الثلاثاء، 15 ديسمبر 2015

ScienceDaily: Top News

ScienceDaily: Top News

Flu fighting strategies should be tailored to cities and rural areas: York U study

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 01:59 PM PST

In the face of a flu epidemic, a one-size fits all vaccine strategy won't be effective, a new study has found. Instead, strategies need to change significantly depending on the characteristics of each region in Canada and how easily the particular flu strain spreads. The window of time around the onset of a flu epidemic will be vastly different between a remote population and an urban one. Vaccination strategies need to reflect that.

Precise method underlies sloppy madness of dog slurping

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 01:57 PM PST

Using photography and laboratory simulations, researchers studied how dogs raise fluids into their mouths to drink. They discovered that sloppy-looking actions at the dog bowl are in fact high-speed, precisely timed movements that optimize a dogs' ability to acquire fluids.

First brain scans of sea lions give clues to strandings

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 01:57 PM PST

Brain scans and behavioral tests of California sea lions that stranded on shore show how an algal toxin disrupts brain networks, leading to deficits in spatial memory.

Small fish species evolved rapidly following 1964 Alaska earthquake

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 01:57 PM PST

Evolution can happen quickly. Consider a tiny fish species that evolved within decades -- both in its genome and external phenotypic traits -- after the 1964 Alaskan earthquake.

Age of blueschist is not an indicator of the date of emergence of plate tectonics

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 12:02 PM PST

Formation of blueschist determined by changes to the chemical composition of oceanic crust

Evidence for more recent clay formation on Mars discovered

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 12:01 PM PST

Clays and other minerals formed when rocks are altered by water have been found in multiple locations on Mars. It's been assumed that these minerals probably formed in the earliest Martian epoch, over 3.7 billion years ago. But a new study finds that later clay formation might have been more common than many scientists thought.

NASA studies high clouds, Saharan dust from EPIC view

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 12:00 PM PST

From a dusty atmosphere stretching across the Atlantic Ocean to daily views of clouds at sunrise, a new NASA camera keeping a steady eye on the sunlit side of Earth is yielding new insights about our changing planet.

Microscope creates near-real-time videos of nanoscale processes

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 11:59 AM PST

Engineers have designed an atomic force microscope that scans images 2,000 times faster than existing commercial models. With this new high-speed instrument, the team produced images of chemical processes taking place at the nanoscale, at a rate that is close to real-time video.

Emotion processing in brain changes with tinnitus severity

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 11:59 AM PST

People with tinnitus who are less bothered by their symptoms use different brain regions when processing emotional information, new research indicates. Tinnitus, otherwise known as ringing in the ears, affects nearly one-third of adults over age 65.

Transparent metal films for smart phone, tablet and TV displays

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 11:25 AM PST

A new material that is both highly transparent and electrically conductive could make large screen displays, smart windows and even touch screens and solar cells more affordable and efficient.

A new spin on star-forming galaxies

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 11:22 AM PST

Researchers have discovered why some galaxies are "clumpy" rather than spiral in shape -- and it appears low spin is to blame.

RNs more likely to identify high-risk medication discrepancies

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 11:20 AM PST

RNs are more likely than LPNs to identify high-risk medication discrepancies, suggesting RNs are better equipped to assess and identify medication errors that could pose risks to residents' safety. These findings suggest the need to distinguish differences in responsibilities for RNs and LPNs in nursing homes, the researchers say.

Earth's tilt influences climate change

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 11:20 AM PST

Paleoclimatologists have shed new light on how the tilt of the Earth affects the world's heaviest rainbelt. They analyzed data from the past 282,000 years that shows, for the first time, a connection between the Earth's tilt called obliquity that shifts every 41,000 years, and the movement of a low pressure band of clouds that is the Earth's largest source of heat and moisture -- the Intertropical Convergence Zone, or ITCZ.

Social media news consumers at higher risk of 'information bubbles,' study says

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 11:20 AM PST

The first large-scale empirical analysis of online news-seeking behavior, has found that people who seek out news and information from social media are at higher risk of becoming trapped in a 'collective social bubble' compared to using search engines.

New ceramic firefighting foam becomes stronger when temperature increases

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:45 AM PST

A team of chemists has developed a novel type of firefighting foam based on inorganic silica nanoparticles. The new foam beats existing analogues in fire extinguishing capacity, thermal and mechanical stability and biocompatibility.

There's more than meets the eye when making choices, brain study shows

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:09 AM PST

If you're pondering whether to buy a Galaxy smartphone or an iPhone this holiday season, a part of the brain called the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex might ultimately determine your choice. Results of a new study suggest that this region of the brain plays a critical role in making choices.

Humans evolved to get better sleep in less time

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:09 AM PST

Insomniacs take heart: Humans get by on significantly less sleep than our closest animal relatives. The secret, according to a new study of slumber patterns across 21 species of primates, is that our sleep is more efficient.

New industrial possibilities for nanoporous thin films

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:08 AM PST

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a new type of materials with nanoscale pores. Bioscience engineers have now developed an alternative method that produces these materials in the form of very thin films, so that they can easily be used for high-tech applications such as microchips.

Vegetarian and 'healthy' diets are more harmful to the environment

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:07 AM PST

Following the USDA recommendations to consume more fruits, vegetables, dairy and seafood is more harmful to the environment because those foods have relatively high resource uses and greenhouse gas emissions per calorie, say researchers. A new study measured the changes in energy use, blue water footprint and GHG emissions associated with US food consumption patterns.

CEO compensation study examines factors in excess returns

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:07 AM PST

Of many issues associated with CEO compensation, excess returns are likely among the most controversial. Researchers examined how boards face pressures when trying to control this problem.

Puerto Rico's community health centers face bleak future, experts say

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:07 AM PST

An extraordinary need for publicly subsidized health services amidst an unprecedented economic crisis is putting Puerto Rico's federally funded community health centers in jeopardy, according to a new report.

Knowledge gap on extreme change in temperature elucidated

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:07 AM PST

Whereas the origins of warm periods during the Jurassic (201-145 million of years ago) are well investigated, there has so far been a poor understanding of the mechanisms behind changes into cooler periods. Now new documentation has been provided to explain a previously not understood major change in temperature during the Jurassic.

Hybrid material presents potential for 4-D-printed adaptive devices

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:07 AM PST

Combining photo-responsive fibers with thermo-responsive gels, researchers have modeled a new hybrid material that could reconfigure itself multiple times into different shapes when exposed to light and heat.

Enhanced rock weathering could counter fossil-fuel emissions and protect our oceans

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:06 AM PST

Scientists have discovered enhanced weathering of rock could counter human-made fossil fuel CO2 emissions and help to protect our oceans.

Better catalysts for green energy

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:06 AM PST

A detailed account has been provided by researchers of how to control the electron charge of nanoparticles of platinum, an important catalyst in fuel cells, to maximize the efficiency of the process.

Spintronics, low-energy electricity take a step closer

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:06 AM PST

Scientists have discovered a new topological insulator that could be used in future electronic technologies.

Designer crystals for next-gen electronics

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:06 AM PST

A new process that uses vapor -- rather than liquid -- to grow designer crystals could lead to a new breed of faster, more powerful electronic devices.

Genes for age-related cognitive decline found in adult worm neurons

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:05 AM PST

Genes important for age-related cognitive declines in memory in adult worm neurons, which had not been studied previously, have been discovered by scientists. The research could eventually point the way toward therapies to extend life and enhance health in aging human populations.

Overprescribing of opioids is not limited to a few bad apples

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:05 AM PST

Most prescriptions for opioid painkillers are made by the broad swath of US general practitioners, not by a limited group of specialists, according to a new study.

Hubble reveals diversity of exoplanet atmosphere

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:05 AM PST

Astronomers have studied the atmospheres of ten hot, Jupiter-sized exoplanets in detail, the largest number of such planets ever studied. The team was able to discover why some of these worlds seem to have less water than expected -- a long-standing mystery.

Treating colon cancer with vitamin A

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:04 AM PST

A leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide, colon cancer is famously resistant to treatment. Now the biological pathway behind the growth of colon cancer has been discovered by researchers who have been able block it with vitamin A.

Mountain growth helped spawn fish diversity in New Zealand

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:03 AM PST

The growth of mountain ranges on New Zealand's South Island directly influenced the evolution of different freshwater fish species in the region, according to new research. The study provides an example of how natural changes in Earth's landscape and topography can help shape and increase local biodiversity.

Study uncovers hard-to-detect cancer mutations

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:03 AM PST

Current approaches to genome analysis systematically miss detecting a certain type of complex mutation in cancer patients' tumors, new research shows. Further, a significant percentage of these complex mutations are found in well-known cancer genes that could be targeted by existing drugs, potentially expanding the number of cancer patients who may benefit.

How multiple sclerosis can be triggered by brain cell death

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:03 AM PST

Multiple sclerosis may be triggered by the death of brain cells that make the insulation around nerve fibers, a surprising new view of the disease reported in a study. A specially developed nanoparticle prevented MS even after the death of those brain cells, an experiment in the study showed. The nanoparticles are being developed for clinical trials that could lead to new treatments -- without the side effects of current therapies.

Researchers create cellular 'ORACLs' to aid drug discovery

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:02 AM PST

A new approach for early stage drug discovery has been created that uses techniques from the world of computer vision in combination with a powerful new tool: a lineage of genetically modified cancer cells in a dish that change their appearance when treated with drugs targeting common disease pathways.

How nanoparticles give electrons away

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:02 AM PST

Scientists have now succeeded in counting the number of elementary charges that are lost by a platinum nanoparticle when it is placed onto a typical oxide support. Their work brings the possibility of developing tailor-made nanoparticles a step closer.

Taking antidepressants during pregnancy increases risk of autism by 87 percent

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:02 AM PST

Using antidepressants during pregnancy greatly increases the risk of autism, researchers have discovered. The findings are hugely important as six to ten percent of pregnant women are currently being treated for depression with antidepressants.

Experimental drugs that change energy supply in cells could slow brain tumor growth

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:00 AM PST

Experimental drugs that alter cell metabolism also halted tumor growth and extended survival in mice with cancers linked to changes in the same gene, according to a new study.

Diagnosing fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: New Canadian guideline

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:00 AM PST

Diagnosing fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is important to help children and adults, and their families, who have the disorder. A new Canadian guideline provides recommendations for diagnosing FASD, specifically for multidisciplinary diagnostic teams.

Physician-assisted death should be listed on medical certificates of death in Canada

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:00 AM PST

Physician-assisted death should be recorded on medical certificates of death in Canada in the event that assisted dying becomes legal, according to a new analysis.

Potential treatment target for IDH1-mutant cancers identified

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:00 AM PST

A potential new treatment target for tumors -- including a significant percentage of malignant brain tumors -- driven by mutations in an important metabolic enzyme has been identified by a group of researchers.

Liver protein boosts growth of insulin-producing cells

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 10:00 AM PST

A key protein produced in the liver aids in accelerating the growth of insulin-producing cells, new research has shown. Identifying growth factors that naturally circulate in the blood offers potentially major advantages for building healthy beta cells, the researchers say.

Isolating water’s impact on vibrations within DNA

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 07:26 AM PST

To isolate the contribution of water to the vibrational fluctuations that occur between DNA, bulk water, and the charged biomolecular interface between the two, researchers have performed two-dimensional spectroscopic analyses on double-stranded DNA helices at different hydration levels.

Accountability after Paris agreement?

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 07:25 AM PST

Who can and should hold states to account for how they live up to their commitments last Saturday made in Paris and beyond? The provisions on the table for formal mechanisms for states to hold each other to account within the agreement are weak at best, says an expert. States' reluctance to voluntarily subject themselves to strong compliance mechanisms under particularly international environmental law is well-known, she says. "Accountability must be seen in a much broader context."

Bycatch threatens marine mammals, but new protections hold promise for Mexican vaquita

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 07:23 AM PST

Gillnetting around the world is ensnaring hundreds of thousands of small cetaceans every year, threatening several species of dolphins and porpoises with extinction, according to new research. But there is one bright spot in the Gulf of California, where Mexican authorities earlier this year instituted an emergency two-year ban on gillnetting to help save the critically endangered vaquita.

Promising cancer therapy advanced by chemical explanation

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 07:23 AM PST

Radiation therapy: A chilling word that creates images of burn-injuries where the cancer killing ray went through the skin. For decades research hospitals have been investigating the alternative method Hadron therapy, or particle therapy, where runaway cells are bombarded with 'naked' atomic nuclei or protons. When the particles pass through sick cells the collision creates chemical reactions preventing further cell division. Now researchers have discovered an unknown reaction caused by the therapy.

Doped organic semiconductors explored

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 07:23 AM PST

Organic semiconductors are already being employed in solar cells and organic LEDs (OLEDs). Until now, however, little was known about how the doping molecules are integrated into their chemical structure. Scientists have now analyzed this question at BESSY II with surprising results. The molecules are not necessarily uniformly dispersed in the host lattice, but instead form co-crystallites. It is this very species that takes over the role as the actually doping molecule.

How law enforcement leaders feel about police wearing body cameras

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 07:23 AM PST

Several recent high-profile incidents involving police use of deadly force have resulted in increased scrutiny of officer behavior and police-community relations. While the use of body-worn cameras on police to address these issues has been endorsed by the media, government, social activists, and policy makers alike, there is scant scientific evidence to support or refute the perceived benefits or drawbacks.

Climate research using lasers and water pipes

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 06:30 AM PST

Global warming is disturbing the delicate balance of the ocean currents. Petroleum and climate researchers are now working together to try and understand what is happening beneath the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.

Improved robotic testing systems

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 06:30 AM PST

New mathematical models can give us better and cheaper robotic systems.

Analysis of neuronal avalanches reveals spatial temporal roadmap of humans higher cognitive function

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 06:27 AM PST

For the first time ever in a study of the living human brain as it responds to outside stimuli, an Israeli doctoral candidate recently completed a quantitative analysis of how neuronal avalanches arise from the balance between two fundamental electrochemical forces mediated on the level of neural networks -- the force that excites the propagation of electrical activity through the brain, and the force that inhibits it.

Headbanging Aussie bee takes a heavy metal approach to pollination

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 06:27 AM PST

Research has for the first time revealed the heavy metal secret behind an Australian bee's unique approach to pollination: high-speed headbanging. In an effort that would put metal fans to shame, the native blue-banded bee has been filmed head banging flowers up to 350 times a second. The technique causes vibrations that release pollen into the air similar to the motion of a salt and pepper shaker, helping pollinate the flower.

Timing of first childbirth influences women's health at age 40

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 06:27 AM PST

A new study finds some surprising ways in which women's health at midlife is connected to when they had their first child and to their marital history.

Rapid Arctic warming drives shifts in marine mammals

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 06:27 AM PST

New hydrophone surveys of migration gateways to the Arctic show that recent extremes in sea ice loss has opened new waters to humpback and fin whales that once ranged through the far north only in summer. And as climate change drives the ice into further retreat, such 'summer' species may begin competing with bowhead whales that once had the habitat to themselves.

Brain cancer self-organizes into streams, swirls, and spheres

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 06:27 AM PST

Brain cancer is not anarchy, say researchers but highly organized--self-organized. Researchers report that glioma cells build tumors by self-organizing into streams,10-20 cells wide, that obey a mathematically predicted pattern for autonomous agents flowing together. These streams drag along slower gliomas, may block entry of immune cells, and swirl around a central axis containing glioma stem cells that feed the tumor's growth.

Four reasons breaking up with Facebook is hard to do

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 06:00 AM PST

New research has revealed four reasons why our relationship with Facebook is complicated. The results of a new study highlight the complexities involved in people's ongoing decisions about how to use, or not use, social media.

Call of the wild: Ecologists call for more research on rewilding

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 05:58 AM PST

Ecologists are calling for more research on rewilding, warning that without greater clarity on the term's meaning and desired outcomes, the opportunities that rewilding offers could be jeopardized as the debate becomes increasingly polarized.

Early childhood exposure to farm animals, pets modifies immunological responses

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 05:50 AM PST

Exposure to farm animals in early childhood modifies the key allergy-related immunological mechanisms, shows a recent study, which provides new insight into the role of dendritic cells and cytokine production in particular.

Faster, finer filtration

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 05:50 AM PST

The right blend of polymers enables rapid and molecule-selective filtering of tiny particles from water, say scientists. A method of fabricating polymer membranes with nanometer-scale holes that overcomes some practical challenges has been demonstrated by the researchers.

New research could help to prevent blockages faced by many long-term catheter users

Posted: 14 Dec 2015 05:49 AM PST

New research could lead to new treatments to prevent blockages and urinary tract infections experienced by many long-term catheter users. Up to 50 per cent of long-term catheter users experience encrustations and subsequent blockage, which result in severe trauma and pain for the individual and place high burdens on healthcare services and finances.

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