الثلاثاء، 30 يونيو 2015

Photographer had a beautiful response when a homophobic client wanted his money back and 10 More

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Photographer had a beautiful response when a homophobic client wanted his money back

Photographer Clinton Lee of St. Petersburg, Florida, shuts down a commenter on Facebook who took offense to his business' pro-LGBT post.

#AskELJames Twitter Q&A didn't go exactly as planned

E.L. James took part in a Twitter Q&A on Monday, and things got pretty awkward pretty quickly

Guy tries cutting a watermelon with a huge sword. It does not go well.

A man attempts to cut a watermelon with a sword. Results are less than ideal.

Here are the places where same-sex couples still can't get married

Same-sex couples have been rushing to their county clerks' offices since Friday's U.S. Supreme Court's landmark decision that granted gay and lesbian couples nationwide a consti...

Chris Pratt channels Jason Statham in 'SNL' sketch you've never seen

In this deleted sketch from a September episode, Chris Pratt does his best impersonation of the tough-as-nails English actor.

Conservative Russians are putting flags on profile photos to offset the rainbows

After the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marraige, some conservative Russians are shading their profile images the colors of their country's flag.

Mashable talks to Arnold Schwarzenegger at Terminator: Genisys premiere

Arnold Schwarzenegger has played many roles, but he'll never forget how to be the Terminator. And that means no reaction when a fireball explodes nearby.

Paris Hilton thinks she's going to die in disturbing 'prank' video

An Egyptian prankster made the heiress believe her plane was going down and captured the chaos on hidden cameras.

Walmart apologizes for 'ISIS cake' after denying request for Confederate flag cake

After Walmart denied a man's request for a cake bearing the Confederate flag, it agreed to make a cake bearing the ISIS flag -- and then apologized for it.

Uber makes waves in Istanbul with boat service

The service, called UberBOAT, will ferry passengers across the Bosphorus river, which divides the Asian and European sides of the city.

Instagram risks some Chrissy Teigen side-eye if it censors her nipple

Chrissy Teigen uploaded a photo to Instagram on Monday that shows her nipple. In the past, the photo-sharing platform has censored such images.

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