How to Customize Your Mobile Google Maps Experience | | This year's Google I/O conference unveiled a brand new Google Maps app for mobile. With this update, Google combined all of its mapping tools (Street View, satellite imagery, real-time traffic, etc.) into one sleek, user-friendly direction beast. SEE ALSO: Hands-On With the New Google Maps Your Google map is fully customizable, and will recommend locations and deals that may interest you, based on your search history.
Apple Might Launch a Bigger iPhone, as Well as a Cheaper, Colorful One | | Apple is looking into launching iPhones with a 4.7-inch and a 5.7-inch screen, Reuters reports, citing sources with knowledge of the matter. The company is also considering launching a cheaper variant of the iPhone, that would cost around $99 and come in 5-6 colors. The moves are described as being "under discussion," meaning they may never actually happen.
iPhone Users Can Expertly Retouch Portraits With Facetune | 12:56:21 AM | Sean Fitz-Gerald |
| Something about that portrait you snapped just isn't cutting it. Maybe it's that pesky blemish, stubble or unruly strand of hair that's trying to ruin your pic again. But fear not, the people from Lightricks Ltd. are making your photo-editing needs easier (and cheaper). Meet Facetune, which at time of writing was ranked number three on the App Store's top paid apps chart.
Spray-On Clothing Opens Door For Next-Level Tech | Wednesday, June 12, 2013 11:59 PM | Adam Popescu |
| When news broke a few years ago that an experimental spray-on liquid fabric could become wearable clothing, people were wowed by what sounded more science-fiction than fact. Fast forward a few years and that same technology is on the cusp of being introduced into our daily lives in the form of a host of applications that could very well change the face of art, consumer products, and even conservation.
This 3D Printer Works in Zero Gravity | Wednesday, June 12, 2013 11:26 PM | Discovery News |
| 3D printing is probably the most exciting new technology being developed in the world today, and its scope of influence is not limited to Earth. NASA has recently contracted a company called Made In Space to develop the first-ever 3D printer for microgravity, which it's planning to use on the International Space Station (ISS) and beyond.
Move Over, Hoverboards: This Bike Lets You Fly | Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:59 PM | Dhiya Kuriakose |
| A new mode of personal transportation has beat hoverboards to the market: the flying bicycle. Czech companies Duratec, Technodat and Evektor have created a prototype of a flying electric bicycle. Unlike E.T.'s run-of-the-mill two-wheeler, however, this one looks more like a snow bike. SEE ALSO: Technostalgia: 20 Misty Memories of Personal Computing Including six battery-powered propellers, the bicycle weighs 209 pounds.
Can Pink DSLRs Make Pentax Relevant Again? | Wednesday, June 12, 2013 5:59 PM | Pete Pachal |
| Pentax, the venerable photography company that nearly disappeared before it got acquired by Ricoh in 2011, has a new plan to stand out in the camera market by adding what it sees as a key missing ingredient in today's cameras: color. Not the color the camera captures, but the physical color of the camera. In two of its new models — aimed at millennials — Pentax is offering custom colors.
Sushi Restaurant Tests Drone-Driven Food Delivery | Wednesday, June 12, 2013 4:38 PM | Sean Fitz-Gerald |
| With plans to save African wildlife, drop beer on concertgoers and penetrate tornadoes, we wonder: Are there any tasks drones won't try? This next airborne, drone-based development might not necessarily come as a shock, but it’s sure to enhance (or at least differentiate) your dining experience.
Feedly No Longer Dependent on Google Reader | Wednesday, June 12, 2013 3:11 PM | AppAdvice |
| Feedly launched its own cloud-based backend service and is no longer dependent on Google Reader, which will be shuttered by the end of the month.
Study: Car Infotainment a Looming Public Safety Crisis | Wednesday, June 12, 2013 3:05 PM | Charlie White |
| Just as Apple starts bringing a special version of Siri into cars, an AAA study throws a bucket of cold water on the next step in "safe infotainment" for the latest vehicles.
MySpace Is Dead. Long Live Myspace. | Wednesday, June 12, 2013 12:45 PM | Pete Pachal |
| MySpace is dead. Long live Myspace. The new Myspace, which first came online in late 2012 as a music-discovery service with the support of Justin Timberlake, officially launches to the public today. At the same time, the old capital-S MySpace is no more, departing for that big social network in the sky (although all user content will still exist on the new site).
iOS 7 vs. iOS 6: Icon Face-Off | Wednesday, June 12, 2013 11:34 AM | Taylor Casti |
| Apple's new iOS 7 re-imagines each of the native app icons. Moving away from Apple's usual skeuomorphic design tendencies, the icons embrace the "flat" trend credited largely to Microsoft's Windows 8. While iOS users can rejoice at the removal of eyesores like Newsstand and Game Center icons, many aren't sure whether this new batch of icons is an improvement.
Former Palm CEO: Selling Company to HP Was a 'Waste' | Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:29 AM | Pete Pachal |
| Former Palm CEO Jon Rubinstein says if he had to do it over again, he wouldn't have sold his company to Hewlett-Packard. He also feels Palm's webOS, which HP all but killed, led the way in many of the functions users take for granted in other mobile operating systems, including iOS 7. Speaking specifically about the 2010 sale of Palm to HP, Rubinstein said, "Talk about a waste," in an interview with Fierce Wireless.
Hands On With iOS 7: It's Just the Beginning | Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:22 AM | Christina Warren |
| When Tim Cook unveiled iOS 7 at WWDC this week, he called it "the biggest change to iOS since the original iPhone." He's right. iOS 7 isn't just a visual overhaul of Apple's venerable mobile operating system; it's a near-total rethink of many of the core paradigms that have come to make iOS, well, iOS. SEE ALSO: See How Siri Works in iOS 7 iOS 7 looks different, sure, but even in beta, it feels different, too.
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