13 Free iPhone Apps to Make Life Easier | Sunday, September 23, 2012 7:01 PM | Jennifer Shore |
| | With hectic days and packed schedules, we could use all the help we can get. Why not let your phone lift some of the burden? Your iPhone can help assist with everyday tasks - and all the apps are free. SEE ALSO: 10 Free iPhone Apps You'll Use...
The 10 Best Tech Rivalries of All Time | Sunday, September 23, 2012 6:30 PM | Todd Wasserman |
| | Bill Gates has pledged to give away $60 billion, making him probably the most generous philanthropist in history. Yet Steve Jobs was unimpressed. For him, such largesse was merely proof of Gates' utter dorkiness. "Bill is basically unimaginative...
What the Space Program Meant | Sunday, September 23, 2012 3:32 PM | The Atlantic |
| | On Friday I mentioned some of the excitement across California as the space shuttle Endeavor and its 747mother ship made low-pass fly-bys in various parts of the state. Here is how it looked from downtown San Francisco. A woman who works in tech...
The Next Generation of Crash Test Dummies Has Arrived [VIDEO] | Sunday, September 23, 2012 3:00 PM | Emily Price |
| | General Motors is taking the world of crash-test dummies to the next level. The automaker is working on a new generation of the devices designed specifically for use in the back seat of vehicles. The latest generation of the dummies comes from a...
20 Apps Updated For The iPhone 5's Taller Screen | Sunday, September 23, 2012 1:43 PM | Emily Price |
| | Itching to get the most out of that new iPhone 5's screen? While you can certainly run any iPhone app that's currently available in the App Store on your iPhone 5, a few app developers have already updated their apps to take advantage of the...
How the iPhone 5 Has Affected the Smartphone Market [INFOGRAPHIC] | Sunday, September 23, 2012 12:36 PM | Emily Price |
| | With all the new smartphones announced over the past few months -- including the iPhone 5 -- it should come as no surprise that many people are looking to buy a new smartphone. AYTM Research, working with Mashable, conducted a detailed market...
Top 10 Tech This Week | Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:38 AM | Charlie White |
| | There was spectacle, there was controversy -- it was a profound week in the technology world. Leading up to Friday when the iPhone 5 shipped was a lot of astonishing innovation going on in the tech world at the same time. For instance, we found...
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