السبت، 31 مايو 2014

Aaron Hockley

Aaron Hockley

I Don’t Read Fiction

Posted: 30 May 2014 12:38 PM PDT

I don’t read fiction.

There, I said it.

The statistics show I’m not all that different than the average American.

I didn’t say that I don’t read. In fact, at any given moment I’m in the middle of at least one nonfiction book, with several more on deck. Right now I have two unread books in my Kindle library along with six unopened bits of nonfiction book reading of the dead-tree variety.

Why no fiction, Aaron? Why do you hate stories?

I don’t hate made-up stories. I enjoy my stories in other forms. I’ll watch them on Netflix. I’ll read the occasional bit of fiction online. I’ll read the press releases from PETA[1].

I’ve never read any Harry Potter books. I’ve never read the Lord of the Rings. Am I missing something beyond water cooler conversation topics? There’s value in that… but…

Diary of a Part-Time Indian…why would I spend my time on fiction and fantasy when there are lots of “real” nonfiction things that I can learn and study and use? If I get pleasure from reading a book of Scott Adams’ thoughts on the world would I gain more pleasure or have more benefits from reading about a hobbit or a wizard or such?

Maybe. I don’t know.

I mentioned this to my friend Justin earlier this week and within an hour he gifted me the Kindle version of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.

I have no idea what this book is about, but I trust my friend so I’m going to read it.

Will it lead to reading more fiction? Maybe. I’m totally okay with either a yes or a no answer to this question. But I’m pretty sure that my nonfiction world makes me some sort of aberration among my normal circles.

Is that so wrong?

  1. Sorry, easy target. But seriously, WTF?  ↩

The post I Don’t Read Fiction appeared first on Aaron B. Hockley.

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