الجمعة، 28 نوفمبر 2014

ScienceDaily: Health & Medicine News

ScienceDaily: Health & Medicine News

Fragile X study offers hope of new autism treatment

Posted: 27 Nov 2014 10:57 AM PST

People affected by a common inherited form of autism could be helped by a drug that is being tested as a treatment for cancer, according to researchers. Fragile X Syndrome is the most common genetic cause of autism spectrum disorders. It affects around 1 in 4,000 boys and 1 in 6,000 girls. Currently, there is no cure.

Mindfulness treatment as effective as CBT for depression, anxiety

Posted: 27 Nov 2014 08:27 AM PST

Group mindfulness treatment is as effective as individual cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in patients with depression and anxiety, according to a new study. This is the first randomized study to compare group mindfulness treatment and individual cognitive behavioral therapy in patients with depression and anxiety in primary health care.

New research supporting stroke rehabilitation

Posted: 27 Nov 2014 05:23 AM PST

New research could help improve stroke patients' rehabilitation, experts say. The research may provide useful applications for the care of stroke patients who have restricted use of their upper limbs. If stroke patients practice the techniques recommended by the study, it could potentially help maintain activity in movement-related brain areas, especially when used alongside more traditional physiotherapy techniques where the same movements are also practiced physically.

Significantly increased risk of stillbirth in males, study shows

Posted: 27 Nov 2014 05:23 AM PST

Boys are more likely to be stillborn than girls, a large-scale study has found. The study reviewed more than 30 million births globally, and found that the risk of stillbirth is about ten percent higher in boys. This equates to a loss of around 100,000 additional male babies per year.

New antimicrobial edible films increase lifespan of cheese

Posted: 27 Nov 2014 05:23 AM PST

New coatings to apply to soft cheese have been developed by researchers. These coatings are totally edible and have an antimicrobial capacity, which increases the lifespan of the cheese. These films incorporate oregano and rosemary essential oils as antimicrobial agents, and chitosan, a by-product that comes from crustacean shells.

'Trigger' for stress processes discovered in brain

Posted: 27 Nov 2014 05:23 AM PST

An important factor for stress has been identified by scientists. This is the protein secretagogin that plays an important role in the release of the stress hormone CRH and which only then enables stress processes in the brain to be transmitted to the pituitary gland and then onwards to the organs.

How do Tourette's patients react to visual stimulation with their own self-image?

Posted: 27 Nov 2014 05:23 AM PST

Tourette's syndrome is characterized by tics caused in many by premonitory urges; sensations which give patients compulsion to act to relieve discomfort. Habit reversal therapy conditions patients into heightened awareness of premonitory urges and forced counteraction of the tic. New research examines the effect on Tourette's sufferers when exposed to their own image for a prolonged period. Could introduction of patients' self-image reduce tics due to heightened self-awareness and subsequent self-imposed tic control? Or might watching themselves increase inclination to tic?

Drug to reduce side-effects of 'binge drinking' developed

Posted: 27 Nov 2014 05:23 AM PST

A drug that could reduce the harmful side-effects of 'binge drinking', especially by teenagers, has been successfully developed and tested by a team of scientists. Researchers say that this development may also link to new ways to treat Alzheimer's and other neurological diseases that damage the brain. 

Uterine contractions increase success of artificial insemination

Posted: 27 Nov 2014 05:21 AM PST

The negative impact of contractions during in vitro fertilization is a well-known fact. What was unknown until now was the effect it had on artificial insemination. A new study has discovered that it is the contrary to that seen in embryo transfer: there is an improved chance of getting pregnant. Researchers have demonstrated that the number of contractions of the uterus per minute is a parameter associated with success in artificial insemination procedures.

Stroke damage mechanism identified

Posted: 27 Nov 2014 05:21 AM PST

A mechanism linked to the brain damage often suffered by stroke victims has been discovered by scientists, who are now searching for drugs to block it. Strokes happen when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off but much of the harm to survivors' memory and other cognitive function is often actually caused by "oxidative stress" in the hours and days after the blood supply resumes, the authors explain.

Leading medical experts call for an end to UK postcode lottery for liver disease treatment, detection

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 03:51 PM PST

Leading medical experts warn that rising numbers of deaths from liver disease -- already the UK's third commonest cause of premature death -- will be unavoidable without radical improvements in treatment and detection services, and tougher government policies to control the excessive alcohol use and obesity responsible for much of the national burden of liver disease.

Teens with a history of TBI are nearly 4 times more likely to have used crystal meth

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 03:51 PM PST

Ontario students between grades 9 and 12 who said they had a traumatic brain injury in their lifetime, also reported drug use rates two to four times higher than peers with no history of TBI, according to research.

Artificial pancreas shown to improve treatment of type 1 diabetes

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 03:50 PM PST

The world's first clinical trial comparing three alternative treatments for type 1 diabetes demonstrates that the external artificial pancreas improves glucose control and reduces the risk of hypoglycemia compared to conventional diabetes treatment.

Trial shows new imaging system may cut X-ray exposure for liver cancer patients

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 02:14 PM PST

Researchers report that their test of an interventional X-ray guidance device approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2013 has the potential to reduce the radiation exposure of patients undergoing intra-arterial therapy for liver cancer.

Nervous system may play bigger role in infections than previously known

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 02:14 PM PST

The nervous system may play a bigger role in infections and autoimmune diseases than previously known.

Follow-up on psychiatric disorders in young people after release from detention

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 02:14 PM PST

Juvenile offenders with multiple psychiatric disorders when they are incarcerated in detention centers appear to be at high risk for disorders five years after detention, according to a report.

How do our muscles work?

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 12:14 PM PST

Scientists have elucidated the molecular structure and regulation of the essential muscle protein alpha-actinin. The new findings allow unprecedented insights into the protein's mode of action and its role in muscle disorders. The findings may lead to improved treatments, researchers say.

Forget about the car keys, do you know when to take away your parent's checkbook?

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 12:14 PM PST

Financial management skills can decline with age, which can lead to catastrophic money woes for seniors. Declining financial aptitude can also be a sign of impending memory loss. In a new article, researchers present some warning signs.

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