الجمعة، 23 سبتمبر 2011

NBR Saturday 9AM Bridge Run and Coffee at Gimme Coffee

Good luck to everyone racing the mile tomorrow!

For everyone else, start your Saturday with a run over the
Williamsburg Bridge followed by coffee at Gimme Coffee (Roebling and

We'll meet at 9AM by the base of the north-bike side of the bridge.
Map of the meeting spot here:

Over the bridge and back is about 3 miles. You can shorten the run by
turning around midway or add mileage by running part of the bridge

All paces welcome - speedy, not so speedy, in between, not sure,, You
can't be too fast or too slow for this run. Join us whether you run
with NBR all the time, are new to the group, or just run with us once
in a while. If you hit snooze too many times, join us along the way
or at coffee. The bridge run is for everyone.

Hope to see you tomorrow

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