الخميس، 20 يونيو 2013

[International Games Day @ your library] Update to previous post! Excessive DRM/check-in requirements on Microsoft's upcoming XBox One removed.


We just wanted to let you know that International Games Day @ your library has
posted a new item, 'Update to previous post! Excessive DRM/check-in requirements
on Microsoft's upcoming XBox One removed.'

It seems that Microsoft have been listening (though it might be more accurate to
say that they finally got tired of sticking their fingers in their ears and
shouting "lalalaIcan'thearyou") - the onerous DRM-motivated requirements
mentioned in the last post have been removed. Details are in the updates to that
post, since they provide the [...]

You can view this latest post at

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Game on,
Phil Minchin
ALA's International Games Day @ your library initiative

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