الجمعة، 30 أغسطس 2013

The Demise of the World's Most Dangerous Amusement Park and 10 More

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The Demise of the World's Most Dangerous Amusement Park

Action Park was legendary for its dangerous rides before it was shut down in 1996. Was this really was a case of the lunatics running the asylum?

13 Vine Fails to Make You Cringe

This videos are proof that when someone fails on Vine, we all win.

11 Crazy Soda Flavors You Won't Find in the U.S.

You're familiar with Coke and Pepsi's classic flavors, but outside the U.S. there's a whole host of unusual soft drink flavors you may not have tried.

13 Children's Book Quotes That Are Still Relevant to Your Adult Life

A collection of quotes from classic children's books that can be applied to adult life.

16 Unexpectedly Amazing Celebrity Friendships on Instagram

Our minds are blown when we catch a post on the popular photo sharing app of celebrities chilling with one another.

Sorry, Facebook Does NOT Support Animated GIFs

You still can't view animated GIFs on Facebook.

Morgan Freeman Reads The Definition of Twerk [VIDEO]

After the word "twerk" was added to Oxford Dictionaries Online this week, actor Morgan Freeman enthusiastically narrated its definition on television.

Jay Z Posts 'Holy Grail' Video Exclusively on Facebook

Jay Z premiered his new video "Holy Grail," featuring Justin Timberlake, exclusively on Facebook.

GIFs Return to Facebook

GIF-lovers, rejoice: The web's favorite animation form returned to Facebook on Thursday, thanks to GIF search engine Giphy.

This Tumblr Will Save You From Awkward Silences

Awkward pauses in conversation can feel unbearably long, even if they last only a few seconds. Thankfully, "Fill the Silence" is here to help.

Volvo Concept Coupe Sports Huge Touchscreen, Crystal Gear Lever

Volvo has unveiled its brand new Concept Coupe, the first of three cars that will define the brand's design language in the years to come.

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