الاثنين، 2 أبريل 2012

Aaron Hockley

Aaron Hockley

Consolidating Social Outlet Overload: Interesting… from Aaron

Posted: 02 Apr 2012 09:37 AM PDT

Decorative metal along the edge of a roofline on the Seattle waterfrontLast week I mused about spreading content widely vs. attempting to reduce fragmentation, and it ties into a related topic: how do you keep track of interesting things that someone does, regardless of their, and your, platforms of choice? I publish here, on Google+, on Twitter, on Facebook, and on Instagram regularly. Most of the time I’m sharing different content with different audiences. How can someone keep track of the best stuff without following me everywhere?

I don’t have a magical solution for everyone. But I now have a practical solution for keeping up with the “best of the best” things that I write, photograph, curate, and share. I’m announcing the creation of Interesting… from Aaron. Enter your email address to get started:

Interesting… from Aaron is a once-weekly message that will contain:

  • My favorite photo I’ve created that week
  • Some not-published-elsewhere thoughts on an interesting observation or learning
  • Links to any interesting things I’ve written that week
  • Links to a few interesting things that other folks have written

The best of the things I’ve created or seen (photography, internet/tech, media, wackiness) distilled into one easy message each week.

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