to FeedBlitz’s migration tools, in only a few days. Jayme Soulati – Soulati MediaThe three case studies I’ve highlighted so far are all relatively well-known bloggers with thousands or tens of thousands of followers and subscribers. What about, though, a regular blogger with a more modest following, and a less well-known profile? Jayme Soulati writes on her blog for her firm, Soulati Media. A few days ago she wrote a post: “8 Tips To Migrate From Feedburner to Feedblitz.” Like many bloggers, her FeedBurner RSS feed had become “stuck” – it was no longer updating – and she wasn’t able to fix it. There being no help or support at FeedBurner, she was up the creek … until she decided to switch to FeedBlitz. Now, Jayme is regular blogger, just like most small business professionals. Not a tech guru, nor an IT wizard, nor a natural-born RSS feed wrangler. Here’s what she says in her post:
Proof: You don’t have to be an A-lister to be successful – or to benefit from our support. Jayme continues:
So there you have it – a successful, fully supported transition, which works for regular folks as well as larger, better-known names. If you want to discover Jayme’s eight tips for a successful FeedBurner to FeedBlitz transition, read them here. You Can Switch From FeedBurner to FeedBlitz TooWhether you’re an A-lister with tens or hundreds of thousands of subscribers, or a solopreneur promoting your business, you deserve professional care and accurate metrics for your RSS feed. These examples all show that it can be done, safely and reliably. Join us! Download the Migration Guide – it’s free and will show you, step-by-step, what you need to do. P.S Still not convinced? Here are some more recent tweets from others about making the switch:
P.S. Don’t forget – Click here to download the free, 30-page, FeedBurner Migration Guide e-book! P.P.S. Click here to know why you should consider leaving FeedBurner. Click here to see what the features and benefits are. And click here to download the FeedBurner Migration Guide to see how you can make the change successfully. More Blitz Bits
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