الخميس، 12 أبريل 2012

How Digital Populism Is Reshaping the Body Politic

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Thursday, April 12, 2012
Time Out New York Makes a Major Bet on ECommerce
YouTube Lets Partners Make Money from Paid Livestream
Anonymous, Reddit Top 'Time 100' Poll

How Digital Populism Is Reshaping the Body Politic
12:40:47 AMEthan Riegelhaup
Ethan Riegelhaupt is senior vice president for corporate and public affairs at Edelman. Previously, he served as vice president for speech writing and internal communications at The New York Times Company. He was also a senior staff member for...

Tablets Siphoning Away Time With Desktops and Traditional Media [STUDY]
Wednesday, April 11, 2012 10:46 PMLauren Indvik
As many iPad and Kindle Fire owners know, when you get a tablet, your habits change. Some start reading their email or doing most of their shopping on their tablets instead of their desktops; others begin buying more ebooks than printed books....

Apple and Major Publishers Face Antitrust Lawsuit Over Ebook Pricing
Wednesday, April 11, 2012 12:26 PMSarah Kessler
The United States has filed an antitrust lawsuit against five major book publishers and Apple, claiming they colluded to raise ebook pricing. Reports as early as March suggested the Department of Justice had opened an investigation into an...

15 Essential Twitter Chats for Social Media Marketers
Wednesday, April 11, 2012 11:00 AMAnn Smarty
Setting up a Twitter chat is really easy, especially for social media marketers who already know how to utilize the power of a Twitter account. All it takes is a set date, a topic, and a hashtag. You let people know it is happening, and ask them...

Why Kitties and Puppies Are Still Content Kings
Wednesday, April 11, 2012 10:25 AMpaidContent
The phrase "cats on skateboards" harkens an earlier Internet era when websites feasted on slews of amateur content. Online entertainment has since become more sophisticated. Or has it? Popular viral site BuzzFeed just launched its fifth vertical...

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