الخميس، 3 مايو 2012

How One Startup Is Reinventing the Mail

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Thursday, May 03, 2012
Pebble Watch's First App: Runkeeper
Who Googled You? This Website Knows
Crowd-Funding Video Platform Launches, But Would You Pay?

How One Startup Is Reinventing the Mail
4:00:22 AMJesse Draper
Talk about a secret startup! James Hirschfeld and sister Alexa started Paperless Post while James was still in college at Harvard. They worked on their business in secret, pushing the definition of "stealth mode" to new heights: James designed...

Pinstagram! How Two Friends Merged Pinterest and Instagram in Two Days
3:43:53 AMZoe Fox
What would happen if two of the digital world's hottest startups, Pinterest and Instagram, were mashed into one? Two friends decided to find out, in a weekend coding adventure that began as a joke. Pek Pongpaet and Brandon Leonardo were...

Hungry? Appetude Finds Delish Dishes Near You
3:00:20 AMKate Freeman
The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Appetude Quick Pitch: Find and rate...

How AgLocal Wants to Change the Meat Industry
Wednesday, May 02, 2012 9:23 PMSam Laird
It's not too difficult to find locally grown fruits and vegetables in most markets -- but start searching for beef, chicken or pork and your food's origins become a lot more murky. That's what the Kansas City-based startup AgLocal aims to change....

ChallengePost Powers Innovation via Competition
Wednesday, May 02, 2012 4:19 PMSarah Kessler
The World at Work is powered by GE. This new series highlights the people, projects and startups that are driving innovation and making the world a better place.Name: ChallengePost Big Idea: ChallengePost powers open development contests for...

Pebble Watch's First App: Runkeeper
Wednesday, May 02, 2012 1:59 PMSarah Kessler
The startup behind the Pebble smart watch, which interacts with your iPhone or Android device, raised almost $8 million on Kickstarter with weeks to go in its fundraising period. Now it has announced its first app -- with months to go before...

Crowd-Funding Video Platform Launches, But Would You Pay?
Wednesday, May 02, 2012 1:04 PMZoe Fox
Have you ever wished you could show video creators your appreciation in a more tangible way than a "like"? A new partnership between video platform Dailymotion and social micropayment startup Flattr lets you show filmmakers some love with a bit...

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