Can 'Call Me Maybe' Work as Job Recruitment? [VIDEO] | |  | A New Jersey public relations firm has embraced the "Call Me Maybe" voice-dub trend by posting a choreographed video to YouTube -- as a part of an effort to look for job candidates. The catchy song from Carly Rae Jepsen has been endlessly covered...
GoPago Lets You Order, Pay for Lunch on Your Phone | Wednesday, May 30, 2012 7:38 PM | |
|  | Lunch line a little long at your favorite sandwich shop? Soon you may be able to order your lunch from your phone while you're headed to the shop, pay for it, and breeze past the line to pick up your meal rather than wait thanks to a mobile...
Social Media Day Is June 30. How Will You Celebrate? | Wednesday, May 30, 2012 7:11 PM | |
|  | Social Media Day is exactly one month away! On Saturday, June 30, digital enthusiasts will hold meetups across the globe to celebrate the one thing that unites us and keeps us in constant contact: social media. Whether you're an obsessed...
How the L.A. Kings Are Redefining Sports Social Media | Wednesday, May 30, 2012 3:46 PM | |
|  | Among professional sports teams, the social media playbook is pretty cut and dried -- be enthusiastic yet conservative, engage but don't offend and it's definitely better to err on the side of blandness. The NHL's Los Angeles Kings, however, are...
Got a Problem? Rub Some Bacon on It [VIDEO] | Wednesday, May 30, 2012 2:55 PM | |
|  | You know what's really great about the Internet? The fact that two guys can make videos about taxidermy and bacon, and both become instant viral hits. YouTube celebs Rhett and Link are responsible for Chuck Testa's Ojai Valley Taxidermy...
Facebook: Here's How You Pay to Promote Posts | Wednesday, May 30, 2012 2:39 PM | |
|  | Facebook has released details about a new feature that allows businesses to easily promote their posts and get updates in front of more eyes -- for a fee. Although it was reported earlier this month that Facebook was testing a "highlighted posts"...
'You Don't Know Jack' Returns as Facebook Game | Wednesday, May 30, 2012 2:25 PM | |
|  | The trivia classic with twisted sense of humor is back. You Don't Know Jack launched a Facebook game on Tuesday that promises to bring deep social integration to the title. The newest incarnation of You Don't Know Jack was developed by...
Zynga Wants to Be a Mobile Gaming Network | Wednesday, May 30, 2012 2:08 PM | |
|  | Zynga is building a portfolio of mobile, casual and social games across a variety of social networks and platforms, including, most notably, Facebook and iOS. It has at least 100 million monthly players across its Farmville and Citiville games on...
How Stan Lee Became a Social Media Superhero [EXCLUSIVE] | Wednesday, May 30, 2012 12:34 PM | |
|  | Excelsior! At 89 years-old, comic book legend Stan Lee shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, the creative force behind iconic Marvel characters, including Spiderman, Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk, is more digitally connected than many...
Kid Wakes Up After Anesthesia, Hilarity Ensues [VIDEO] | Wednesday, May 30, 2012 12:25 PM | |
|  | What is it about children on anesthetics that makes parents run for their camera? The drug-induced babble from "David After Dentist" was the first to go viral, and now we have Matt. Meet the boy who finally understands what David was yelling...
10 Instagram Foodie Accounts to Make Your Mouth Water | Wednesday, May 30, 2012 11:43 AM | |
|  | If you're on Instagram, you've undoubtedly noticed people love posting pictures of their food. Whether they are cooking it themselves or eating out, food is just fun to share visually. If you want even more delicious noms filling up your feed,...
Pepsi to Provide Free Music Downloads on Twitter | Wednesday, May 30, 2012 10:56 AM | |
|  | Pepsi will begin curating new music for fans on Twitter through a year-long partnership with the messaging platform, both companies announced Wednesday. The "Live for Now Music" initiative is an extension of Pepsi's recently launched "Live for...
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