الثلاثاء، 15 ديسمبر 2015

Report Release - The Status of Government's General Computing Controls: 2014

The Office of the Auditor General of British Columbia presented our report, The Status of Government's General Computing Controls: 2014 to the Legislative Assembly today.

The Status of Government's General Computing Controls: 2014

All IT systems are vulnerable to threats. For government IT systems, the stakes are often high because these systems hold substantial and sensitive information and are critical for delivering essential services.

Strong general computing controls are government's first line of defense against potential threats, such as hacking, theft and system disruption. Without them, they risk loss of personal data, identity theft, fraud and more.

In this report, we compare the 2014 self-assessments of all 148 government organizations in B.C. to the 2013 assessments. The self-assessments state the capability and development of general computing controls in each organization. This is known as the maturity level. Overall, organizations rated their maturity levels higher than in the past.

New this year, we audited 13 of the self-assessments. Organizations did not always have sufficient evidence to support their ratings, which indicate deficiencies in their general computing controls outlined in our report.

We recommend that government organizations review their business and IT goals, and determine which maturity level is best suited for their needs, and then, ensure that maturity level is achieved and maintained.


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