الأحد، 26 يناير 2014

Pimp My Vape: The Rise of E-Cigarette Hackers and 10 More

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Pimp My Vape: The Rise of E-Cigarette Hackers

New York's e-cigarette ban hasn't worried many vaping enthusiasts. It's created a more niche, close-knit scene of "vaper," many of whom hack their devices.

11 Songs From the '90s That Are Darker Than You Thought

Although you can't tell from their catchy melodies, these '90s songs explore dark themes you never expected them to.

Our Addiction to Phone Subsidies Keeps the Wireless Industry Broken

Ditch your smartphone contract as soon as possible, and never sign another one again.

3 Reasons to Interview for a Job You Don't Want

Here are three reasons to interview for a job you don't want.

Nintendo Fans Rush to eBay for Rare Game

An eBay seller posted a rare Nintendo game on the site, and now fans and collectors alike are racing to place bids on the item.

Apple to Build Mobile-Payments Service, Report Says

Apple is serious about leveraging its 500-billion strong customer base for mobile payments, according to a new report.

The Celebrity Voices Behind These Cartoons Might Surprise You

A look at some obscure and random celebrities who's voices have appeared in cartoons and animations.

The Career-Boosting Benefits of Lifelong Learning

With learning resources everywhere, it's not difficult to pick up something new for a very low cost or, in some cases, for free.

Tech VC Compares Criticism of 1% to Nazi Persecution of Jews

In a controversial letter, tech VC Tom Perkins compares the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany to what he says is the current demonization of society's 1%.

Apple CEO Tim Cook Addresses NSA Concerns in Rare Interview

Apple CEO Tim Cook again addressed NSA concerns in a new interview with ABC.

Build an Engineering Masterpiece With Leftover Soda Straws

A new Kickstarter project shows children how to make complex geometrical structures out of straws.