الخميس، 15 سبتمبر 2016

Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?

Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?

We Need to Talk About Taylor Swift's Cat, Meredith

Posted: 15 Sep 2016 12:00 PM PDT

taylor swift,twitter,instagram,scottish fold,meredith grey,Cats

Meredith Grey is a gorgeous Scottish Fold that doesn't seem to understand how lucky she is to be Taylor Swift's cat.

Submitted by:

This Picture of a Goofy Hippo Got a Photoshop Battle

Posted: 15 Sep 2016 11:59 AM PDT

list,photoshop battle,hippo

Submitted by:

Arthur's Severe Case of the "Zoomies" Prevents Him From Being a Good Detective

Posted: 15 Sep 2016 10:00 AM PDT

Submitted by: (via @DC_ARVSgt)

Tagged: zoomies , dogs , twitter , funny , Video

The Artist Formerly Known as Cat

Posted: 15 Sep 2016 08:00 AM PDT

the artist formerly known as cat

Submitted by: (via Tostonn)

Tagged: hair , Cats

Fancy Dog Is Trained to Close Cabinets; Helps Keep the House Tidy

Posted: 15 Sep 2016 07:00 AM PDT

Submitted by: (via Belituf Pets)

Tagged: dogs , trick , Video

Proper High Tea With a British Pupper

Posted: 15 Sep 2016 06:00 AM PDT

proper high tea with a british pupper

Submitted by: (via chx_)

Tagged: dogs , cute , corgi , tea

Eight Tiny Hedgehogs Eat Dinner From the Same Plate in Adorable Video

Posted: 15 Sep 2016 05:00 AM PDT

Submitted by: (via JerzyDlaJezy)

Tagged: Babies , facebook , hedgehog , eating , Video

These Are All the Overwatch Doggos So Far

Posted: 15 Sep 2016 04:00 AM PDT

overwatch,dogs,doge,cosplay,blizzard,cute,video games,funny

Oh my! So cosplay, such wow!

Submitted by:

Cat Can't Seem to Wrap Her Head Around the Concept of Fizzy Water

Posted: 15 Sep 2016 02:00 AM PDT

Why is it so... bubbly!?

Submitted by: (via Rumble Viral)

Tagged: water , confused , Cats , Video

Email Marketing Delivery Metrics and Reporting

Email Marketing Delivery Metrics and Reporting

The success of your email marketing isn't always immediately obvious. More than having a growing list with 1,000s of emails on it, a successful email marketing program also focuses on open rates, click throughs and other key metrics to track its success.

Thinking about sorting through reports and working with numbers can cause even the most mathematically-inclined to develop an eye twitch. Here at FeedBlitz HQ, we work to make this as simple, and headache-free, as possible. Offering a full fleet of metrics you can follow, you're able to decide precisely which metrics are most important and easily track the progress.

Types of Email Delivery Metrics and Reports

FeedBlitz offers three categories of email marketing reports: At-A-Glance, Summary and In-Depth Metrics. All accessible from your Mailing List dashboard, these reports are found in the Mailing Activity section:

At-a-Glance reporting comes in the form of the FeedBlitz Heat Map. This report allows you to quickly see what links were clicked in individual mailings. Learn more about our Heat Maps in this FeedBlitz Quick Tips blog post.

Pro Tip: Want more Quick Tips from FeedBlitz? We cover all sorts of email marketing and FeedBlitz-platform related questions in short, easy to digest posts. Subscribe here to get our next tip!

Summary reports can be accessed by selecting the Monthly Mailing Metrics as highlighted above. This report shows the Subscriber Stats along with Mailing Stats for the month selected. You will also be able to quickly identify which mailings for that month were deemed most and least engaging, opened and clicked.


In-Depth Metrics reports take a closer look into specific target points related to your email marketing. These delivery metrics and reports include:

  • Delivery Metrics:  The number of emails successfully sent, opened, clicked, bounced (both soft and hard), unsubscriptions and complaints, as well as forwards the email received.

  • Circulation: Total number of emails sent for each email.

  • Engagement Report: Closer look at how your subscribers reacted to your email including automatic social shares, opens, clicks and more – all listed by subscriber.

  • Open Analysis: Open rates for each email sent. You can also select Open Analysis by Reader to see this information by subscriber.

  • Click Throughs: Separated into three categories, you are able to see Click Through Rates by article (post), tag (custom field) and reader. For a quick look at this data, you can check out the Heat Map to see which links were clicked in the mailing.

  • Subscription Changes: Total numbers of subscribers who unsubscribed, were removed due to undeliverability (hard bounces) or deleted by the publisher.

  • Unsubscribe Reasons: Why users are choosing to unsubscribe to your mailings. With FeedBlitz users must select a reason for unsubscribing, which offers incredible insight for you, the publisher.

  • Referring Pages: Keeps track of all referring pages to your list and ranks them from most to least popular.

A few additional notes on your in-depth reports:

1. Easily export all data, or a summary of the data, in any of the in-depth reports from the report dashboard.
2. Change the graph format in the second drop down menu to suite your preferences
3. Adjust the length of your report in the third drop down menu to include a few or  many days for your data.

Tips for Working with Email Marketing Reports

Working with reporting metrics and data can seem like a large project. We suggest the following steps to ease into the process so your approach is focused and effective.

  1. Glance through all of the reports to familiarize yourself. Download or export a few of them to make any notes for future reference. When you're ready, select one or two key points of focus, such as open or click-through rate and identify a goal for each metric.
  2. Carve out some time to dig into the specific reports for your target point of focus. Make as many notes as you'd like, citing any changes in numbers (a bump or a loss can be equally important here!). It's important to view these statistics in historical context before making content decisions based on these stats. There are normal seasonal fluctuations that will affect your list's metrics. With this information in hand, brainstorm a few  strategies to increase the success of this metric. When your focus is increasing your list's membership, should you  optimize different or new referring pages? Or are you going to reduce churn by focusing on  a particular unsubscription response? Use the notes from your research to create 3-5 action steps you can take to achieve your desired goals.
  3. After implementing your new strategy allow at least 2 months to see to make a determination on the success or failure of your efforts. Don't forget to compare your results with your list's historical performance. If your actions did not move you closer toward your goal, go back to your notes and brainstorm a few more action steps to take and repeat it again. Working in this manner will help you pinpoint exactly what is and is not working for each metric.
  4. Once you are satisfied with the data on your original focus metric, select the next few metric and repeat, until you have worked your way through the entire list.

It can be tempting to focus on increasing every metric  all at once, and trust us, we've tried that in our own email marketing journey, but experience has taught us well! The best success comes with deliberate focus and attention to just 1 or 2 key targets before moving on to the next set, and we're positive many of our publishers will agree with us.

If you use our delivery metrics and data reports on a regular basis, we would love to hear about your experiences! Send an email with your feedback to support@feedblitz.com. Thank you in advance as we look forward to hearing from you!

Interested in using reporting metrics to boost your email marketing, but not sure which report to follow first? Send our support team an email to support@feedblitz.com. You can also chat, check out our Help Forum, or give us a call at 1.877.692.5489. Our Support and Sales Desk is available Monday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm EST.


Easy enough for a blogger to set up in seconds, powerful enough for sophisticated corporate email campaigns, FeedBlitz is an RSS, Email and Social Automation Tool to take your email marketing to the next level. Visit us online to learn more or start your 30 Day Free Trial!

Email subscriptions powered by FeedBlitz, LLC, 365 Boston Post Rd, Suite 123, Sudbury, MA 01776, USA.