3 Rules for Creating a Beautiful Online Portfolio | Friday, June 07, 2013 11:06 PM | The Daily Muse |
| If you're a creative professional — e.g. a designer, photographer, writer or advertising exec — you'll likely need to show an online portfolio as part of the application process for any job. But no matter what field you're in, having a permanent link where people can access your work has other benefits, too. It's standard practice these days for recruiters to Google candidates' names to see what they can dig up.
Design Guru Slams NSA's PowerPoint Skills | Friday, June 07, 2013 2:52 PM | Chris Taylor |
| Say what you like about the NSA's Internet-monitoring PRISM program. One thing is clear from the leaked slides that revealed it to the world: The top intelligence agency in the U.S. has some pretty awful PowerPoint skills. No one knows that better than Edward Tufte, an author, Yale profesor and expert on presenting visual information.
This Contact Lens Computer Is Like Google Glass, Without the Glasses | Friday, June 07, 2013 2:26 PM | MIT Technology Review |
| For those who find Google Glass indiscreet, electronic contact lenses that outfit the user's cornea with a display may one day provide an alternative. Researchers at several institutions, including two research arms of Samsung, have already built contacts of this kind, which use new nanomaterials to solve some of the problems that have made contact lens displays less than practical.
This Mount Can Attach Your Phone to Almost Anything | Friday, June 07, 2013 1:25 PM | Sean Fitz-Gerald |
| Let's be real: Pockets, holsters and purses don't always stash your phone in an accessible or stylish fashion. Canadian-based design company They Innovate has a nifty solution with Clipless. The creators launched a Kickstarter campaign to catalyze support for the new accessory.
Lock Your Temptations Away in Kitchen Safe | Friday, June 07, 2013 6:08 AM | Dhiya Kuriakose |
| Think you have the perfect place to hide your roommate's birthday gift — but then she finds it? Or do you swear off Cheetos — but give in to a craving at 11 p.m.? A new Kickstarter called The Kitchen Safe is something of an intelligent cookie jar — a time-lock container that holds the things you love, but shouldn’t have (just yet). Place anything that fits into the 6 x 6 x 6.5 container, then turn the timer on.
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