الاثنين، 20 يناير 2014

ScienceDaily: Health & Medicine News

ScienceDaily: Health & Medicine News

How a versatile gut bacterium helps us get our daily dietary fiber

Posted: 19 Jan 2014 11:25 AM PST

Researchers have discovered the genetic machinery that turns a common gut bacterium into the Swiss Army knife of the digestive tract -- helping us metabolize a main component of dietary fiber from the cell walls of fruits and vegetables.

Mechanism identified in Alzheimer's-related memory loss

Posted: 19 Jan 2014 11:24 AM PST

Researchers have identified a protein in the brain that plays a critical role in the memory loss seen in Alzheimer's patients, according to a study.

New hope for Gaucher patients

Posted: 19 Jan 2014 11:24 AM PST

Scientists have discovered a new cellular pathway implicated in Gaucher disease. Their findings may offer a new therapeutic target for the management of this disease, as well as other related disorders.

Overexpression of splicing protein in skin repair causes early changes seen in skin cancer

Posted: 19 Jan 2014 11:24 AM PST

In a paper published, a team reports that a protein they show is normally involved in healing wounds and maintaining homeostasis in skin tissue is also, under certain conditions, a promoter of invasive and metastatic skin cancers.

Decoded: DNA of blood-sucking worm that infects world's poor

Posted: 19 Jan 2014 11:23 AM PST

Researchers have decoded the genome of the hookworm, Necator americanus, finding clues to how it infects and survives in humans and to aid in development of new therapies to combat hookworm disease.

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