The Office of the Auditor General of British Columbia presented two reports to the Legislative Assembly today.
Looks at government's management of cumulative effects, which are the impacts from development activity that add up over time causing changes to the environment. Managing cumulative effects is essential for ensuring that natural resource development is sustainable.
The audit found that the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources (FLNRO) is undertaking work to support cumulative effects management, but more needs to be done. As well, government needs to provide clear direction so all of the natural resource ministries and agencies can jointly address cumulative effects.
As a result, the audit contains four recommendations for government and five recommendations for FLNRO.
Contains the EAO's self-assessed progress and our progress audit on the six recommendations made in our original 2011 audit, which addressed oversight of certified projects.
The EAO has substantially implemented four of the six recommendations, and oversight of environmental assessment certificates has improved.