iPhone-Friendly Watch Gets $500,000 Kickstarter Funding in a Day | Wednesday, April 11, 2012 10:34 PM | |
| | Hey iPhone users: how many times a day do you take your beloved device out of your pocket just to check the time, change the tune, check email or see who's calling? What if we wore some kind of notification device on our wrists -- let's call them...
Animator Creates Incredible Musical Painting With $5 iPad App [VIDEO] | Wednesday, April 11, 2012 10:22 PM | |
| | Thanks to tablet technology, creating a music video has become as simple as swiping a finger -- well, sort of. Art Decade, a band consisting of duo Ben Talmi and Binod Singh Jr., recently debuted its music video, Western Sunrise, which was made...
Why CEOs Should Allow Facebook in the Workplace [INFOGRAPHIC] | Wednesday, April 11, 2012 8:56 PM | |
| | Many CEOs forbid use of social media at work, but recent research shows that web surfing leads to increased productivity. This Keas infographic explores the benefits of social media in the workplace, showing that social connections make people...
Prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse With 'Map of the Dead' | Wednesday, April 11, 2012 4:35 PM | |
| | When the dead come back to life to feast on the living, will you be prepared? Will you have guns? Food? A map? Didn't think so. Thankfully, a new digital service aims to help you navigate the zombie-infested streets should such a nightmare...
13 Creative Google+ Cover Photo Hacks | Wednesday, April 11, 2012 4:24 PM | |
| | Google+ overhauled its interface Wednesday, which meant an entirely different profile design. One of the most striking differences is the addition of a cover photo, which sits right alongside your previous profile photo. When adding a cover photo...
Trayvon Martin Killer to Be Charged: Twitter Reactions | Wednesday, April 11, 2012 2:56 PM | |
| | UPDATE: George Zimmerman is in police custody and has been charged with second-degree murder, according to numerous reports from Florida. George Zimmerman will be charged in February's shooting death of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin. Florida...
Designing a Mobile App? Don't Make These 10 Mistakes | Wednesday, April 11, 2012 2:53 PM | |
| | The Mobile App Trends Series is presented by Sourcebits, a leading product developer for mobile platforms. Sourcebits offers design and development services for iOS, Android, Mobile and Web platforms. Follow Sourcebits on Twitter for recent news...
'Texts From Hillary' Creators Bow Out After Whirlwind Week | Wednesday, April 11, 2012 2:41 PM | |
| | What does it take for a Tumblr blog's creators to retire after a successful run? For the creators of viral sensation Texts From Hillary, the meme reached fruition with a confirmed text from the Secretary herself. Creators Stacy Lambe and Adam...
38% of Children on Facebook Are Younger Than 12 | Wednesday, April 11, 2012 2:32 PM | |
| | Facebook is restricted to users under age 13, but according to a new survey, that hasn't kept young children away. MinorMonitor, a tool for parents to watch their children's Facebook activities, surveyed 1,000 parents about how their children use...
Facebook Launches Groups for Schools | Wednesday, April 11, 2012 2:07 PM | |
| | In a throwback to its college-only days, Facebook has launched a new type of community page for schools that requires an active ".edu" email address to join. Within individual schools' Groups for Schools pages, their students and faculty members...
Tablet Sales Expected to Reach 120 Million This Year [STUDY] | Wednesday, April 11, 2012 12:28 PM | |
| | Approximately 119 million tablets will reach consumers' hands around the world this year, up from 60 million in 2011, according to a forecast released by Gartner Tuesday. The projections are considerably more aggressive than the estimates the...
CISPA Cybersecurity Bill Authors: 'This Isn't SOPA' | Wednesday, April 11, 2012 11:57 AM | |
| | The sponsors of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), a new cybersecurity bill in the House, assured a group of technology journalists and bloggers during a Tuesday morning conference call that their legislation has nothing...
NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Get a Social Media Makeover [PICS] | Wednesday, April 11, 2012 11:08 AM | |
| | When the National Hockey League's Stanley Cup playoffs start Wednesday evening, the on-ice action will have more social complements than ever before. An official Facebook page for the iconic Stanley Cup trophy, an app that lets fans grow virtual...
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