الأربعاء، 6 فبراير 2013

BBC Launches First Sports App for International Fans

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Wednesday, February 06, 2013
Guideapp2This App Packages News and Social Streams Into Video
Nyfw-runway-2How to Follow New York Fashion Week Online
New-york-fashion-week-runwaYouTube Will Not Live Stream New York Fashion Week

BBC Launches First Sports App for International Fans
7:03:54 AMSam Laird
The BBC on Wednesday launched its first mobile app for international audiences, looking to capitalize on the increasing tendency of sports fans to turn to their smartphones for analysis and information.


Twitter Acquires Bluefin Labs, Doubles Down on Social TV
Tuesday, February 05, 2013 8:16 PMChristina Warren
Twitter has acquired social TV analytics firm Bluefin Labs. Business Insider broke the story Monday, reporting that this is Twitter's biggest acquisition to date. Twitter and Bluefin both confirmed the acquisition today on their respective blogs. For Twitter this is proof that the company is doubling down on its efforts in social TV.


Bookish Uses Big Data and Real Editors to Help Pick Your Next Book
Tuesday, February 05, 2013 3:20 PMSeth Fiegerman
Readers may be doing more of their book shopping online, but some recent studies suggest they still discover more books they want to read in bricks-and-mortar bookstores rather than on websites. Now, one new website hopes to improve book discovery online and it has the backing of some of the biggest players in the publishing industry.


This App Packages News and Social Streams Into Video
Tuesday, February 05, 2013 12:25 PMSamantha Murphy
So many blogs, so little time. For those who can't get enough of the news, but don't have hours to comb through sites and streams for the latest information, a new iPad app called Guide packages articles into video so you don't have to read. The best part is you can pick an avatar of your liking to serve as your broadcaster — want a kitten to read you stories about animals? No problem.


How to Follow New York Fashion Week Online
Tuesday, February 05, 2013 8:41 AMLauren Indvik
The web will once again play a vital role during New York Fashion Week, which returns to New York City on Thursday. In an effort to reach consumers as well as buyers and press, many designers plan to unveil their Fall/Winter 2013 collections through live-streaming video on their websites, Facebook and elsewhere. Still more will upload backstage footage on social networks such as Twitter, Viddy and Google+.


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