الثلاثاء، 10 أبريل 2012

Can Employers Ask For Your Facebook Password? Not in Maryland

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Facegram FTW! How Facebook Could Actually Improve Instagram
Facebook Acquires Instagram: What Do You Think? [POLL]
Redditor Tells All After Home Destroyed by Jet Crash

Can Employers Ask For Your Facebook Password? Not in Maryland
Monday, April 09, 2012 7:24 PMAlex Fitzpatrick
If you're a resident of Maryland, you no longer have to fear a potential employer asking you to hand over the keys to your Facebook or Twitter profiles before giving you a job. Both Houses of the Maryland General Assembly voted on a bipartisan...

Dear Facebook, Please Don't Ruin Instagram
Monday, April 09, 2012 7:01 PMChristina Warren
For Facebook, buying Instagram looks like one of the smartest acquisitions the company has ever made. But when the news first broke that Facebook had acquired Instagram, my immediate instinct was dread. I tweeted that my favorite mobile app was...

Redditor Tells All After Home Destroyed by Jet Crash
Monday, April 09, 2012 6:52 PMStephanie Haberman
"Hi my name is Devin and I'm 21 years old. I can't even begin to wrap my mind around what has happened. Who thinks they're gonna wake up one morning then have their house destroyed by a jet??" Devin posted this picture with the wreckage of her...

Attend an Intimate Breakout Session at Mashable Connect
Monday, April 09, 2012 6:37 PMJennifer Diamond
Mashable Connect is only a few weeks away! Now's a better time than ever to get your pass to our biggest conference of the year. There are many reasons to attend Mashable's largest conference of the year, and now we have one more: breakout...

Facebook Instagram Acquisition: 20 Witty Reactions
Monday, April 09, 2012 5:45 PMBrian Anthony Hernandez
Facebook's arsenal of services will soon get a little flashier with the $1 billion acquisition of trendy photo-sharing Instagram -- and users on social networks quickly reacted Monday to the sudden business deal. Herds of Instagram users...

Facegram FTW! How Facebook Could Actually Improve Instagram
Monday, April 09, 2012 4:18 PMChris Taylor
No doubt you'll hear or read this phrase a hundred times Monday: Instagram is over. Facebook bought it and now it's going to ruin it, right? It'll never be the service we knew and loved again. Not so fast, Instagrammers. Before you all rush over...

Touchscreen Directories Are Coming to NYC Phone Booths
Monday, April 09, 2012 3:59 PMJoann Pan
New York City's dilapidated phone booths are getting a high-tech makeover. Hundreds of phone booths will soon be outfitted with iPad-like touchscreen devices for directions and hyper-local news. New Yorkers will see 32-inch smart screens in...

Deleting Your Instagram Account? Here's How to Save Your Pics
Monday, April 09, 2012 3:45 PMSarah Kessler
Facebook is buying Instagram -- and some Instagram users aren't happy about it. They're tweeting that they'll delete their Instagram accounts because of the acquisition. The fear is that in addition to the company, Facebook has acquired all of...

Facebook Acquires Instagram: What Do You Think? [POLL]
Monday, April 09, 2012 3:28 PMTodd Olmstead
Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the social network's acquisition of Instagram on his Facebook Timeline Monday. In his post, he writes that Facebook intends to keep the service as is, saying that the company is "committed to...

Facebook Buys Instagram for $1 Billion
Monday, April 09, 2012 2:10 PMEmily Price
Facebook snapped up the hugely popular photo-sharing app Instagram Monday, for roughly $1 billion in a combination of cash and stock. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the acquisition in a post on his Facebook Timeline Monday. The sale is...

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