الثلاثاء، 9 ديسمبر 2014

ScienceDaily: Top News

ScienceDaily: Top News

Injectable 3-D vaccines could fight cancer, infectious diseases

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 02:07 PM PST

A non-surgical injection of programmable biomaterial that spontaneously assembles in vivo into a 3-D structure could fight and even help prevent cancer and also infectious disease such as HIV, scientists have demonstrated. Tiny biodegradable rod-like structures made from silica, known as mesoporous silica rods (MSRs), can be loaded with biological and chemical drug components and then delivered by needle just underneath the skin, they explain.

New model for snake venom evolution proposed

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 12:26 PM PST

Researchers have found genetic evidence that highly toxic venom proteins were evolutionarily 'born' from non-toxic genes, which have other ordinary jobs around the body, such as regulation of cellular functions or digestion of food.

Eleven maps for eleven rooms: Probing the brain's extensive capacity for storing memories

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 12:25 PM PST

The brain creates and stores memories in small networks of brain cells, with the memories of events and places stored in a structure called the hippocampus. Researchers have long wondered if there is an upper limit to our capacity to store memories and how we manage to remember so many events without mixing up events that are very similar.

Hummingbird's hover surprisingly easy to hack

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 12:25 PM PST

Hummingbirds' remarkable ability to hover in place is highly contingent on the tiny bird having a completely stationary visual field, according to new research.

Shedding new light on the formation of emotional fear memories

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 12:25 PM PST

Everyday events are easy to forget, but unpleasant ones can remain engraved in the brain. A new study identifies a neural mechanism through which unpleasant experiences are translated into signals that trigger fear memories by changing neural connections in a part of the brain called the amygdala. The findings show that a long-standing theory on how the brain forms memories, called Hebbian plasticity, is partially correct, but not as simple as was originally proposed.

Toughest breast cancer may have met its match: Protein inhibitor makes cell susceptible to chemotherapy

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 12:23 PM PST

Triple-negative breast cancer is as bad as it sounds. The cells that form these tumors lack three proteins that would make the cancer respond to powerful, customized treatments. Instead, doctors are left with treating these patients with traditional chemotherapy drugs that only show long-term effectiveness in 20 percent of women with triple-negative breast cancer.

Re-thinking Southern California earthquake scenarios in Coachella Valley, San Andreas Fault

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 11:57 AM PST

New 3-D numerical modeling that captures far more geometric complexity of an active fault segment in southern California than any other, suggests that the overall earthquake hazard for towns on the west side of the Coachella Valley such as Palm Springs and Palm Desert may be slightly lower than previously believed.

Visualizing DNA double-strand break process for the first time

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 11:57 AM PST

Scientists have developed a method for producing biological crystals that has allowed scientists to observe -- for the first time -- DNA double chain breaks. They have also developed a computer simulation that makes this process, which lasts in the order of millionths of a second, visible to the human eye.

HPV vaccine, riskier sexual activity not linked, Canadian researchers say

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 11:57 AM PST

Sexual behavior of teenage girls does not appear to be impacted by the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine, according to researchers. Since 2006, the HPV vaccine has been licensed in almost 100 countries. Many of these countries have national HPV vaccination programs to protect young girls against the virus before they become sexually active.

Caribbean gorgonian corals are resistant to ocean acidification

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 11:57 AM PST

A new study on tropical shallow-water soft corals, known as gorgonians, found that the species were able to calcify and grow under elevated carbon dioxide concentrations. These results suggest that Caribbean gorgonian corals may be more resilient to the ocean acidification levels projected by the end of the 21st century than previously thought.

New insights into predicting future droughts in California: Natural cycles, sea surface temperatures found to be main drivers in ongoing event

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 11:56 AM PST

Natural oceanic and atmospheric patterns are the primary drivers behind California's ongoing drought. A high pressure ridge off the West Coast (typical of historic droughts) prevailed for three winters, blocking important wet season storms, with ocean surface temperature patterns making such a ridge much more likely.

Disorder in gene-control system is a defining characteristic of cancer, study finds

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 11:55 AM PST

The genetic tumult within cancerous tumors is more than matched by the disorder in one of the mechanisms for switching cells' genes on and off, scientists report in a new study. Their findings indicate that the disarray in the on-off mechanism -- known as methylation -- is one of the defining characteristics of cancer and helps tumors adapt to changing circumstances.

First step toward pill for obesity taken, researchers report

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 11:55 AM PST

Researchers have taken what they are describing as 'the first step toward a pill that can replace the treadmill' for the control of obesity -- though it of course would not provide all the additional benefits of exercise. The researchers have already identified two compounds that can accomplish that in human cells.

Animal research sheds light on harmful mood disorders in new mothers

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 11:51 AM PST

In the days shortly after giving birth, most mothers experience a period of increased calmness and decreased stress responses, but around 20% of mothers experience anxiety. Some women may become depressed, and around one in a thousand can develop psychosis. The latest evidence indicates that these distressing responses to motherhood are still poorly understood, but that animal research could provide valuable clues to their causes.

Saturn's largest moon is a windy place: Titan dune puzzle solved

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 11:44 AM PST

Titan, Saturn's largest moon, is a peculiar place. Unlike any other moon, it has a dense atmosphere. It has rivers and lakes made up of components of natural gas, such as ethane and methane. It also has windswept dunes that are hundreds of yards high, more than a mile wide and hundreds of miles long -- despite data suggesting the body to have only light breezes. Winds on Titan must blow faster than previously thought to move sand. The discovery may explain how the dunes were formed.

Targeting microRNA may benefit some ovarian and breast cancer patients

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 11:44 AM PST

A genetic misfire called the 3q26.2 amplicon can cause real havoc. In fact, it is among the most frequent chromosomal aberrations seen in many cancers, including ovarian and breast cancers. Researchers behind a new study believe they may have found a molecule-based approach to halting 3q26.2's destructive nature. By manipulating a non-coding microRNA (miRNA) known as miR569 that is part of the amplicon, scientists were able to increase cell death in vitro and in vivo. MicroRNAs are short, non-coding RNA molecules that are important to controlling gene expression.

Does smoking hamper treatment for alcohol abuse?

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 11:41 AM PST

Smoking can inhibit the success of treatment for alcohol abuse, putting people who are addicted to both tobacco and alcohol in a double bind, research has shown.

Punishing kids for lying just doesn't work

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 11:41 AM PST

If you want your child to tell the truth, it's best not to threaten to punish them if they lie. That's what researchers discovered through a simple experiment involving 372 children between the ages of 4 and 8.

World record for compact particle accelerator: Researchers ramp up energy of laser-plasma 'tabletop' accelerator

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 10:56 AM PST

Using one of the most powerful lasers in the world, researchers have accelerated subatomic particles to the highest energies ever recorded from a compact accelerator. The team used a specialized petawatt laser and a charged-particle gas called plasma to get the particles up to speed. The setup is known as a laser-plasma accelerator, an emerging class of particle accelerators that physicists believe can shrink traditional, miles-long accelerators to machines that can fit on a table.

Warm gas pours 'cold water' on galaxy's star-making

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 09:43 AM PST

Some like it hot, but for creating new stars, a cool cosmic environment is ideal. As a new study suggests, a surge of warm gas into a nearby galaxy -- left over from the devouring of a separate galaxy -- has extinguished star formation by agitating the available chilled gas.

NASA's Curiosity rover finds clues to how water helped shape Martian landscape

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 09:29 AM PST

Observations by NASA's Curiosity Rover indicate Mars' Mount Sharp was built by sediments deposited in a large lake bed over tens of millions of years. This interpretation of Curiosity's finds in Gale Crater suggests ancient Mars maintained a climate that could have produced long-lasting lakes at many locations on the Red Planet.

Finding Achilles' heel of GaN-based LEDs in harsh radiation environments

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 07:54 AM PST

Proton irradiation of gallium nitride causes more damage in p-type material than n- doped layers, scientists have discovered. This unexpected finding is important for the application of GaN-based devices in extreme environments.

Complex mineralogy on the Red Planet: First X-ray diffraction measurements on Mars

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 07:54 AM PST

In 2012 the Mars Science Laboratory landed in the fascinating Gale crater. The Gale crater is of such great interest because of the 5.5 km high mountain of layered materials in the middle. This material tells an intricate story of the history of Mars, perhaps spanning much of the existence of this mysterious planet. CheMin is one of ten instruments on or inside Curiosity, all designed to provide detailed information on the rocks, soils and atmosphere. CheMin is actually a miniaturized X-ray diffraction/X-ray fluorescence (XRD/XRF) instrument.

Enzyme identified that could lead to targeted treatment for PMS

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 07:54 AM PST

Low doses of fluoxetine -- better known as the anti-depressant Prozac -- could hold the key to preventing PMS symptoms, an international team of researchers has found.

Confounding factors contribute to unexpected results of trial of renal denervation

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 07:54 AM PST

A new analysis of an important trial of the blood pressure-lowering procedure, renal denervation, shows that the main results may have been affected by a number of confounding factors that partially explain the unexpected blood pressure responses in patients. The analysis identified factors in the SYMPLICITY HTN-3 trial, such as variations in the way the procedure was performed and changes in patients' medications and drug adherence, which may have had a significant impact on the results.

Biomimetic dew harvesters: What the desert beetle could teach us about improving drinking water collection

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 07:53 AM PST

Insects are full of marvels - and this is certainly the case with a beetle from the Tenebrionind family, found in the extreme conditions of the Namib desert. Now, a team of scientists has demonstrated that such insects can collect dew on their backs - and not just fog as previously thought. This is made possible by the wax nanostructure on the surface of the beetle's elytra.

Nearly half of U.S. kids exposed to traumatic social or family experiences during childhood

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 07:53 AM PST

Nearly half of all children in the United States are exposed to at least one social or family experience that can lead to traumatic stress and impact their healthy development – be it having their parents divorce, a parent die or living with someone who abuses alcohol or drugs – increasing the risk of negative long-term health consequences or of falling behind in school, suggests new research.

New approach for treating Alzheimer's disease: Psoriasis drug

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 06:32 AM PST

It seems that a drug that is actually approved for treatment of the dermal disorder psoriasis stimulates the activity of the enzyme ADAM10 in the brain of Alzheimer's patients. It is estimated that about 35 million people worldwide currently suffer from dementia and it is expected that the number will increase to 135 million by the year 2050. Currently, there is no cure.

Drawing lessons from Philadelphia's large-scale ob unit closures

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 06:32 AM PST

What does it mean for expectant mothers and hospitals when there are large-scale closures of maternity units? A new study provides an inside view from hospital staff members in Philadelphia, where 13 out of 19 obstetric units closed in a 15-year period.

Office jerks beware: Your good ideas may not always be welcomed by colleagues

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 06:32 AM PST

Being both original and disagreeable can backfire within a supportive group, say researchers. You don't have to be a jerk to come up with fresh and original ideas, but sometimes being disagreeable is just what's needed to sell your brainchild successfully to others. However, difficult or irritating people should be aware of the social context in which they are presenting their ideas. A pushy strategy will not always be equally successful, warn researchers.

Major Viking hall identified in Sweden

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 06:31 AM PST

A Viking feasting hall measuring almost 50 meters in length has been identified near Vadstena in Sweden. Archaeologists used ground-penetrating radar, a non-invasive geophysical method, to locate and map the house foundation.

Fewer deaths related to RSV than previously thought, research shows

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 06:31 AM PST

It's a virus that has long been characterized as dangerous and even deadly, but new research shows infant deaths from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are actually quite uncommon in the 21st century. Researchers have shown there are approximately 42 deaths annually associated with RSV in the United States - much lower than had been reported previously - and of those deaths, the majority are in infants and young children that have complex preexisting chronic conditions.

Two-headed salamander tadpole discovered

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 06:31 AM PST

Researchers have found a salamander tadpole which has two heads. Researchers noted that while they had observed an incidence of deformity, especially among the limbs of salamanders, in the past such cases of two heads were more rare. The reason for this deformity is unknown, but the chief theories are pollution of water sources, changes in radiation and the influence of a small population.

US Affordable care act leaves many children without important benefits

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 06:31 AM PST

This study is first ever comprehensive analysis to investigate the Affordable Care Act's ( Essential Health Benefit (EHB) as it relates to children. The study found that the EHB has resulted in a state-by-state patchwork of coverage for children and adolescents that has significant exclusions, particularly for children with developmental disabilities and other special health care needs.

Early warning signals of abrupt climate change

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 04:45 AM PST

A new study has found early warning signals of a reorganization of the Atlantic ocean's circulation which could have a profound impact on the global climate system.

Correcting myths about the flu vaccine: Effective?

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 04:45 AM PST

Correcting myths about vaccines may not be the most effective approach to promoting immunization among vaccine skeptics according to a recent study. The research found that debunking the myth that the seasonal influenza vaccine can give you the flu actually reduced intent to vaccinate among people who are most concerned about vaccine side effects.

Cell division induces tissue ordering

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 04:45 AM PST

A layer of cells lines the interior of blood vessels. When blood flows through the vessels, such cells only divide to replace dead cells. However, if there is a blood clot preventing blood from flowing across the cells, they begin to divide actively. New research demonstrates that cell division is very ordered. The new cells move away from each other and this helps to widen the vessel around the blockage.

New technique allows low-cost creation of 3-D nanostructures

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 04:45 AM PST

Researchers have developed a new lithography technique that uses nanoscale spheres to create 3-D structures with biomedical, electronic and photonic applications. The new technique is less expensive than conventional methods and does not rely on stacking two-dimensional patterns to create 3-D structures.

Fracking and pollution: Technology-dependent emissions of gas extraction in the US

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 04:43 AM PST

Not all boreholes are the same. Scientists used mobile measurement equipment to analyze gaseous compounds emitted by the extraction of oil and natural gas in the US. For the first time, organic pollutants emitted during a fracking process were measured at a high temporal resolution using a vapor capture system. The highest values measured by this process exceeded typical mean values in urban air by a factor of about one thousand.

Study offers future hope for tackling signs of aging

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 04:43 AM PST

A new advance in biomedical research could have potential in the future to assist with tackling diseases and conditions associated with aging – as well as in treating cancer. "What we have found is a series of novel markers -- a way to detect senescent cells. What is more, we have shown that they can be used to predict increased survival in certain types of cancer," said the study's leader. "Until now, good protocols to help spot these cells have been sadly lacking. Our research has described new markers located on the surface of the old cells. This makes these markers particularly useful to quickly identify these cells in laboratory and human samples using a range of techniques."

Vitamin C may help people who suffer from airway obstruction or respiratory symptoms after exercise

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 04:43 AM PST

Vitamin C may reduce bronchoconstriction and respiratory symptoms caused by exercise, according to a study. Physical activity increases oxidative stress, and therefore, as an antioxidant vitamin C might have particularly evident effects on people who are participating in vigorous exercise. In several studies, vitamin C administration attenuated the increases in oxidative stress markers caused by exercise.

Scientists pinpoint a new line of defense used by cancer cells

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 04:43 AM PST

A new line of defense used by cancer cells to evade cell death has been found by researchers. The team identified a critical pathway of molecular signals which throw a lifeline to cancer cells, enabling them to survive even though they contain vast DNA errors which would usually trigger cell death.

Correcting metabolic abnormalities may help lessen urinary problems

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 04:43 AM PST

Metabolic syndrome is linked with an increased frequency and severity of lower urinary tract symptoms, but weight loss surgery may lessen these symptoms. The findings indicate that urinary problems may be added to the list of issues that can improve with efforts that address altered metabolism. Lower urinary tract symptoms related to urinary frequency and urgency, bladder leakage, the need to urinate at night, and incomplete bladder emptying are associated with obesity in both men and women.

Older breast cancer patients still get radiation despite limited benefit

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 04:41 AM PST

Women over the age of 70 who have certain early-stage breast cancers overwhelmingly receive radiation therapy despite published evidence that the treatment has limited benefit, researchers report. The study suggests that doctors and patients may find it difficult to withhold treatment previously considered standard of care, even in the setting of high quality data demonstrating that the advantages are small.

Unusual electronic state found in new class of unconventional superconductors

Posted: 08 Dec 2014 04:41 AM PST

Scientists have discovered an unusual form of electronic order in a new family of unconventional superconductors, giving scientists a new group of materials to explore to understand the ability to carry current with no energy loss. Harnessing the power of superconductivity, or the ability of certain materials to conduct electricity with zero energy loss, is one of the most exciting possibilities for creating a more energy-efficient future.

Narrow subset of cells is responsible for metastasis in multiple myeloma, study finds

Posted: 07 Dec 2014 07:28 PM PST

Although it is among the most highly metastatic of all cancers, multiple myeloma is driven to spread by only a subset of the myeloma cells within a patient's body, researchers have found. The study suggests that attacking those subsets with targeted drugs may degrade the disease's ability to spread throughout the bone marrow of affected patients, the authors say.

Ancient horse DNA revealed human breeding preferences: Leopard complex spotting and congenital night blindness

Posted: 07 Dec 2014 07:27 PM PST

White coat with black spots: almost every child knows "Lilla Gubben" the horse of Pippi Longstocking. But what about the popularity of spotted and speckled horses (so called leopard complex spotting) during the last millennia? Researchers found out that the occurrence of these horses fluctuated considerably in the course of history.

Scientists reveal parchment's hidden stories

Posted: 07 Dec 2014 07:27 PM PST

Millions of documents stored in archives could provide scientists with the key to tracing the development of agriculture in the British Isles over the last 700 years, according to new research.

Novel combinations yield promising results for leukemia patients with poor prognoses

Posted: 07 Dec 2014 12:34 PM PST

Recognizing that leukemia cannot be conquered with a 'one-size-fits-all' approach, researchers are pursuing novel targeted therapies and combinations of existing treatment regimens with new agents for patient populations with historically poor prognoses, according to new data.

Two studies predict surgery outcomes for high-risk epilepsy patients

Posted: 07 Dec 2014 12:32 PM PST

Anti-epileptic drugs control seizures and improve quality of life for most people with epilepsy. But for those who find medical treatment ineffective or intolerable, brain surgery is sometimes the next best option. Two studies explore the outcomes of brain surgery for children with severe epilepsy.

Efficacy and safety of new anti-epileptic drug revealed by phase III study

Posted: 07 Dec 2014 12:32 PM PST

New findings from a phase 3 clinical trial suggest an additional therapeutic option may be coming down the pike. Researchers performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in the United States and Europe on the efficacy and safety of the drug brivaracetam, an analog of the commonly used AED levetiracetam, in adults with poorly controlled partial onset seizures.

Immunotherapy achieves breakthrough result in patients with Hodgkin lymphoma

Posted: 07 Dec 2014 06:16 AM PST

Eighty-seven percent of Hodgkin lymphoma patients who participated in an early-phase immunotherapy clinical trial experienced cancer remission, scientists report. The results provide some of the most dramatic evidence to date of the potential of therapies that increase the ability of the immune system to kill cancer cells. While clinical trials of such immunotherapies in other cancers have shown them to be highly effective in a subgroup of patients, the new study stands out because nearly all patients benefited from the treatment.

Unprecedented benefit seen in worldwide test of a three-drug treatment for multiple myeloma

Posted: 07 Dec 2014 06:14 AM PST

In the treatment of multiple myeloma, the addition of carfilzomib to a currently accepted two-drug combination produced significantly better results than using the two drugs alone, according to a worldwide research team.

Positive data from pivotal phase III study could improve standard of care for Hodgkin lymphoma patients

Posted: 07 Dec 2014 06:14 AM PST

In a late-stage clinical trial, Hodgkin lymphoma patients who received brentuximab vedotin post-transplant lived longer without disease progression than patients who received only supportive care, researchers report.

Immunotherapy drugs improve outcomes in Hodgkin lymphoma patients, study shows

Posted: 07 Dec 2014 06:14 AM PST

In recent years, a number of scientific breakthroughs have led to the development of drugs that unleash the power of the immune system to recognize and attack cancer. For Classical Hodgkin lymphoma patients, two phase I studies are already demonstrating dramatic results.

Benefits persist in T cell therapy for children with relapsed leukemia

Posted: 07 Dec 2014 06:14 AM PST

An innovative therapy against a highly aggressive leukemia continues to show highly promising results in children treated in a pilot study. Of 39 children receiving bioengineered T cells, 92 percent had no evidence of cancer a month after treatment.

Cardiac mechanisms underlying sudden unexpected death

Posted: 07 Dec 2014 06:14 AM PST

Groundbreaking findings describing the link between cardiac abnormalities and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy are the focus of new research. Sudden death is more than 20 times more common in patients with epilepsy than in the general population. Defects in cardiac and respiratory function are assumed to play a role in this phenomenon, but few studies have explored the underlying mechanisms and risk factors in human patients.

Optogenetics: Identifying new targets for intervention

Posted: 07 Dec 2014 06:14 AM PST

The reliability of optogenetics as a method of intervention of temporal lobe seizures, and the role the cerebellum may play in hippocampal function and seizure reduction, have been the focus of recent study. Optogenetics is one of the hottest tools in biomedical research today, a method that uses gene therapy to deliver light-sensitive proteins into specific cells.

Researchers explore genetic basis of early childhood epilepsies

Posted: 07 Dec 2014 06:14 AM PST

A pair of studies provides innovative insights into the genetic underpinnings of childhood epilepsies. Technological advances in genetic analysis have uncovered changes in single genes that account for a surprising number of infantile and early-childhood epilepsies. Though some of the affected genes have been identified, the physical manifestations of these alterations remain largely uncharacterized.

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