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Making the Most of FeedBlitz: Tailoring the Subscription Lifecycle
For each of these steps, FeedBlitz has a default mail or landing page, and that's usually fine for most purposes. Each mailing and each landing page is formatted with your list's template, so your branding is consistently and persistently reinforced each step of the way. But FeedBlitz also gives you the opportunity to override the defaults if you want to, making the process more consistent with you and your content, and driving currently engaged visitors back to your site as they work through the required interactions. All of these options are set via the list's "Settings" button, in the "Subscriber Interactions and Notifications" section. Altering the Subscription Activation EmailAfter the subscription form (see the section later in this Guide), the wannabe subscriber is sent the opt-in activation email. You can change the text that is sent, colors, fonts, insert graphics and more by clicking the activation email link in the list's settings section. Remember that the email is always sent formatted by your list's template, so you don't need to add any branding such as a logo in the message. Custom Landing PagesThere are three landing pages that are part of the subscription life cycle:
If you want to override FeedBlitz's default landing pages, you can direct the reader to a relevant page on your site for any of these steps in the subscription process. There you can offer additional content specific to you, other subscriptions, deliver an incentive, ask the subscriber to share, take a survey, or indeed anything! It's your site, after all. All you have to do is make sure that the basic message on the page matches the activity that the visitor has just completed, otherwise the user experience will be too confusing. To use your landing page instead of FeedBlitz's, first set up the page on your site. It's important that it be a page, not a blog post, and that the page not appear in any visible menus or site navigation. Once published, grab the page's URL, head over to the list's settings section in FeedBlitz, click the appropriate landing page link in the subscriber notifications area, paste in the URL, save. Tip: If you have multiple lists and are careful as to how you word the custom landing pages on your site, you can construct a single set of landing pages that will work for all of the lists we run for that site. Automatic RemindersDid you know? If a subscriber starts the dual opt-in process but doesn't activate right away, FeedBlitz automatically sends an opt-in reminder after three days. So we try really hard to get the prospective reader onto your list and visiting these landing pages! Also, a subscription that hasn't been activated (or has bounced out, been deleted or unsubscribed) does not count for billing purposes. FeedBlitz only charges for active email addresses. Read all of the posts in the “Making the Most of FeedBlitz” series. More Blitz Bits
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