الخميس، 15 ديسمبر 2011

Prioritizing Discussion: Why Community Is as Critical as Content

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Thursday, December 15, 2011
PayPal to Challenge Groupon in Daily Deals
Santa Sends Personalized Greetings Via YouTube and Twitter
Facebook on Ceglia's Suit: The Contract Is Fake

Prioritizing Discussion: Why Community Is as Critical as Content
Wednesday, December 14, 2011 4:45 PMTodd Olmstead
Fred Wilson wrote earlier this year, "Modern community building isn't easy, but if there is one thing the Internet has taught me over the past 15 years, large engaged communities are incredible powerful things, both commercially and socially....

How Social Media Prompts Holiday Purchases [INFOGRAPHIC]
Wednesday, December 14, 2011 4:30 PMTodd Wasserman
Have you ever gone on Facebook to bounce a few gift ideas off your friends before browsing to Amazon or another site to actually make those purchases? Me neither, but apparently we're in the minority this holiday season. Mr. Youth, a...

7 Tips for Traveling Bloggers
Wednesday, December 14, 2011 3:46 PMAlexis Grant
Alexis Grant is a journalist, newbie entrepreneur and author of the eguide How to Take a Career Break to Travel. She tweets @alexisgrant. Working remotely, on your own schedule, from wherever you want, can be a pretty sweet gig. But once you've...

Santa Sends Personalized Greetings Via YouTube and Twitter
Wednesday, December 14, 2011 1:33 PMPSFK
European telecommunications company Telefónica 02 has developed a campaign that lets its Twitter followers tweet Santa Claus via the hashtag #O2santa. Followers can tweet him a message that they'd like read out, and Santa will create personal...

How a 140-Character Twitter Resume Could Land Your Next Job
Wednesday, December 14, 2011 12:28 PMSean Weinberg
Sean Weinberg is the COO and co-founder of RezScore, a free web application that reads, analyzes and grades resumes instantly. You can connect with Sean and the RezScore team on Facebook and Twitter. Brangelina, TomKat.. Twesume?   Just...

How to Build a Content Framework for New Media Success
Wednesday, December 14, 2011 11:28 AMDavid Krejci
David Krejci, executive vice president at Weber Shandwick, combines an expert knowledge of social and digital media with more than 15 years of "traditional" PR experience. Krejci's work focuses on social media crises, issues and B2B social...

PayPal to Challenge Groupon in Daily Deals
Wednesday, December 14, 2011 10:54 AMTodd Wasserman
EBay's PayPal unit plans to take on Groupon in early 2012 with a new service that will offer coupons based on users' buying habits and mobile phone locations. PayPal has partnered with 200 U.S. merchants for the offering, says Anuj Nayar, a...

Announcing a Live Chat With Threadless Co-Founder Jake Nickell
Wednesday, December 14, 2011 10:42 AMScott Gerber
At 12 p.m. ET tomorrow, Dec. 15, streaming live exclusively on Mashable, Threadless founder Jake Nickell will be answering questions from readers. As part of the launch of the Young Entrepreneur Council's new program called YEC Global, Nickell...

Facebook on Ceglia's Suit: The Contract Is Fake
Wednesday, December 14, 2011 10:05 AMStan Schroeder
Facebook will ask a federal court to dismiss Paul Ceglia's Facebook ownership suit. Ceglia claims he has signed a contract with Mark Zuckerberg giving him as much as a 50% stake in Facebook. Ceglia's case is based on a contract dating from 2003,...

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