الخميس، 3 مايو 2012

NYC Bans Student-Teacher Interaction on Social Media [VIDEO]

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Thursday, May 03, 2012
YouTube's 20 Most-Shared Ads in April [VIDEOS]
6 Serious Movie Scenes Recut With Corny Laugh Tracks
Gingrich Suspends Campaign in YouTube Video to Supporters

NYC Bans Student-Teacher Interaction on Social Media [VIDEO]
12:07:59 AMJoann Pan
Should teachers in the digital age be allowed to Facebook friend and Twitter follow their students? The New York Department of Education (NYC DOE) says no. The city's first social media policy released earlier this week draws a clear line between...

How One Startup Is Reinventing the Mail
12:00:22 AMJesse Draper
Talk about a secret startup! James Hirschfeld and sister Alexa started Paperless Post while James was still in college at Harvard. They worked on their business in secret, pushing the definition of "stealth mode" to new heights: James designed...

What Is an IPO? [VIDEO]
Wednesday, May 02, 2012 10:39 PMMatt Silverman
The marketplace has seen some impressive initial public offerings (IPOs) come out of the tech world in recent years -- LinkedIn, Groupon and Zynga to name a few, with Facebook waiting in the wings. But what does "going public" actually entail?...

Films as Startups: How Indie Producers Build Buzz
Wednesday, May 02, 2012 4:19 PMChristine Erickson
The film industry is not what it used to be. Gone are the days when writers shopped a script around Hollywood, hoping to catch the eye of major production studios. Instead, that model has been turned upside down. Films are aiming to captivate an...

Crowd-Funding Video Platform Launches, But Would You Pay?
Wednesday, May 02, 2012 9:04 AMZoe Fox
Have you ever wished you could show video creators your appreciation in a more tangible way than a "like"? A new partnership between video platform Dailymotion and social micropayment startup Flattr lets you show filmmakers some love with a bit...

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