الخميس، 21 فبراير 2013

This iPhone Skin Lets You Stick It to Any Surface

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Thursday, February 21, 2013
HighlightHighlight Version 1.5 Update Adds Photos and Events
Wood-cameraHow to Use the New 'Wood Camera' iPhone Photo Editing App
Htc-one-product-shotWhy HTC Is Betting on 'UltraPixels' for Its New Flagship Phone

This iPhone Skin Lets You Stick It to Any Surface
4:24:08 AMCamille Bautista
With thousands of apps and limitless online resources for any task imaginable, we take our phones everywhere. Smartphones are used as mirrors, navigation guides and cook books, but maneuvering your iPhone while measuring ingredients can get messy. Salutoo Skins, a self-adhesive iPhone accessory, may make your device even more accessible. The skin allows you to stick your phone to any flat surface.


FCC Approves Wireless Signal Boosters, With Caveats
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 6:37 PMAlex Fitzpatrick
Rejoice, oh sufferers of terrible wireless connections: The Federal Communications Commission voted unanimously Wednesday to approve the regulated use of signal boosters to extend the range of wireless networks. The Commission's decision, however, comes with several conditions: First, carriers can individually determine whether they will allow their customers to use signal boosters.


Highlight Version 1.5 Update Adds Photos and Events
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 2:09 PMEmily Price
It’s been a big year for Highlight. “It was a fun year. It was really exciting. It’s been a whirlwind,” Highlight creator Paul Davison said during a private press event Wednesday. “We’re really excited about what happened last year, but we’re really looking forward to this year," he added. Launched on Jan. 24, 2012, the location-sharing app is now just over a year old.


How to Use the New 'Wood Camera' iPhone Photo Editing App
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 1:37 PMEric Larson
Looking for an Instagram alternative? Check out our demo of Wood Camera, a photo-sharing app that lets you view how filters will look before you snap.


Why HTC Is Betting on 'UltraPixels' for Its New Flagship Phone
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 12:39 PMPete Pachal
When HTC unveiled its new flagship phone, the HTC One, it set out to redefine how the smartphone cameras are measured. The most tangible spec for a camera is how many megapixels it can capture, but that spec is far from the last word on photo quality. So HTC created a new term: the UltraPixel.


10 Apps You Need to Dominate Your Work Day
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 11:34 AMFran Berkman
If you're looking to boost your workday productivity, that smartphone in your pocket can help. The mobile app revolution has produced hundreds of apps to help ease the stress of everyday life. These apps perform both simple tasks, such as managing your to-do list, and complex ones, such as allowing you remote access to your computer.


Here's How It'll Feel to Wear Google Glass
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:57 AMPete Pachal
What would it be like to wear Google Glass? Google answered that very question this morning, posting a lot more information about Project Glass, including the user interface, through a series of photos and videos. You can see the UI and some of the features of Glass in the gallery, although they don't quite capture the exact experience.


6 Ways to Make iPad Email More Productive
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:44 AMTabTimes
A new report found that iPad users spend a large portion of their time sending and receiving emails using the native Mail client. In light of that study, we found five ways to make your iPad email faster and more productive. 1. Change Your Email Signature It may be a trivial point, but there’s a debate to be had on whether having a “Sent from my iPad” signature is really a good idea.


ProxToMe Sends Files From Your iPhone To Everyone In The Room
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 10:01 AMEmily Price
There are literally hundreds of different ways you can potentially send a file. When it comes to sending something like a presentation from one mobile device to another those solutions often get a bit complicated, especially if you trying to send a file from one mobile phone to several different phones located nearby.


Report: iPhone 5 Was the World's Best-Selling Smartphone in Q4 2012
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 9:25 AMStan Schroeder
Apple's iPhone 5 was the best-selling smartphone in the world in Q4 2012, according to the latest data from Strategy Analytics. The iPhone 5 took the crown from Samsung Galaxy S III, but the iPhone 4S also managed to overtake Samsung's flagship. According to Strategy Analytics' data, Samsung shipped 15.4 million Galaxy S IIIs, while Apple shipped 17.4 million iPhone 4S units and 27.4 million iPhone 5 units in Q4 2012.


Want Google Glass? Tell Google How You'll Use it
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 9:01 AMLance Ulanoff
On Wednesday, the search giant launched an application contest to let regular people from all walks of life try out Google Glass, its head-mounted, augmented reality project. They simply have to prove they deserve it.


Apple Hacked And Two Other Stories You Need to Know
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 8:52 AMStan Schroeder
Welcome to this morning's edition of "First To Know," a series in which we keep you in the know on what's happening in the digital world. Today, we're looking at three particularly interesting stories. First Facebook, and now Apple — the Cupertino company said Tuesday some of its computers had been hacked. The attack probably originated from abroad. The U.S.


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