السبت، 22 ديسمبر 2012

Facebook Poke App Is Frustrating as Hell

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Saturday, December 22, 2012
Social-networksSocioeconomic Status Predicts Number of Facebook Friends
Call-of-dutyVideo Game Blog Will Honor Sandy Hook Victims With a One-Day Ceasefire
TeensphonesPath Search Update Is a Smart Trip Down Memory Lane

Facebook Poke App Is Frustrating as Hell
Friday, December 21, 2012 7:53 PMPete Pachal
I was never a big poker on Facebook. When I joined the social network in 2007, giving someone a "poke" was still pretty common. It was a connection that stopped short of an actual friend request, a way to test the waters of a reconnection with, say, an ex. The new app, Facebook Poke (as it's listed in the App Store), doesn't have much in common with poking of old.


This Year in Twitter: 9 Important Milestones
Friday, December 21, 2012 6:30 PMJennifer Shore
With tweets flying through cyberspace every second of the day, we're writing history with the touch of our fingertips. In 2012, Users documented events, political battles and heart-wrenching moments throughout the past year, and Twitter itself made history on a few occasions. Here's a look back at the nine biggest Twitter milestones of 2012.


What Facebook's $1 Messages Mean for Journalists
Friday, December 21, 2012 10:33 AMMatt Silverman
Great news! Facebook now lets people you don't know spam your inbox for the low, low price of $1. For those of us who work in media, this can only mean one thing:   Thumbnail courtesy of iStockphoto, skodonnell, Ned courtesy of The Internet.


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