الثلاثاء، 16 أكتوبر 2012

Social Media Coverage on Mashable

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Burberry Tops Fashion Brands In Social Media This Week [CHART]
You Can Now Make Restaurant Reservations via Foursquare
Most People Don't Use Social Media to Its Full Potential

20 TV Shows With the Most Social Media Buzz This Week
Monday, October 15, 2012 5:42 PMJennifer Shore

If the past few weeks haven't sufficiently indicated that Americans love The X Factor, then this week confirms it -- the show topped our social TV chart yet again.

With more than 2.5 million social impressions, the vocal show was challenged only by The Vampire Diaries' season premiere, which logged just under 1 million. Competing show The Voice hit third with 838,006 mentions.

SEE ALSO: The 5 Most GIF-Worthy Shows on TV

However, the vice presidential debates earned an honorable mention. The televised event took over spots six through 10 on the chart and spanned six major networks.

The data is courtesy of Trendrr, which measures social media activity related to specific television shows (e.g. mentions, likes, check-ins) across Twitter, Facebook, GetGlue and Viggle. To see daily rankings, check out Trendrr.TV.

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, subjug

Twitter is Experiencing Outages
Monday, October 15, 2012 5:05 PMTodd Wasserman

Twitter was having a rough night on Monday. The service was working intermittently, causing the term "Twitter is Over Capacity" to trend nationally on the microblogging service.

The technical issues -- not a full-blown outage -- led to a few memorable tweets on the subject, including:

"Twitter is Over Capacity." Twitter is currently Avada Kedavraing my patience.— The Dark Lord (@Lord_Voldemort7) October 16, 2012

Pingdom, which monitors Twitter's uptime, reports that the service has not been down for a moment all month. Twitter also hit 100% uptime in September. Its last major outage was on June 21 -- the biggest the site had experienced in eight months.

Reddit Troll Loses Job After Gawker Profile
Monday, October 15, 2012 10:41 AMThe Daily Dot

When Gawker's Adrian Chen pulled back the veil on one of Reddit's most controversial user, violentacrez -- responsible for running some of the site's most lewd and disturbing forums -- the 49-year-old said he would probably spend his free time focusing on work or "possibly looking for a job."

It looks like violentacrez was right. The former moderator -- known in real life as Michael Brutsch, of Arlington, Texas -- said on Saturday that he was fired from from his position at a financial services company, leaving him and his disabled wife with little savings and no health insurance.

The firing came less than 24 hours after Chen ran his highly-anticipated story featuring a lengthy interview with Brutsch. In it, Brutsch admitted to being violentacrez, a purveyor of pornographic and violent images across subreddits like r/picsofdeadkids, r/nazi, and at one time, r/jailbait, a subreddit which featured sexually charged but non-nude images of underage girls. Brutsch was cordial with Reddit administrators and other influential moderators who looked to him for sage advice on dealing with NSFW (not safe for work) content.

He is also a father and a respected member of his Texas community, who attended Reddit meetups with little concern of ever having his real identity revealed.

"My wife is disabled. I got a home and a mortgage, and if this hits the fan, I believe this will affect negatively on my employment," Brutsch told Chen. "I do my job, go home watch TV, and go on the Internet. I just like riling people up in my spare time."

Gawker's published the article at around 5 p.m. ET Friday, and it was an immediate hit, collecting more than 20,000 views in mere minutes. About 30 minutes after being published, the article was banned across Reddit. The reason, according to Reddit community manager David Croach (Dacvak), was because the article contained private information about a user.

"It smacks of the very same personal conflicts brought up in the article. They're not enforcing a policy, they're defending a friend," SeraphimAntifa commented.

"I cannot believe that the links in reddit are sanitized. VA agreed to be interviewed and did not deny anything. Chen, whether you like him or not, did the ‘outing’ of VA in a manner that is above-board. He did not misrepresent himself, he verified VA's identity, the article overall is fair," e_coleslaw commented."If this was written by a journo who is not hated by reddit with the force of a thousand suns or published in a news outfit that is not Gawker, this would be seen as a totally legit investigation."

In an interview with Buzzfeed, Reddit general manager Erik Martin admitted that the ban was a mistake.

"The sitewide ban of the recent Adrian Chen article was a mistake on our part and was fixed this morning," Martin told Buzzfeed Sunday. "Mods are still free to do what they want in their subreddits."

One mod that will be missing in action is violentacrez, who ran about 400 different subreddits at the height of his power. Now, instead of searching for controversial content to proliferate his forums, Brutsch is looking for work.

"I'm eligible but COBRA is very expensive. Who can afford to pay five times as much for insurance at the very moment they lose their income? Only rich folks can afford COBRA. I have maybe three weeks pay in the bank," Brutsch wrote on Reddit, using the account mbrutsch.

"I just hope I can hold out a month. My wife hasn't been able to work for over a year, and our savings will last about three weeks, not considering the current lack of health insurance."

Photo by thefoodgroup/Flickr

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