الخميس، 18 أبريل 2013

Google Bans Users From Reselling and Lending Glass

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Google Bans Users From Reselling and Lending Glass
3:58:06 AMAnita Li
Explorer editions of Google Glass began rolling out to customers as of Tuesday, but the company has enforced restrictions on those lucky new owners, banning them from reselling and lending the eyewear. Here's what the company's terms of sale state: "You may not resell, loan, transfer or give your Device to any other person.


How to Become Internet Famous for $68
3:19:46 AMQuartz
Santiago Swallow may be one of the most famous people no one has heard of. His eyes fume from his Twitter profile: he is Hollywood-handsome with high cheekbones and dirty blond, collar-length hair. Next to his name is one of social media’s most prized possessions, Twitter’s blue “verified account” checkmark. Beneath it are numbers to make many in the online world jealous: Santiago Swallow has tens of thousands of followers.


Twitter to Make 'Big' Reveal on 'Good Morning America' Tomorrow
2:59:07 AMAnita Li
Twitter is set to make a "big announcement" Thursday on Good Morning America, ABC's early-hour television show. GMA teased the reveal on its Twitter feed Wednesday night. Tomorrow on #GMA: @twitter will be making a BIG announcement... tune in! — Good Morning America (@GMA) April 18, 2013 So, what should viewers expect from the announcement? Online speculation points to the official launch of Twitter Music.


Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion Captured in Viral Video
2:02:52 AMAnita Li
Warning: The content of this video is graphic in nature. Please watch at your discretion. An explosion at a Texas fertilizer plant Wednesday night has reportedly left 60 to 70 people dead and hundreds injured, according to KWTX.com. A viral video capturing the blast, above, has been circulating online. It is unclear whether the YouTube user who uploaded the video is the same person who filmed it.


Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion Shows Up on Google Maps
1:32:13 AMSamantha Murphy
Not long after reports that a fertilizer plant in Texas exploded on Wednesday evening, an updated a map of the scene has been added to Google Maps.


LinkedIn Updates Mobile App, Experiments With Ads
12:02:35 AMTodd Wasserman
LinkedIn has updated its mobile app for the first time since 2011 and will run a small test of "sponsored content" i.e. ads in the stream. The test comes after LinkedIn announced a similar test of sponsored content in its iPad app in January. This would be the first time a LinkedIn phone app would sport the ads. Like other recent app updates, the update for iOS and Android has a heavy emphasis on photos.


Disconnect.me Lets You Control Your Data Online
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 11:00 PMSeth Fiegerman
Disconnect.me, a browser extension, helps users block more than 2,000 websites from tracking their data online and promises to load web pages significantly faster.


World's Best Jump Roper Makes It an Extreme Sport
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 9:58 PMNeha Prakash
This isn't just the double dutch you used to play in the backyard — this lady has got some major skills when it comes to jumping rope. Dubbed the "world's greatest jump roper," the athlete does everything from cartwheels while jumping to jumping while sitting down. At times, she's swinging the rope so fast it all but disappears from view.


Boston Bruins Crowd Delivers Tear-Jerking National Anthem
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 8:27 PMSam Laird
We dare you to watch this clip of Boston Bruins fans singing the national anthem and not get chills.


New Zealand Parliament Passes Gay Marriage, Sings in Celebration
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 6:58 PMNeha Prakash
The New Zealand Parliament couldn't contain itself on Wednesday after approving an amendment to the country's 1955 marriage laws that legalizes gay marriage — its members immediately broke into song to celebrate the moment. Supporters of the bill, including lawmakers, cheered and then sang, in harmony, the Maori love song "Pokarekare Ana" (singing begins at 1:15) after the voting had concluded.


Users Stay Longer on Tumblr Than Facebook, Says David Karp
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 6:16 PMLauren Indvik
Tumblr users spend an average of 14 minutes per visit, Tumblr founder and CEO David Karp revealed on stage at a paidContent conference in New York City Wednesday. That's about a minute-and-a-half longer than the average Facebook visit, and a few minutes longer than the average Twitter visit, he said. "Does Mark [Zuckerberg] know that?" Karp's interviewer, GigaOM senior writer Mathew Ingram, asked.


Battery Breakthrough Offers 30 Times More Power, Charges 1,000 Times Faster
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 6:02 PMCharlie White
Battery technology has improved over the past decade, but now scientists claim they have made a giant leap in power storage, giving lithium-ion batteries 30 times more power and the ability to recharge 1,000 times faster "than competing technologies." This is a battery breakthrough that could change the world — it's "a whole new way to think about batteries," according to its creators.


OKCupid Now Accepts Bitcoin
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 5:41 PMLorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai
In another step toward going fully mainstream, Bitcoin is now being accepted by OKCupid. The dating site started accepting payments in the crypto currency on Tuesday, joining a series of other companies that already process payments in Bitcoins. Bitcoin, a digital peer-to-peer currency based on cryptography, was created in 2009 by a mysterious man supposedly named Satoshi Nakamoto.


Disney to Release New 'Star Wars' Film Every Summer Starting in 2015
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 5:20 PMBrian Anthony Hernandez
Disney and Lucasfilm reportedly told CinemaCon attendees Wednesday that after Star Wars: Episode VII arrives in 2015, fans will see a new Star Wars movie every subsequent summer. These annual releases will include the other two movies in the new trilogy and several standalone films, which will focus on specific characters from the Star Wars franchise.


'The Internet Is Destroying Your Life' — Love, The Future
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 5:08 PMAnnie Colbert
Fifty years from now, you will look back with regret at all the hours you spent watching cat videos and reading mind-numbing celebrity gossip. At least, that's what the people of the future say in this frightful warning. The Poke used their time machine to travel to the year 2068 and learn about "one of the greatest disasters to befall mankind" — the Internet.


$200K Raised in 1 Day for Mom, Daughter Hurt at Boston Marathon
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 3:50 PMSam Laird
Celeste and Sydney Corcoran were severely hurt in Monday's Boston Marathon bombing. A viral crowdfunding campaign has since taken off. How? No one is sure.


Patton Oswalt's Epic 'Star Wars' Rant Wins 'Parks and Rec'
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 3:24 PMNeha Prakash
Filibustering — a governmental practice basically built in to allow lawmakers to hear themselves speak for long periods of time — is perhaps one of the dullest things to go on in real life. So leave it to Patton Oswalt to make filibustering a work of pure comedic genius. On Thursday's episode of Parks and Recreation, Oswalt guest stars as a Pawnee resident who invokes a bylaw about citizen filibustering to delay a city council vote.


'Epicurious' Enrages Followers With Boston Bombings Tweets
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 2:19 PMLauren Indvik
Twitter accounts are frequently run by "social media managers" — that is to say, qualified specialists in social media — and yet, nary a crisis goes by without a distasteful tweet or Facebook post in response. The latest example comes from Conde Nast-owned food website Epicurious, which used the Boston bombings on Monday to promote two breakfast recipes to its more than 385,000 followers.


Photographer Brings to Life Imagination of Boy With Muscular Dystrophy
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 12:09 PMAnnie Colbert
Photographer Matej Peljhan puts a twist on classic children's book The Little Prince with a touching series featuring a 12-year-old boy living with muscular dystrophy. Luka's degenerative disease restricts his physical movement to only small gestures made with his hands. He cannot bathe, dress or feed himself, but he still manages to use his limited movements — and unlimited imagination — to sketch on small pieces of paper.


Hands On With the Fork That Tells You to Eat Slower
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 9:04 AMChris Taylor
If you've ever wished for a gadget that can nag you about your eating habits the way your mom used to, only in a much more subtle way, then the HAPIfork may be for you. And now you can get your fingers on one. The fork, which looks and feels a little like an electric toothbrush, is designed to vibrate in your mouth if you take bites too frequently.


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