السبت، 21 فبراير 2015

Lincoln Tribune

Lincoln Tribune

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OCS Governors Coalition Convenes in D.C.

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 12:31 PM PST

Washington, D.C. - A bipartisan group of governors representing the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Governors Coalition met today to discuss the responsible expansion of offshore energy development. The participating governors – Governor Pat McCrory of North Carolina (Chair), Governor Phil Bryant of Mississippi and Governor Terry McAuliffe of Virginia – discussed the benefits and challenges of expanding oil, natural gas and wind energy development, as well as the need for comprehensive revenue sharing legislation that benefits all states with production off their coast.

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New Rock 106.5FM: Charlotte’s New Home for NASCAR on the Radio

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 07:45 AM PST

NASCAR has a new home on the airwaves in Charlotte and the Triad, thanks to an exclusive partnership between Performance Racing Network, Motor Racing Network and iHeartMedia, Inc.'s WEND New Rock 106.5FM.

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Granville County to Get 40 New Jobs With Expansion of Shalag US

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 07:10 AM PST

Raleigh, N.C. - Governor Pat McCrory, N.C. Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla III and the Economic Development Partnership of N.C. announced today that Shalag US, Inc. will be expanding its production facility in Granville County.  The expansion will create 40 new jobs over the next three years.  The company plans to invest $16 million in Oxford.


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Fortify Friday: The Latest Information on the I-40/440 Rebuild Project

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 04:46 AM PST

RALEIGH--  Schools canceled classes, some retail outlets shut down early, and this week's wintry weather, complete with record-cold temperatures,  put a halt to business-as-usual for many companies, but not for work on the Fortify:  I-40/440 Rebuild Project.  Earlier this week, even when temperatures dipped into the teens and then single digits, you could still see workers --  protected with heavy coats, hats and gloves -- installing drains and pipes, working on bridges, and determined to finish their scheduled duties.  The only limitation—paving. "It doesn't matter how cold or hot it is, construction still goes on," said Amir Nezarati, Senior Assistant Resident Engineer.  "But paving is a different story,"  he added.  "Asphalt is hot and if it cools too quickly, it's not workable and can get brittle."  The lowest temperature that allows for paving is near 45 degrees.  The temperatures earlier this week sat near 20, and plummeted even lower late this week. Even though paving was put on hold for a few days, it doesn't affect the project's construction schedule.  Contractors prepare for adverse weather conditions by taking storm days into consideration on the project timeline.  So, NCDOT is pleased to report, construction on the Fortify I-40/440 Rebuild Project is still on schedule.    There is, however, one casualty of the recent storm.  Plows that cleared snow and ice from the 11.5 mile stretch of the Fortify project also cleared some of the lane markers.  And now that the snow and ice are off the roadway, once temperatures are on the rise, crews will be replacing the damaged markers this weekend, and paving on the Inner Loop will resume soon. PROJECT UPDATE:   Motorists should keep an eye out for slow moving traffic as crews replace the lane markers that snow plows cleared earlier this week.  Also, on the I-440 Outer Loop,  crews are getting the light poles and overhead traffic signs in place.   On the I-440 Inner Loop, crews are painting lane striping for when traffic is opened back to its three-lane pattern in a few weeks. On the I-40 portion of the project, crews continue to widen bridges and do the preparatory work to make the shoulder lane usable as a travel lane for when traffic is shifted and narrowed to its three-lane pattern sometime in the Spring.
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