السبت، 8 يونيو 2013

Heat-Sensitive Telescope Could Find Aliens

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Saturday, June 08, 2013
Contact-lensThis Contact Lens Computer Is Like Google Glass, Without the Glasses
SmartphoneStudy: U.S. Smartphone Penetration Now at 61%
SurveillanceNSA Collecting Millions of Phone Records and Other News You Need to Know

Heat-Sensitive Telescope Could Find Aliens
Friday, June 07, 2013 9:13 PMSpace.com
We might be able find aliens using the heat their civilizations give off, astronomers say, but it will take a megatelescope to do the job. The development of such a telescope is in the works. The telescope — called Colossus — would be a massive 250-foot (77-meter) telescope, which is more than double the aperture of any telescope yet constructed.


Robots Help Firefighters Rescue Victims
Friday, June 07, 2013 6:35 PMTechNewsDaily
Recent headlines about autonomous robots have suggested that smart machines have a license to kill. But a new project from engineers at the University of California, San Diego suggests a different reality. The UC engineers have built a pack of tiny autonomous robots that could help save the lives of both fire victims and firefighters.


Design Guru Slams NSA's PowerPoint Skills
Friday, June 07, 2013 2:52 PMChris Taylor
Say what you like about the NSA's Internet-monitoring PRISM program. One thing is clear from the leaked slides that revealed it to the world: The top intelligence agency in the U.S. has some pretty awful PowerPoint skills. No one knows that better than Edward Tufte, an author, Yale profesor and expert on presenting visual information.


This Contact Lens Computer Is Like Google Glass, Without the Glasses
Friday, June 07, 2013 2:26 PMMIT Technology Review
For those who find Google Glass indiscreet, electronic contact lenses that outfit the user's cornea with a display may one day provide an alternative. Researchers at several institutions, including two research arms of Samsung, have already built contacts of this kind, which use new nanomaterials to solve some of the problems that have made contact lens displays less than practical.


'Song for Pic' Adds Music to Instagram Photos
Friday, June 07, 2013 2:19 PMSamantha Murphy
Ready to add a little music to Instagram photos? A new platform called Song for Pic randomly matches songs to your pictures and lets you and your friends vote on which works best. The free service, which syncs with your existing Instagram account, can be played and shared with friends, letting everyone vote on a soundtrack for certain pictures.


Apple WWDC: The Big News Preview
Friday, June 07, 2013 1:30 PMRyan Lytle
Apple's annual developer conference, WWDC, begins on Monday, June 10, and if you didn't think there was hype for this event, the fact that tickets sold out in just 120 seconds should sway your opinion. As Apple prepares for all walks of life to descend up San Francisco's Moscone Center, rumors about what to expect have been heating up.


This Mount Can Attach Your Phone to Almost Anything
Friday, June 07, 2013 1:25 PMSean Fitz-Gerald
Let's be real: Pockets, holsters and purses don't always stash your phone in an accessible or stylish fashion. Canadian-based design company They Innovate has a nifty solution with Clipless. The creators launched a Kickstarter campaign to catalyze support for the new accessory.


Leaked Video of Nokia 41-Megapixel Phone Shows Camera in Action
Friday, June 07, 2013 11:10 AMPete Pachal
It's been rumored that Nokia will bring its 41-megapixel PureView camera — first seen in its 808 phone — to its Lumia line of Windows Phones in a model codenamed "EOS." Those reports gained a little more veracity with the leak of a YouTube video that purports to show the upcoming phone's camera in action.


New Android Trojan Is Nearly Impossible to Remove
Friday, June 07, 2013 8:24 AMStan Schroeder
IT security firm Kaspersky has discovered the "most sophisticated" Android trojan yet.


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